Possibly unwell 3 year old Ibera Greek male (Artichoke is his name :) advice please and thank you!!!


New Member
Apr 7, 2022
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I found this “brooder” for $10 much better than a reptile lamp, thank you for the suggestion. Now I am going to figure out the correct bulb. Right now this end of the tank is about 79- which I might leave it because the cool side is 70-72. I also purchased a black wash bin and cutting a hole in the side so the cool side he has a humid hide.

hi! The extended part of the enclosure is almost complete. I’m waiting for grow lights and will add some edible greens for Artochoke. I’ve been soaking him daily. Today he has been out all morning and ate most of his food. He is climbing over the fake hollow logs and exploring every corner. He hasn’t been out like this for about a month! I did buy a black wash bin and added that so he now has a hide that has 80% plus. He has another hide in the opposite corner where you can all the plants. He seems to like both corners. He has a hide that is dryer and one that is humid. I appreciate all the suggestions and feel he finally has an indoor enclosure that is more spacious and gives him more options (humid hide, dry areas, basking area is larger, I gave him a larger terra cotta water bowl he can fit in, different temp gradients going from 100-72). I did post on a FB group and several others with Greeks mentioned them being moody and not eating, but not being ill. Since I only have a little under 3 years experience I don’t have much to go on. I did reread Tom’s care guide and have followed that the best I can. Hopefully this all means Artichoke is ok and juts a stubborn tort! Next up is his outdoor enclosure that I’m super excited to build! Thanks again! Send. A picture of your red foot if you can! I think they are a good looking tortoise!

If there is nothing worrying on the x-ray, fecal sample or in the overall examination, I really wouldn't get worried, unless your tortoise has any new symptoms. t is possible that it is nothing serious and will go away with the measures you have already taken.

Please keep us updated on any test results, new symptoms and what your vet has to say!
I’m going to see what the vet suggest. The X ray is $225 and would like to forgo that if not necessary. I’m thinking at this point a fecal and overall well being check up. We shall see what the vet suggests!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Is he pooping, peeing and eating normally? If so, a blockage is unlikely, and x-ray unnecessary. Of course this might change if new symptoms appear, but for now x-ray might not be necessary.


New Member
Apr 7, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Is he pooping, peeing and eating normally? If so, a blockage is unlikely, and x-ray unnecessary. Of course this might change if new symptoms appear, but for now x-ray might not be necessary.
He’s just not eating like he used to. He will eat all his mazuri pellets when offered but seems disinterested in his greens. I do mix them up and add plantain, clover, and dandelion when they are in season. He loves Bok choy and will gladly eat that. He is peeing a pooping like normal. He was sleeping a lot the last month so I added onto his enclosure and am making an outdoor enclosure in the next few weeks.