Red Foot Tortoise Humidity

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Jul 10, 2013
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Sandy, I've been usung coconut coir for 2 years. I personally love the smell. When warm and damp, it smells so... um, primal.
But... I only use it as a base. I have a topper of damp sphagnum moss at one end and dry cypress mulch at the other. For my new enclosure, I followed other's advice and mixed the coir 50/50 with top soil. We'll see how that goes.
I put smooth river rocks around the water dish in order to keep it cleaner. I overflow the water dish when filling, to keep the base substrate moist. I seeded pretty much the whole enclosure, and am attempting to root some plants. We'll see how that goes since mine, at 2.5 years, are becoming little bulldozers.


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Jun 17, 2012
redtailcatfish said:
What would you guys suggest for the humidity of an adult red footed tortoise, she is hanging out in her water bowl much of the day and I think that her current humidity is way to low (50 - 60%). You guys have any suggestions on how to raise it and keep it raised?

I am more concerned on what your temps are... If she is hanging in the water all day, she may be trying to cool off is her enclosure too warm?


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Apr 26, 2024
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Omgosh how do you keep the substrate dry but keep the humidity up?
I don't have red foots but am intrigued about humidity levels and substrate moisture balance since I have leo hatchlings.
I keep Sir Lainharts sphangum moss in a couple of corners wet and keep the bottom dry where he snuggles. I am afraid of shell rot. Temp is 80F and 85% humid. Plus I spritz his cubby


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Please get rid of the moss right away.
It DOES WORK at holding in moisture and is great for some other animal pets. But not tortoises. They eat it and can't digest it and it causes serious issues.
This post is from 2013. But still relevant


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Apr 26, 2024
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Please get rid of the moss right away.
It DOES WORK at holding in moisture and is great for some other animal pets. But not tortoises. They eat it and can't digest it and it causes serious issues.
This post is from 2013. But still relevant
No I will keep it. I have researched it alot and alot have found it to be ok and know that some breeders use it. He does not eat it no worries. Nothing escapes this mommy… but thank you for your suggestion. Maybe you are thinking of the other reps who eat a lot of grasses and Hayes.


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No I will keep it. I have researched it alot and alot have found it to be ok and know that some breeders use it. He does not eat it no worries. Nothing escapes this mommy… but thank you for your suggestion. Maybe you are thinking of the other reps who eat a lot of grasses and Hayes.
We have very experienced tortoise keepers here on TFO...we are on the forefront of new and important information and changes in the way we kept tortoises. We and I guarantee that if we are saying moss causes impaction that is the absolutely truth. You came here asking for advice, you got some very important information about keeping your tortoise alive, and you say "NO"??? That is a death sentance. Sad that you refuse to open your mind to new and better came here looking for advice TAKE IT!!


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Apr 6, 2024
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There are many arguments against not using sphagnum moss. In my opinion these can't be overlooked just because your tortoise hasn't yet eaten any sphagnum moss:
  • Spaghnum moss is messy. It can get easily stuck on your tortoises legs or neck because of it's stringy shape.
  • All substrates can cause impaction,, but moss has some risk factors. The moss can further expand in the ingestional track, moss doesn't break down in tortoise stomachs and again because moss is stringy in can wrap around intestines.
  • If moss isn't changed frequently fungal spores in the moss can be a concern. Especially in cheaper, lower grade products. A common fungus in Sphagnum moss is Sporotrichum (Sporothrix) schenckii which can cause a chronic skin infection in humans.
  • And last, but not least, environmental concerns. Large scale commercial harvesting of sphagnum moss leads to loss of peat bogs that causes local plants and animals lose their native habitat. Sphagnum regeneration is slow and can take decades
And after all, as you can see there are other problems than just the impaction risk.


