RES dominance

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5 Year Member
Aug 22, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Robertsdale, AL
One of my Rio Grande RES turtles, I think, is starting to show dominance issues. It is biting the tails of the other 2 RES turtles in the tank. This just started. I noticed it this evening when I fed them. They are the same age, but are growing at different rates. The one biting the other 2 is 3 1/4" and the other 2 are 2 3/4" and 3". Should I just keep an eye on them and separate if it gets worse? I look at them everyday and today is the first time I saw the bites on the tails (at least I think it it bite marks). The 3 1/4" turtle does not have any marks on its tail, but the smaller ones do have bites on their tails.


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Apr 10, 2011
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When you feed them do you drop the food in one spot or do you spread it around? I notice my two will frenzy feed if I don't offer them food in two different spots...if they over lap each other when food is with them...they can accidentally catch each others foot in their mouths any they do not like to lose their food so it can take a moment for them to let I am always sure to feed each in their own starting spots....this seemed to resolve any accidental nips.....I don't know if this could help or if in your case this is even the issue? I wish you a speedy resolve...but if it does not then you may end up with a second turtle enclosure :D


New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 22, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Robertsdale, AL
Well, I have decided to feed my bigger Rio Grande turtle by itself because it has gained 10g in 5 days and the other 2 have not gained anything. The bigger one is bullying the other 2, so it will be fed by itself from now on.
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