RT orange dot on shell and inactive


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5 Year Member
Apr 12, 2019
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Hi. I've been here for a few years and asked many questions over the years with great advice. My 6 year old RT has been very inactive, not interested in food and rarely pooping for about a month now.
He had a successful brumation, following @Tom s excellent information from Dec-March. He was like a new man on awakening and was doing great. Eating, active and things great. He's been out quite a few times in his outdoor enclosure, although Scotland has had the worst summer possible. His weight has been good and roughly a month and a half ago he started refusing his food. Mallow, his favourite, all the splentiful weeds and flowers I've grown in the garden for him. I forage weeds and follow the tortoise table.
He is sleeping, hiding not hungry and not pooping. I bathe him every morning for 35 mins, he has a huge enclosure 8x 4 with UV tube, incandescent 60 w , extra long bright daylight light, a ceramic heater, humid hide, even an oil filled mini heater for colder days. Absolutely everything studied, followed and recommended by this forum. Temps are all as recommended.

I have worried before, but this time I'm really worried. I found a tiny orange spot on his shell. Only thing I've never done is worm him.
I've ordered a feclab kit to check for works, but can't get a poop from him. I get so stressed about this little tortoise that my husband wants him rehomed. I will not do that. An animal iny household is for life. We don't have a ln exotic vet within 100 miles of us. I have dogs, guinea pigs and fish and this is by far the most stressful animal to love ever. I wish I had known that tortoises just shouldn't be kept in Scotland. I researched a month before getting him, but should have realised how stupid to keep him in Scotland. I love him dearly and yes, I know he doesn't love me back and is not a dog.
Please can anyone help me with advice without making me feel like I am an idiot. Because I honestly could not do anything more for this little guy. I just want him to thrive.
Could his behaviour be due to worms? Would a blockage allow small poops to pass? I'm stumped.


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