Red eye lid on russian tortoise


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Update: behaviour still normal, eating and pooping fine. Eye a little less red, but still seems a bit puffy. Other eye normal. Picture attached.View attachment 369534
It does still look puffy and irritated bless him, but looking at the pictures I agree that the redness has gone down, which is a step in the right direction😊did you manage to get some saline to clean it with?🙂 definitely continue monitor it, but it’s good it doesn’t appear any worse and he’s still behaving normal👍🏻


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5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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It's good that you care so much for your cute tortoise. I hope his eyelids problem gets better. However, my opinion, and I am sure it is shared by others here, is that this is a tortoise and not a puppy or a kitten, and he needs to be kept properly in a suitable enclosure with the right conditions, and not loose in your home and all over the place with you. The longer you have him living like this, the greater the risk to his health and his life.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 16, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
London, UK
So he's never on the floor, always on furniture, and I make sure he doesn't fall off. And then he has his little cushions and "decorations" that are all non-scratchy. He has a corner on my desk, on my bed, and for car rides he has a net carrier that's shaped like a cube.
I have an emergency collapsible thing to put him in if I can't take him somewhere. But he's my child so I suppose it's time to build him a den.
He needs a proper enclosure with substrate, low rocks, hide heat lamps depending on your temps, fresh green food and water. Etc...