Shell Rot? And what can I do!


New Member
Nov 25, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Orlando, Fl
So I have had Rocket for a week, and might I say he gets into no end of trouble. Less than 24 hours after bringing him home he managed to flip himself over in his water dish. Still not sure how he did it since he went in and out of it a few times before with no issue. While in my panic induced state, I noticed his bottom shell had begun to change colors. Now when I got him, his shell was all the typical tannish color. However his siblings had coloring similar to this so I figured since he hatched later he was just growing or something of the sort. The breeder is well known in my area and is head of a rehabilitation group in the bay area. Still, I took a photo for reference, which is the one where his head is poking out.

Fast forward to today. I had to leave him in the charge of parents for the day and surprise surprise they never switched over his light. So his day lamp was on from 10 AM to 7 AM the following morning when I got home. The thermostat said it was 90 degrees. So I switched over lamps. When I picked him up a few hours later I noticed his shell had become almost lumpy, with an indent in the lower right quadrant. Today's photo is the one with his head stuck inside.
So, Is this shell rot? I looked up signs and everything I saw mentioned white spots. Which I don't notice, but I still want to be safe. I can't believe it's only been a week and he's already having these kinds of issues!
Shell1.jpg Shell2.jpg


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There's no indication of shell rot. Is the plastron "squishy" or does it feel more solid? I've read some threads about plastron indents that eventually go away when the tortoise has eaten. It's so easy to freak out in the beginning. My torts flipped over about 3 times before they finally stopped being daredevils (it took some trial and error to find and correct the hazardous spots). That's what this forum's about; a support system.

Btw, use timers for the lights (and thermostats for the heat elements) then you should have little to no issues with the enclosure.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
No its not rot . They get a black marks like that as they get older . The white lines are new growth . Use a small humidifier and keep the substrate dry on top you'll never have a problem . I wash my reds once a week with the hand soap doctors use before surgery .


New Member
Nov 25, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Orlando, Fl
Timers are at the top of my christmas list! Money has been tied up other places at the moment for me so I haven't been able to purchase one.

As for the shell. I just took him out, and it doesnt seem soft. I didn't put much pressure on him so I could be wrong. My mom agreed with me though. But thank you both so much! I'm just a natural worry wart and want to make sure I keep him happy!

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Man, if you go to Home Depot they have timers for like six bucks . You don't have to buy them from pet stores .

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Here is a picture . They work great, but they don't say Zoomed . Haha


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