Questions... how often to change substrate & feeding

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10 Year Member!
5 Year Member
Jun 18, 2008
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Los Angeles
I am new to tortoises and just got my RT last week, named Yuri :) I read everything I could find and finally decided on a sand, dirt and pellets for the substrate. Petco does not recommend sand because the tort might accidentally eat it and so I won't use it in the future. My question is how often to change the substrate. I have been able to pick up his 'mess' or he has been going in the water when I've soaked him so the substrate is staying clean. Also, I have been feeding him once or twice a day and he eats it all. He loves the spring mix and carrots. How long can he go without eating? I had a Florida Box Turtle and he sometimes went several days without eating (mealworms). Any help you can give me is appreciated. Thanks. And lastly.... how can you tell how old he is?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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How often to change it will depend on several things. First off, I am not sure what kind of pellets your using. Some of those need quite frequent changing. I use the Bed-A-Beast/sand mixture myself. With that, I of course do the constant spot cleaning of stools, old food and the like. I also keep mixing it up every few days. I normally change it completely twice a year in the bigger enclosures. Summer months they are outside, so that makes about every four months for me. I do add some when it needs it in between times and like I said, remove what looks soiled.

In some of my smaller housings, it gets cleaned out up to once a month, but usually every two months. Just depends on the amount of animal per space, what and how much they eat, ect..,

How long can they go without eating? If starting at a good weight and health they could last for a month or so if they had to. Often happens with very sick ones. Not something I would want to try to see how long they could go for. Russians tend to be little piggies and will eat everything they can, any time it's offered. Very easy for them to get overweight.

Normally it's suggested that carrots be given only like once a month or so. (I know they do love their carrots don't they? Are you trying to give your Russian other good things to eat? Variety is the key, plus remembering to try to avoid most fruits.


10 Year Member!
5 Year Member
Jun 18, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Los Angeles
Thanks for the info...I did use Bed-A-Beast/sand and then on top used Critter Country (all grass fiber pellet). I didn't know about the carrots. Since we just got him last week, its been spring mix, romaine and carrots but tomorrow I am going to try some hibiscus flowers and leaves. I want to add one dietary change at a time so that I can see how he does with it. He is a little piggy so I will have to be careful.
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