Please Read...At My Witts End...I Need Advice..


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Jan 26, 2013
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San Antonio, Texas
Thanks sibi :) I did it tonight. Will wait till tomorrow to readminister the mineral oil if neccessary. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I will post updates here.

Yvonne G

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I was talking to my vet about oral mineral oil applications for a tortoise here and she advised me to give it orally is not a good idea. She said the tortoise can't feel it going down and might aspirate it. If mineral oil gets into the lungs it clogs up the bronchioli and alveoli. She said it was ok to give it with a food item, but not by itself.


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Jan 26, 2013
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San Antonio, Texas
Today has been about the same. :( Not eating and she hasnt gone poop yet. I put mineral oil in the cloaca. I was told it would take time so im waiting it out. Will probably call vet today to see if i can get a precautionary x- ray done just to be safe. But will keep all posted.


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Your weather is still sunny and warm during the day right? If yes, do you offer the warm water soaks outside in the sunshine? I ask this because the torts here seem to enjoy and linger for as long as I leave them when they are doing their soaks in the sunshine---I never leave them unattended during their soaks to assure no overheating (actually never had overheating doing this--now I would not ever do it in the heat of summer or in the heat of day mind you...

I would let the bugger soak for a couple hours...what are you soaking them in (container) I mean can they soak and move about to get motion into the mix? motion, sun and soaking are all a great recipe for stuff to find its way out....

You say the tort only will eat romaine? Have you offered any of these;

Also, if you are dealing with a tort that has a limited appetite and then you get some worming meds in her...her appetite is going to fall even moreso....the worming meds are a poison designed to kill the critters it encounters, which in turn leaves alot of dying or dead bodies in the system saturated with the poison, so it is not unusual for the tort to not show interest in food...especially if she has now associated you with the ill feeling....

You said she went on a hunger strike? How long did that strike last?
How long have you had them now? How long were they together to begin with? Is the one in better mental and physical health than the other---likely the aggressor was just the same with the weaker tort---?

I would not place them back together....just would not. I would relax and give the tort time to come round...also, I would not be quick to worm the tort unless you have test showing she is loaded with them....I would get the tort sun, exercise, 2 hours soaks (and if she protests all the better as this will get things moving) every day and offer her food ....then let her be, I mean let her relax, let her not thing of you and hear the doom and gloom torture tune :)P)....stress is such a tremendous factor in a torts overall outlook and health...


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ascott, is right. On sunny days i put my sully out in the sun in a container to soak. She actually loves it. But worming them will decrease, or stop them from eating. I would see someone who specializes in reptiles to get an x-ray done. They will know what to look for. And it would be better to be safe then sorry.


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Jan 26, 2013
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@ascott- I soak them in the bathtub. I usually soak them for at least an hour and a half. Its been rainey here so they are indoors now. Untill better weather. :(

They were fine together i sepetated them because i figured Shelly the larger one was bullying Piggy. There is such a size difference in them. The larger one has since became aggressive. And the little one has stopped eating. ??? It baffles me.

When they first got here they were both eating great. They have NEVER been soaked not even once before i got them. Only sprayed with water hose occassionally and kept on an apartment balcony.:( The old owner saus he brought them here from New York. He only fed them romaine, and carrots.

No vet didnt test for worms he just gave me worm meds panacur. I wormed the big one she didnt pass any worms that i could see and she has a voaracious appetite. :) Shed just Im not giving Piggy wormer untill she eats and goes potty. I dont want to harm her in any way.


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Jan 26, 2013
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San Antonio, Texas
SMALL UPDATE ON PIGGY....She ate a little tomato..Im trying anything and everything so keep your fingers crossed.:)