Pretty bummed/pissed


5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2013
I've never had the issue of my rental application being denied due to the number of animals I own since I moved to Northern California. I've spent hundreds of dollars this month on background checks and applications with no luck. I know you people out there who have rentals will side with the property owners but I really don't think I'm being unreasonable and I have great a great rental history.
here is what I have been offering. $2k extra on deposit, increase rent $100 per month, and get a statement signed and notarized saying that if the carpet or paint is damaged in any way while I am living there I will replace it at my own expense. I have offered the property managers to come look at my animals living conditions now and have sent pictures of every animal to them. I let them know I am a vet tech and provide the best care for all my pets as well. I just don't get it...
Sorry for my rant as I am extremely flustered.
Anyone have any ideas?

Here's a list of my animals.
4 torts
4 geckos
2 ball pythons
1 Rosie boa
1 panther chameleon
2 cats
1 dog (service dog)

I am not looking at anything small like apartments or condos. Looking at 4+ bdr houses with garage and yard...

T33's Torts

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Jun 23, 2013
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We've been having the same problem.. Found a house (4bdrm/2.5 bath) in LA, but they literally made me take all of my pets to the house owner to be 'examined'. It was so irritating! They sat there for 2 hours poking at my torts. No sympathy what so ever. I was so close to screaming, but I needed the house. After all the hassle, here I am! So, no matter the trouble, persevere! Good luck my friend!

And whatever you do, DO NOT get rid of any of your animals. I had to give my dogs to my aunt, and its the ONE regret I have.


5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2013
tffnytorts said:
We've been having the same problem.. Found a house (4bdrm/2.5 bath) in LA, but they literally made me take all of my pets to the house owner to be 'examined'. It was so irritating! They sat there for 2 hours poking at my torts. No sympathy what so ever. I was so close to screaming, but I needed the house. After all the hassle, here I am! So, no matter the trouble, persevere! Good luck my friend!

And whatever you do, DO NOT get rid of any of your animals. I had to give my dogs to my aunt, and its the ONE regret I have.

Ugh that would be a lot of work for me to bring all my animals to the the property owner.
That sucks you had to give your dogs to your aunt. My animals are a huge part of my life and could never give any of them up.


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I am a landlord. What you need to remember is this. There are more bad renters then good. It's our property that will get destroyed, not yours and we don't always get to recoup the damages, usually never the full price, even though renters think we do. The laws are on your side, not ours. If you don't want to abide by their contract, you don't have too. I am a big animal lover. Have many myself. I have allowed animals, dogs, cats, guinea pig. I have also dealt with not really bad renters, but ones whose idea of clean is not mine. Renters don't abide by the contract. Mine is written for a 1st grader to understand, yet renters don't. I would not allow all the animals you have. It's my investment, not yours. Only the one with something too loose will care about the property. Sorry for your frustration. I do understand there are also bad landlords. Also understand, everyone cleans up their act when they are looking for another place to live.


5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2013
wellington said:
I am a landlord. What you need to remember is this. There are more bad renters then good. It's our property that will get destroyed, not yours and we don't always get to recoup the damages, usually never the full price, even though renters think we do. The laws are on your side, not ours. If you don't want to abide by their contract, you don't have too. I am a big animal lover. Have many myself. I have allowed animals, dogs, cats, guinea pig. I have also dealt with not really bad renters, but ones whose idea of clean is not mine. Renters don't abide by the contract. Mine is written for a 1st grader to understand, yet renters don't. I would not allow all the animals you have. It's my investment, not yours. Only the one with something too loose will care about the property. Sorry for your frustration. I do understand there are also bad landlords. Also understand, everyone cleans up their act when they are looking for another place to live.

Thanks Barb, I know you are a landlord and was hoping you would chime in.
I understand your point of view about people cleaning up their act and it's not my property to lose. This is just very frustrating as I have leased 5 houses over the years and have always gotten my deposit back. I take very good care of my personal belongings and the home I live in. I am OCD with cleanliness and love gardening, so I maintain the landscape nicely.
Just curious as to what animals you would not allow and why.

Also I am offering $2k additional to deposit and will replace carpet and paint. Is that not enough?


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First I didn't read right the 2k replace carpet and paint. I thought they wanted that and you were arguing it. Second, it's not any one of your animals. It's the number.
Of course each case should be dealt with on its own merit. Not interviewing you or seeing your references, etc, if a rental agency came to me and said, so and so wants to rent your apartment and these are the animals she/he has, I would instantly say no. If you wanted to meet with me and convince me to rent too you, then there could possibly be a change of heart on my part, mainly because I do love animals. However, also knowing the things renters will do, say, deny, hide, etc. it would take a lot too say okay. Even you offering to replace carpet and paint. Say they excepted those terms. You move in. At some point you move out and don't replace carpet or paint. They take you too court. They loose. Why, because it's small claims and most judges will see the landlord as the bad guy and the contract not legal or binding for whatever reason they can come up with. Mainly court is not to make someone rich, but too make them whole again. Your offer could be perceived as illegal as it would be making them more then whole. My husband told one of our renters they could paint, as long as they painted it back to the color it was before they move out. They painted it red. The original color was beige or cream. Do you know how hard it is to cover red? Can you imagine the bad, one coat job they did. Then had the nerve to ***** at us, when we took money from their deposit to paint it back the right way. We don't even hire out the job. We do it our selves, saving them money, yet we get the crap. You know how clean you are, how honest you are, etc. The landlord doesn't. If you really want the place and if they are putting you through hoops to get it, it may be their way of knowing, if you go through all the hoops, you will take care of the place. Usually landlords have been burned more then they haven't.