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Apr 26, 2024
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There are many arguments against not using sphagnum moss. In my opinion these can't be overlooked just because your tortoise hasn't yet eaten any sphagnum moss:
  • Spaghnum moss is messy. It can get easily stuck on your tortoises legs or neck because of it's stringy shape.
  • All substrates can cause impaction,, but moss has some risk factors. The moss can further expand in the ingestional track, moss doesn't break down in tortoise stomachs and again because moss is stringy in can wrap around intestines.
  • If moss isn't changed frequently fungal spores in the moss can be a concern. Especially in cheaper, lower grade products. A common fungus in Sphagnum moss is Sporotrichum (Sporothrix) schenckii which can cause a chronic skin infection in humans.
  • And last, but not least, environmental concerns. Large scale commercial harvesting of sphagnum moss leads to loss of peat bogs that causes local plants and animals lose their native habitat. Sphagnum regeneration is slow and can take decades
And after all, as you can see there are other problems than just the impaction risk.
Ok ! Many many arguments for using it. Let’s leave it to individuals to do their research AND more research. And yes all tortoise have their own personalities. Mine loves pebbles so I have to keep my eye on him constantly and he is never without supervision when we are out foraging. He is extremely spoiled. 🤣 my kid

Alex and the Redfoot

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Aug 21, 2023
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Ok ! Many many arguments for using it. Let’s leave it to individuals to do their research AND more research. And yes all tortoise have their own personalities. Mine loves pebbles so I have to keep my eye on him constantly and he is never without supervision when we are out foraging. He is extremely spoiled. 🤣 my kid
Can you add some pros for the moss? I'm not aware of any benefits which only moss can provide...

And keep an eye on your guy - if you search the forum there are cases when redfoots all of sudden started eating moss.


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Apr 26, 2024
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Can you add some pros for the moss? I'm not aware of any benefits which only moss can provide...

And keep an eye on your guy - if you search the forum there are cases when redfoots all of sudden started eating moss.
Readers do your research make your decisions based on that. I’m done. 🤣🤣🤣


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Apr 26, 2024
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BTW I did not ask for advice🤣 it was not I who posed the question. 😀👍


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Apr 26, 2024
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We have very experienced tortoise keepers here on TFO...we are on the forefront of new and important information and changes in the way we kept tortoises. We and I guarantee that if we are saying moss causes impaction that is the absolutely truth. You came here asking for advice, you got some very important information about keeping your tortoise alive, and you say "NO"??? That is a death sentance. Sad that you refuse to open your mind to new and better came here looking for advice TAKE IT!!
As I SAID I did not ask advice as I did not post the question. Just making sure we are clear minds Maggie. Lol 👌


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Apr 26, 2024
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Okay. Unfortunately, that's what I've expected. Instead of sharing your findings you just "leave it to the reader".
Wait? Are you saying that owners should not research??? Should not ask reputable breeders and care takers ??? Remember there are those like you and Maggie and there are others who disagree.
Let it go Alex Red Foot. Readers research read up I went thru 4 and chose two of the four together. Do not know how much more I can offer. 😱 Peeps do get put out when we all do not agree with them. Let it go sweetie.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
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Aug 21, 2023
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Wait? Are you saying that owners should not research??? Should not ask reputable breeders and care takers ??? Remember there are those like you and Maggie and there are others who disagree.
Let it go Alex Red Foot. Readers research read up I went thru 4 and chose two of the four together. Do not know how much more I can offer. 😱 Peeps do get put out when we all do not agree with them. Let it go sweetie.
It's a wrong assumption that I haven't done my research. I've asked you a simple question - do you know any benefits of using moss which can't be achieved easily the other way. It seems you don't know the answer.


New Member
Apr 26, 2024
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It's a wrong assumption that I haven't done my research. I've asked you a simple question - do you know any benefits of using moss which can't be achieved easily the other way. It seems you don't know the answer.
Let it goooooo to long winded and to much texting. Pleaseeeeees let it go!!!!!! 😳😳😳


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Apr 26, 2024
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Let it goooooo to long winded and to much texting. Pleaseeeeees let it go!!!!!! 😳😳😳
You win keep my opinion to myself. Obviously you are the number one most authority on red foot’s how dare anyone challenge 😘😘😘 My bad!


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I won't way in again. Because it seems to 100% not matter. But now I've seen two real and serious issues:
Moss being the first one. It will get eaten and it will then be too late to remove it. And the pebbles. It's probably obvious that these are a serious impaction risk also. And they get eaten if the diet is lacking in proper nutrition.
You also will probably not notice them getting eaten. And then it will also be too late to act on the remedy.
You claim that this tortoise is your child. I understand that. But I wouldn't leave my child in a room with dangerous items in it and expect that nothing bad will happen.
We are trying to help your tortoise. Not bow to your ego.
Your tortoise is in danger. That's no one's opinion. It's a simple fact.
This entire thread is extremely aggravating
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