Preparing for baby leopard tortoises

Nellie Rose

Oct 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Hey guys!
I'm super excited, I have been researching for months to get ready for 2 hatchling leopard tortoises to arrive and they are finally coming next week on Thursday!!!
I have done a ton of research, I found a reputable breeder, and have their brand new enclosure all set up and planted, even though I am notoriously bad at keeping plants alive.

Their birthdays are January and February so they're pretty well started babies. From Carapace Critters. The breeder has sent me photos and videos of them eating so I'm confident I'm getting 2 healthy babies, I also saw the parents and followed her on Instagram and have been stalking her feed.

I got a pair since I read that leopards are pretty peaceful with each other, but I can always set up a second enclosure if this proves to not be the case.

Their enclosure is a 7ft×2ft pvc enclosed space to hold humidity. When I got my first tortoise 11 years ago I didn't understand the importance of humidity for hatchlings so he ended up with some mild pyramiding, so I'm really focusing on smooth shell growth with these two.
Enclosure is at 80F with a Hotspot around 95, humidity ranging from 70-80% during the day with a spike at night. I've got them on cypress mulch and some Sphagnum moss in their hides. They have 2 hides, a half log and a large cave. I planted some mums (I researched the species to ensure it was one of the safe ones) and fountain grass, along with some fake plants as well in case those die.

I've got mazuri, some grocery greens, hibiscus, clover, a broadleaf grazing mix, and grass and dandelions and banana leaves from my yard to feed, with plans to plant some more weeds and plants.

I'm also adding magnolia leaves for some cover.

Got an Arcadia tube uvb running and an incandescent bulb 100 watt as a basking spot with some slate under it. Wifi hygrometer and thermometers to monitor fluctuations.

I've watched tons of YouTube videos, read the care guides on here, and overall feel pretty prepared for them.

I have plans to build them a space in my tortoise shed once they are big enough, in around 3 years I am thinking. I know they'll outgrow the 7×2 fast so I'll be expanding once that time comes. I've been pricing enclosures from kages and animal Plastics in preparation. I just had the 7×2 laying around empty and figured it would work for a while.

Overall I feel really prepared and excited!!! Is there anything I'm missing?

I'll attach photos of them and the enclosure, still under construction and freshly misted, i need to screw a pvc board over the hole in the roof. Does anyone have any name suggestions? I'm thinking plant themed.

I'm so excited!!! These are my first babies in 11 years!


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Congratulations on your new babies. Among a few other things you would need to remedy, the No. 1 problem is that you plan to keep them together as a pair. They will both suffer because of this, more than anything else. Your pleasure and excitement is good for you, but this plan is bad for them 😞.

Nellie Rose

Oct 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Congratulations on your new babies. Among a few other things you would need to remedy, the No. 1 problem is that you plan to keep them together as a pair. They will both suffer because of this, more than anything else. Your pleasure and excitement is good for you, but this plan is bad for them 😞.
I would just get one as you don’t want a pair, or add a third but then be prepared for three enclosures if needed. Otherwise CONGRATULATIONS!
I just checked in with the breeder and she also recommends getting a third, but I'm still thinking about it. I don't want to overcrowd my enclosure and future tortoise shed. I can always separate the 2 if need be. But want to do what is best. I hadn't thought about one being dominant and bullying. I'm also worried about breeding amongst the siblings as they age. The two I'm currently getting are half siblings from the same father.

Nellie Rose

Oct 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Congratulations on your new babies. Among a few other things you would need to remedy, the No. 1 problem is that you plan to keep them together as a pair. They will both suffer because of this, more than anything else. Your pleasure and excitement is good for you, but this plan is bad for them 😞.
Noted and working on rectifying, thank you.
What are the other things I need to change?

Nellie Rose

Oct 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Update: I'm getting a 3rd baby and going to give that a shot. We'll see what happens though, and I'm prepared to build 3 different enclosures. I have room in the yard for different pens and night boxes, as well as space in my soon to be shed for another enclosure.


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The moss, remove it can cause impactions and limb/neck in insides entanglement.
The basking needs to be a FLOOD bulb not spot bulb so double check that or it will still cause pyramiding.
Other than that, be sure to stay off FB, YouTube, Reddit, etc.for tortoise care. They are lousy places for proper care.

Nellie Rose

Oct 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
The moss, remove it can cause impactions and limb/neck in insides entanglement.
The basking needs to be a FLOOD bulb not spot bulb so double check that or it will still cause pyramiding.
Other than that, be sure to stay off FB, YouTube, Reddit, etc.for tortoise care. They are lousy places for proper care.
I'll get rid of the moss, thank you. Anything else I can do to help keep humidity where it needs to be?
The basking is a flood bulb, I learned that last year when I got my sulcata.
And already am lol, except YouTube, I watch a few creators there who's advice mostly lines up with the card guides here, but overall I'm trying to follow the care I find on this forum since it seems to be the most thorough.
Thank you!

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