Quick Question?

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Apr 27, 2012
Hi again,

Just a quick, potentially noobish question, I really want a tortoise, my gf really wants a small lizard - gecko or skink or something similar.

Can you keep them in the same viv? or would they need their own homes?



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NO!!!!!!! They need there own homes. Please do lots of research before you purchase either. Do your research here it is very up to date. Both are a 20 plus year comitment a tort can live for 80 plus years so it is not something to jump in to :) Good luck!


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JoesMum said:
They need their own homes. The care and conditions for each will be very different.

Ditto. Not only would the care requirements be vastly different, but you also have to think about food competition and behavior. Sometimes tortoises can be aggressive and "nip" lizard toes, and likewise, lizards can climb/scamper around and on the tortoise, stressing it out, which can lead to it not eating.

Since geckos are generally small and require little space (compared to a tortoise), it may be very possible for you both to have your wish and have separate enclosures for each animal.


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Apr 27, 2012
I've done a lot of tort research, the lizard thing is a new idea, as the gf misses her old gecko, so she knows how to care for that ok, but i was going to serprise her with it, so thought i'd ask here if they'd be happy together, but if not thats not a problem =)

Cheers for the quick replies ^_^

StudentoftheReptile said:
JoesMum said:
They need their own homes. The care and conditions for each will be very different.

Ditto. Not only would the care requirements be vastly different, but you also have to think about food competition and behavior. Sometimes tortoises can be aggressive and "nip" lizard toes, and likewise, lizards can climb/scamper around and on the tortoise, stressing it out, which can lead to it not eating.

Since geckos are generally small and require little space (compared to a tortoise), it may be very possible for you both to have your wish and have separate enclosures for each animal.

it was more of a money saving idea, if i could put both together as I'm planning on getting a tort soon anyways it was only going to be £30-50 extra to throw the lizard in there, setting up a second enclosure would cost a chunk more though, so it might have to wait until her birthday in august :3


The Dog Trainer
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Definitely two different enclosures, but I'm wondering what tortoise species you are liking so far. Look into Northern Blue Tongue Skinks for lizards. They are an ideal reptile pet in every way. Easy to keep and feed, friendly, hardy. Much more interactive than the geckos.


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Apr 27, 2012
so far i'd thought about a berber skink, saw one in the pet shop today and it was following me around as i walked past its enclosure, he was a cheeky little fellow!

for me i was thinking either hermann or horsfield tort, both seem quite good for a first tort, and are afordable, and seem to do well in a UK climate from what i've read so far, and don't grow TOO big that I'd have trouble with them if I were to move house etc.


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Apr 27, 2012
and from what I gather its a valued opinion!

the gf is rather upset about not getting a job she was really hoping for, so might do a cheeky early birthday gifting :3

but that would likely put off my tort puchasing at least another month =/


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Hobb said:
and from what I gather its a valued opinion!

the gf is rather upset about not getting a job she was really hoping for, so might do a cheeky early birthday gifting :3

but that would likely put off my tort puchasing at least another month =/
What price true love eh? ;)

As far as purchasing a tortoise is concerned, do give Tom's Beginner Mistakes thread a read - there's loads of useful information.


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Apr 27, 2012
I'm already familiar with that thread =D tis a very useful read!

Before I asked on here yesterday I text a lizard enthusiast/breeder about my question, he said the same thing as well.

However when the conversation moved on he said that I should keep a tortoise in a vivarium and not a tortoise table set up like I was planning, to better contain the heat and direct UV...

Lizard info I'd definitely trust him on 100% but the viv vs table thing for the tort seems odd, as I see many threads on here about table set ups...


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Vivs are great for hatchlings IMO, but they are rapidly outgrown.

As a beginner tort, I wouldn't get a hatchling and would get a table. You have more options on space. It doesn't have to be anything expensive, a second hand book case with the shelves knocked out makes a great table.

Your tort will appreciate an outdoor enclosure in summer too.

Also, many torts are more content when they can't see outside. If they know there is somewhere else to go, they want to be in it!


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Apr 27, 2012
When you say "wouldn't get a hatchling" how young are you talking?

I was planning, for now at least, at starting with one of those under bed storage crates at least until I get my own place and can more space to keep the little guy, as for now the little guy would be in my room so am a tad limited for space,


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Apr 27, 2012
Hmm ok then, I'll bear that in mind when I start shopping ^_^


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Tom said:
Definitely two different enclosures, but I'm wondering what tortoise species you are liking so far. Look into Northern Blue Tongue Skinks for lizards. They are an ideal reptile pet in every way. Easy to keep and feed, friendly, hardy. Much more interactive than the geckos.

I have a blue tongued skink lizard in addition to my box turtles. I've had my BTS for 12.5 years and I have to say Tom is right on. Friendly, personable, so easy to care for, and in 12.5 years he has never even once had to see a vet. A piece of cake to take care of compared to my boxies!....LOL

I do love the leopard geckos too, though.


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Apr 27, 2012
Thanks again for all the help so far! the gf used to have a leopard gecko, but it ate some sand which compacted =( but from the looks of it we're getting her a Berber Skink now ^_^

Today we visited a few local pet stores, swooned over the torts and lizards within and more importantly started looking at the sorts of things we'll need to kit out our new pets.

I figured its probably a good idea to get the enclosures set up before we buy the little rascals, I have a lot of friends who keep and breed various lizards that can help with the skink enclosure, but basically he's going to get a proper vivarium, a tube light for UVB and a basking light. the details of which I hope my friends can sort out easily enough.

But for my tortoises needs, I'm not 100% what to go for. As I don't have all the money in the world I'm hoping to start him off in a cheaper enclosure, and once I've got the money improve it as needed.


My plan so far is a underbed storage box, I found one today in Homebase, that will fit perfectly on top of one of my chest of drawers. It's 38"x16" - roughly how long/old will that last a horsfield? The container is not overly deep, so I think it could be more constrained by how long the tort gets before it can climb out =p


Next, I read lots of info about making sure you use the correct substrate, and often with lists of what not to use, but what would be best for a horsfield?

Lighting and Heating:

To make things easier I'd like to try and cover lighting a heating in one lamp, but with inexperience I'm not sure how feasible this is. Would something like http://www.exo-terra.com/en/products/solar_glo.php in an old bedside table lamp do the job? if not what would be the best way to go?


Is this something I need to worry about? if so what and why etc?

and is there generally anything else I need to consider before hand?

Cheers again <3


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5 Year Member
Apr 27, 2012
shameless bump for the good of tortoise knowledge! <3
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