Set free or keep


New Member
Jan 6, 2016
Hello. I have come here for advice.
I have two tortoises which have lived on our land for two years (not pets, just happened to be on our land and we see them in summer occasionally when we're lucky enough to spot them). I have never cared for them, they just get up to their own thing. I live in Albania now right on the border of Greece so I assume they are Greek tortoises. Anyway, it's December, and my dog got through one of our fences and found one of them. Luckily no damage done. He wasn't moving so I thought he might still be in hibernation. The internet informed me that he would be too weak to dig himself a second hibernation hole so to hibernate him at home would be best so i did the double box thing with shredded paper and air holes and put him/her in the attic and tried to make sure the temp was between 3-10 degrees as best I could. He was there for two days not moving and I thought it was ok but the third day he woke up and was scrambling around in his box. I read on the internet that they cant go into hibernation twice so I should keep him awake over the winter at home. So for the past two days I have been bathing him and placing food around in various locations (tomatoes were suggested as straight after coming out of hibernation). He drinks while bathing and is super active moving around all day and super strong but he doesnt eat. Only a tiny amount of tomato yesterday. From what I've read on the internet looking after tortoises is really complex and requires a lot of equipment I dont have.I dont have access to a uv/heatlamps and tables, etc. and vets here cater to livestock. Today he keeps heading for dark corners and im worried he's trying to hibernate and I dont think I have the tools to keep summer weather and temp in the house here. I've got central heating but thats the best I can do. So Im not sure what to do. If I put him back outside will he survive better alone or will he definitely die? Simple do-it yourself, low-tech instructions appreciated.


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Jan 3, 2015
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If he didn't eat I would just let him continue to hibernate. What's your temperatures, will it be frosty the next few days?

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Thanks for taking him in and I'm sorry I don't know the answer to this problem but I will tag @Tom and @yvonne who are very experienced and may be able to help.

Yvonne G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
What is the temperature like outside? I think if this situation happened to me, I would try to find a nice, secure place outside in his territory and dig him in to resume his hibernation. Like, if there's a shed in his territory, dig out a tunnel under the shed and place him in it. Or if there's a big boulder in his territory, dig a tunnel under the boulder and place him in it. Then loosely pack some dried grasses or hay over the entrance to the hole.


New Member
Jan 6, 2016
Thanks everyone for responding. The temp this year is quite variable. Last week it was really sunny and warm in the day (between 5 to 9 Celsius) but really icy in the morning and evening. but this week we have had heavy rain everyday and very warm temps even in the morning and evening for this time of year (but cloudy and no sun). Today it was 14 Celsius. Forecast up to the 16th is between 11-14 degrees every day but predicted to drop to 6 degrees on the 17th of the month and further to 3 degrees by the 21st.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Thanks everyone for responding. The temp this year is quite variable. Last week it was really sunny and warm in the day (between 5 to 9 Celsius) but really icy in the morning and evening. but this week we have had heavy rain everyday and very warm temps even in the morning and evening for this time of year (but cloudy and no sun). Today it was 14 Celsius. Forecast up to the 16th is between 11-14 degrees every day but predicted to drop to 6 degrees on the 17th of the month and further to 3 degrees by the 21st.
If you do end up putting him outside make sure it's not somewhere that floods.


New Member
Jan 6, 2016
Update on tortoise condition. 3 days no food. I tried hand feeding; placing food just a short distance in front of him and placing food far away in the direction he was heading to make him think he'd stumbled on it himself but he just walks over it. He keeps on finding corners and sleeping. I am divided as I read advice saying I should keep him active and letting him hibernate so he doesn't burn his reserves. Is he using up his vital reserves now? We've had a few days of heavy rain so all the ground here is puddly and soggy. Shall I want for it to dry a bit and then dig him a hole outside or just let him sleep in the attic again? Oh I couldn't bear it if I killed him. Is he sleeping cos its too cold?


New Member
Jan 6, 2016
What is the temperature like outside? I think if this situation happened to me, I would try to find a nice, secure place outside in his territory and dig him in to resume his hibernation. Like, if there's a shed in his territory, dig out a tunnel under the shed and place him in it. Or if there's a big boulder in his territory, dig a tunnel under the boulder and place him in it. Then loosely pack some dried grasses or hay over the entrance to the hole.
Hi Yvonne, Just to make sure. Should I wait until it stops raining and the ground gets drier before attempting this. You asked about the temps and the day time temps are between 11-14 up to the 16th of the month and then they are predicted to drop. Are these good temps to put him out in? Thank you for your advice.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
If you have a covered area like what I suggested, then I would put him out without further ado. The longer you keep him inside the more likely it will be he will need to be set up indoors and kept awake.


New Member
Jan 6, 2016
If you have a covered area like what I suggested, then I would put him out without further ado. The longer you keep him inside the more likely it will be he will need to be set up indoors and kept awake.
Thanks for your answer Yvonne. Ok. I will get to first thing in the morning. Shall I give him a last bath for him to drink before I take him out and lastly how deep a hole would you suggest I dig? Sorry to bother you again and thanks again for your help.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
The turtle himself would have dug deep enough to be below the freeze line. But if you're tunneling under something I think about a foot would probably be deep enough


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
Hello. I have come here for advice.
I have two tortoises which have lived on our land for two years (not pets, just happened to be on our land and we see them in summer occasionally when we're lucky enough to spot them). I have never cared for them, they just get up to their own thing. I live in Albania now right on the border of Greece so I assume they are Greek tortoises. Anyway, it's December, and my dog got through one of our fences and found one of them. Luckily no damage done. He wasn't moving so I thought he might still be in hibernation. The internet informed me that he would be too weak to dig himself a second hibernation hole so to hibernate him at home would be best so i did the double box thing with shredded paper and air holes and put him/her in the attic and tried to make sure the temp was between 3-10 degrees as best I could. He was there for two days not moving and I thought it was ok but the third day he woke up and was scrambling around in his box. I read on the internet that they cant go into hibernation twice so I should keep him awake over the winter at home. So for the past two days I have been bathing him and placing food around in various locations (tomatoes were suggested as straight after coming out of hibernation). He drinks while bathing and is super active moving around all day and super strong but he doesnt eat. Only a tiny amount of tomato yesterday. From what I've read on the internet looking after tortoises is really complex and requires a lot of equipment I dont have.I dont have access to a uv/heatlamps and tables, etc. and vets here cater to livestock. Today he keeps heading for dark corners and im worried he's trying to hibernate and I dont think I have the tools to keep summer weather and temp in the house here. I've got central heating but thats the best I can do. So Im not sure what to do. If I put him back outside will he survive better alone or will he definitely die? Simple do-it yourself, low-tech instructions appreciated.

If the weather is not reliable, if the weather is rainy and this tortoise was disturbed during brumation and he did well in a brumation box....I would place this tortoise back into the brumation box, place back into a quiet, cool, dark place and leave alone until the weather is advantageous to a waking tortoise....