Russian Enclosure ?'s

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5 Year Member
Jan 10, 2009
I had changed around my enclosure for Snappy and fenced off a corner to grow misc garden plants for him and he keeps messing with the fence. Is he just want back there to eat or does he want to dig in that corner. Do they like to dig in and burrow where the heat and flouresant bulb is, cause I have a piece of stone under his heat lamp. I will attach a couple pics to see what you think.

The main reason I was asking is because I was going to get more to go around the outside to prevent him from getting out. I made this enclosure right after christmas and he has not even tried to or gotten out but would hate to have him try then get stuck on his back. I heard that it is bad for them to get on there back cause it will kill them is this true?


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Yvonne G

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Hi Chadam: That enclosure is beautiful! I DO worry about the short sides. I think eventually he is going to realize he can climb over. In my opinion, they always want to be where you don't want them to be. I'll guess that he sees the growing stuff and wants back there to eat. Fence it off with a no-see through fence and he'll leave it alone. Yes, if a tortoise lays on his back for any length of time it will probably kill him. Especially if he's near or under a light. I've heard that their lungs, being just under the carapace on their back, get compressed and they can't breathe when they're on their back. Some turtles and tortoises are pretty good at turning back over, but some just lay there and don't even try.



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I know mine, and most likely s/he is trying to snatch the food. I would worry about those sides sooner then later. I have watch two of my russians climb up at least a foot before I grabbed them and put them back down.


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5 Year Member
Jan 10, 2009
He has been pretty good since I gave him a new spot to dig nice and deep over by the light. Its kinda funny to see him burrowed in there with his butt in the air! We have made the sides so he cannot get out. It's pretty neat seeing all the plants come up and make it look more natural there for him. Ever since I changed his substrate he seems more perky, I can really tell he likes his new home. Thanks you two!
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