Sex of Russian tortoise Speedy

Mark C

Nov 22, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Hi guys we're a bit unsure as the breeder who sold us Speedy said Speedy was a girl whilst the vet says it is likely to be a male. Speedy has been aggressive towards the other horsfield we got who is definitely a boy so we've had to seperate them. Can anyone confirm?

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Tail looks long enough so it could be a male, but from this point I can't be 100% sure. Can you make a photo of an underbelly and tail area (hold tortoise back in your palm, so it's looking in the sky and take some photos). If you can make a photo of a tail with where cloacal opening shape will be seen - this should tell the whole story.

And keeping a pair of tortoises together (no matter what sex and age) is usually a bad idea. You've done the right thing to separate them.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
No matter what the sex is, they should never be housed in pairs. Keep them separated always.
The pic your going to post will help us confirm. To hard to tell by the pic above.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hello! Hopefully some better photos will help😊
But yes as the others have said
tortoise of any species should NEVER be housed in pairs under any circumstances, they’re incredibly territorial, behaviours that look cute to us really aren’t, following one another and sleeping huddled up is all bullying the the tortoise world, you’ll eventually see more extreme signs of aggression like you saw. Anyone who tells you pairs are fine, have no idea what they’re talking about.

Small groups are ok when there’s lots of land and the correct male to female ratio

Whilst you’re here I don’t suppose you’d mind including some information on how you’re keeping them?🙂any photos of your enclosures would be great!

Are they indoor or outdoor set ups? I know being from the uk we can’t really house them outdoors year round

How big are your enclosures?

What are the temps like? Ie basking area?(directly under the bulb) overall day temps? Night temps?

What lighting/heating do you use? Packaging photos are good!

What kind of indoor uv do you use?

What’s your substrate and how’s your humidity reading?

How’s their diet been?🙂

Anyway additional photos/info would be really good😁

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