size and weights ok??

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5 Year Member
Aug 29, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Aberdeen, Scotland
Going to keep a record of Harley and yoshi's sizes and weights.
How do you think they are?? I'm new to this so not sure.

Harley: weighing in at 153grams, 3.1"/8cm in length,
Fussy eater and often waits to be hand fed

Yoshi: weighing in at 54grams, 2.1"/5.5cm in length, 5months old, eats like a pig, anything and everything


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
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Jan 9, 2010
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We'll need to know what and when his previous weights were, his age and how long you've had him.

He's a cute little bugger. Do they live together? This might be one reason he doesn't eat well. They don't like to be in the presence of other tortoises. Pairs are about the worst way to go. Usually they will settle down in larger groups in big enclosures, but when there are just two, its usually the dominant and the submissive. The dominant doesn't even have to "DO" anything. Just his presence can be enough to stress the other one. Just a thought...


5 Year Member
Aug 29, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hi tom, Harley has always been a bit fussy to be honest, I think its my fault for spoiling him and holding food all the time :S
I got Harley in march weighing 112grams and 7cm.
I got yoshi last week so don't have other details for him.
I didn't realise pairs weren't good :( I thought it would be good for Harley. They seem to be getting on fine so far, do you think I should separate them? Sometimes they ignore each other other times they sleep under heat with their heads on each other.

Yvonne G

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Please stop hand feeding Harley.

I took in a little mis-shapen box turtle that had ONLY been hand fed. Besides being all distorted from lack of sunshine and poor diet, this box turtle doesn't know how to eat. The only way I can get him to take food off the feeding station is to hand feed him closer and closer to the plate until he actually takes a bite on his own. I've had him for several months, and he is still starving unless I hand feed him.

So tough love for Harley. Make him eat on his own. Chop up his food and mix it with his favorites if you have to, but make him eat on his own.

I forgot to say...those are two of the prettiest steppe tortoises I've seen outside of ChiKat's steppe tortoise. Very nice indeed.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Well there are two strategies you could try. You could leave them together and see how it goes for a while or you could separate them and not leave it to chance.

I don't intend this to sound harsh, but for the benefit of everyone else reading, it sounds like you did not quarantine the new guy if you just got Yoshi last week and they are already together. I just want you and everyone reading to know that new animals should be quarantined for a few months in most cases.

From 112 to 153 in six months is not a lot. Not surprising if he's a fussy eater. Still that is good steady growth and growth is usually a good indicator of health.


5 Year Member
Aug 29, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hi emysemys,
I know, I've realized its not the best thing to do, I'm learning slowly. I've been guiding Harley towards the food lately and its been working until she realizes I'm not holding :S having the new addition has encouraged Harley to go eat on own a few times. Definetly going to persist with that! Do you think her weight is ok for size and age? Going to weigh regularly now! She has days of picking and some other days eats quite a bit but now I've seen how much the little one eats I'm concerned. I thought the little one was just a hungry monster she has put on 4grams in 2days!!
Thanks for replying x

Hi tom, already tried to post but didn't come up so apologise if this comes up twice.
I got them both from the same place, they said both torts were screened for worms, parasites etc and I specifically asked about quarintine! They said for this side of things it was fine to put together! Were they wrong? I am angry with them if so as they are not a backstreet pet shop, they specialize in exotics, I travelled half way across the country as they seem really good with their torts. I'm worried now, there's so much mixed info out there and I love them to bits! I have them to vet for a check up next week, should I get them checked for anything inparticular?
I think I will separate as soon as I can sort out, as I don't want to lose any of them.
What do you and everyone think Harleys weight should be? Do you think I should try to get a lot more weight on him/her.
The little one has put on 4grams in 2days! Is that ok, it eats like mad.
Tom your post is not harsh, I appreciate any help, info and guidance as I want the best for them!


5 Year Member
Aug 29, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Aberdeen, Scotland
Forgot to say emysemys, thanks for the compliment, I think they are beautiful too :) but I'm biased as they are like my kids <3 love them sooo much!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
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Jan 9, 2010
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In your case it seems quarantine was not needed. Now, I'm glad I qualified my statement with "in most cases". :) If they were both already living together at the place where you got them then quarantine would be pointless. The worm and parasite "screening" doesn't mean a whole lot, BTW. There are many pathogens that do not show up in fecal floats and even if the float is negative for parasite eggs or segments, that only means that the tortoise did not shed any eggs or segments in THAT particular fecal float.

What I'm trying to point out is that there are risks involved whenever you put two animals together. There are disease and parasite risks, as well as behavioral risks. I have found that some people don't understand the risks they are taking. In the past I did not understand either, and althoug I usually got away with it, it eventually it cost me. It cost me a lot. I have also watched many others go through the same learning process and many beloved animals have died. I don't want to make a mountain out of a mole hill, just trying to inform people, so they can make the decisions that they feel most comfortable with.

To summarize, I would not put two russians together, and I would still want to quarantine a new guy, even if the pet store told me it was perfectly safe while trying to make a sale. Other people will make other choices, and some of them will get away with it as I did in the past for so many blissful years.


5 Year Member
Aug 29, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Aberdeen, Scotland
Thanks Tom, you have definetely given me things to consider and re-consider.

As for beefing Harley up.... Is their a weight I should be aiming for considering her age and size? Or if I monitor closely what is a reasonable amount to put on per week?


5 Year Member
Aug 29, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Aberdeen, Scotland
Just a little update,
Had Harley and Yoshi to exotic vet today for a check up and it went really well. Sizes and weights look to be fine (vet is going to double check) and they seem healthy and happy :) such a relief!!
Also they are getting on great, they are so amusing together especially today, have felt like I have twin kids!!
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