Scutes Lifting


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Lakewood, CA
Hi. I need some advice again on my RT. Yesterday I noticed the two scutes are lifting. They're right next to the area where a scute or two are already missing from before we aquiered her. I've been doing some research and have read conflicting information. I wanted to check here before reaching out to the vet, if needed.

We've only had our tort for about 2 months. They do go pretty hard on their shell. Climbing and flipping often. Their shell has always looked kind of banged up to me but the lifting is new I believe. I'm not sure if this is a new injury from that, something that already existed and grew since weve had her or if there's something off I'm doing. I've been following the guides here but we did get off to a rough start with less than stellar information. We're currently dealing with a case of roundworms, so there's no substrate in the enclosure except for paper lining it and shredded paper in the hides. So humidity is extremely low. We have been doing soaks once or twice a day though.

I read this is or could lead to shell rot. I read to treat but scrubbing the shell with an iodine solution, let sit for 10 mins and rinse then dry completely. I tried this tonight. It's difficult to get under the lifted scutes completely dry. Ideas? Also I'm not sure if this is what I should be doing. I also read that one should do the iodine scrub for more that two days because it stops new growth.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