5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2013
Thanks Barb,
I am well aware of how many bad renters are out there which is why I am suggesting the increased deposit and rent and to replace carpet and paint. I have been trying to get the property manager to take a look at my animals for a week or so now (he apparently has to inspect them in the current living conditions before the owner will look at them).

I'm sorry you've had some pain in the *** tenants. I definitely understand where you're coming from and would be pissed off if someone had done that to my property.


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Good luck. I do hope you get the place you want. Most landlords that will except animals, usually will be fair about it, but still keeping in mind the damage if any that could be done. Also, another factor that plays a big part is law suits. Even though they are not our animals, if we knowingly allow a potentially dangerous pet, we could be sued if something were to happen. We would probably win, as they are not ours, but, it's still the hassle and loss of wages, attorney fees, etc, that we would incur and may not be able to recoup. Thanks for understanding our side too. Believe me, most of us understand your side also. It's a hard way sometimes for all parties.

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Why rent ? Why waste money ? Why not buy ? If you have to move sale or rent it . I don't see giving money away a house is a investment that you can make money on . If you have the credit to rent Why not buy ??


The Dog Trainer
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This is a hard call. Just like you, I have a bunch of animals, so I'd be sympathetic to your cause. From what you've written, I'd love to have you as a renter. Most of my friends and coworkers are in the same boat too.

I've got no help to offer, but I wish you good luck and hope it works out for you.


5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2013
mike taylor said:
Why rent ? Why waste money ? Why not buy ? If you have to move sale or rent it . I don't see giving money away a house is a investment that you can make money on . If you have the credit to rent Why not buy ??

Not quite ready to buy in California. I have property in Hawaii that I have been contemplating moving back to but i wouldn't be able to bring my snakes as they are illegal to own as pets there. I like to move every year or two till I can afford a nice chunk of property in an area I'm comfortable. I know you guys probably think it's stupid but if you knew me you would understand

Tom said:
This is a hard call. Just like you, I have a bunch of animals, so I'd be sympathetic to your cause. From what you've written, I'd love to have you as a renter. Most of my friends and coworkers are in the same boat too.

I've got no help to offer, but I wish you good luck and hope it works out for you.

Thanks Tom, appreciate the kind words.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Then do yourself a sold and keep your animals on the down low . If they don't know they can't say no . I have a dog and a cat .... smile and sign .. ha ha snakes in a closet tortoise in an enclosure in a bedroom. If you are as clean as you say no one will ever know . Don't let me talk you into anything I'm an instigator. You know whats best for you nobody can tell whats best but you . I don't understand about snakes and tortoises as being looked down on . I could see the not wanting dogs and cats . I have been keeping snakes over 20 years and never in all that time has one ever pooped on the floor or eaten the carpet thats more than I can say for a dog . My bulldog ate my couch !! Pooped on the rug and barfed up his lunch on the rug . My torts that live inside are in enclosures so the can't heart anything . I don't rent out anything so I don't understand why the reptiles would be a problem . Its the dog and cat I would say no to . Sorry but I have dogs but not because I like them because my wife and kids do and its my job to make sure they are happy . Good luck .


5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2013
bigred said:
If I were you I wouldnt tell them about all of your animals

That may be the rout I'm going to go. By nature I am a very honest person and do not like to lie, this is why I've always been straight forward about my pets.


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Then do yourself a sold and keep your animals on the down low

This is the first thing that came to mind here as well...I mean, you will need to disclose the dogs/cats...and likely pay the deposits...these are likely the critters that the landlord is most familiar with and that have been the culprits in the past for them...

I mean, if no big ordeal is made about a "turtle" or a "lizard thing" them what is the harm???

T33's Torts

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Jun 23, 2013
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Re: RE: Pretty bummed/pissed

DevilsLettuce said:
bigred said:
If I were you I wouldnt tell them about all of your animals

That may be the rout I'm going to go. By nature I am a very honest person and do not like to lie, this is why I've always been straight forward about my pets.

I'm not supposed to have furry animals... I have a bunny. ... nah. Not furry. :p;);)


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Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
By nature I am a very honest person and do not like to lie, this is why I've always been straight forward about my pets.

Honestly, I am as well. I have learned that there is alot to say about "presentation" of information vs the actual body of information....


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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DevilsLettuce said:
bigred said:
If I were you I wouldnt tell them about all of your animals

That may be the rout I'm going to go. By nature I am a very honest person and do not like to lie, this is why I've always been straight forward about my pets.

But would you lie to be able to keep your pets?


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Lying isn't the route to go. If they should request an inspection, or say they need the apt to do some work, you're screwed. That could lead to being thrown out, bad reference, lost of deposit, not to mention no time to find another place.

Another thing to consider is renters insurance. You may look into a company willing to underwrite a policy that will protect the owners assets and allow you to rent to a reasonable owner. I do add, though, most underwriters won't insure you, and if they do, you'll be paying out of the Ying yang. But it may be worth a try.

I would first try to get renters insurance, then use that as leverage to rent. Or, I would apply for a house loan with no down payment required. Lastly, look into buying in southern states where the temps are great for your animals, and the laws are less restrictive. Best to you.

I agree with Mike. If they don't ask, don't tell. Most are concerned with cats and dogs. I rented a house before buying and the owners didn't allow animals. I was asked if I had cats and/or dogs, and I said no. Had turtles, though. But since they didn't ask, I left it alone. Even with inspections and repairs, they never made an issue of it.