Sneaky Squirrel

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The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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emysemys said:
I think opossum get it too. Every so often I'll see one walking around in circles with his head sort of jerking.

Brain tumors will do that too. Very common in domestic pet rats.

Wow did this thread take a turn. I wasn't going to comment since it seems to be a squirrel love-fest, but out here we have ground squirrels. They are one of the toughest animals that ever lived and they are an absolutely horrid plague out here. They destroy plants (all my hibiscus and rose of sharon) and tree roots (my brand new mulberries) and if given the chance they will literally EAT hatchling turtles and tortoises alive.

Okay, now you can all go back to loving them...

Maggie Cummings

Guest sure know how to ruin a good party...but I love you anyway.
and I don't even like squirrels....I was learning some new stuff tho...


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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maggie3fan said: sure know how to ruin a good party...but I love you anyway.
and I don't even like squirrels....I was learning some new stuff tho...

What? Wait... I didn't say anything bad until somebody else did...:(

Okay. Sorry for bumming everyone out. Its just the pictures of the ground squirrel munching on the head of a $300 dollar perfect little hatchling really affected and scared me. I want everyone to know that while they ARE cute and playful and funny, they are sometimes very dangerous to our torts.

Okay... NOW back to the fun...:D

Len B

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The apple is still in the bird nest. We don't have many squirrels here,but every winter they plant pecans and walnuts in the yard just for me to pot and give away. I didn't know pecan trees grew this far north until a few years ago when I was weeding and pulled one up and the nut was still attached,they look similar to the walnut tree.I think the squirrel forgot about the apple, they sure don't remember where they bury the nuts. Never seen a ground squirrel here, we have ground hogs that sometimes venture into the yard. And about 40 years ago I had a pet squirrel, Neat Animal.I have raised many orphan litters since then but have not kept any as pets. Len

Mao Senpai

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Can you imagine... if whatever bird comes back to that nest.... hey what the heck is this doing here?!


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How bout taking it further?? What if some big bird gets the mothery feeling and starts to set on it???Wonder how long she'd give it?


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As a kid one of my GI Joes went missing for awhile. After a storm I found him in a downed birds nest. I guess he had gone off on a solo recon mission. My mom thought he was probably carrying some sort of bird flu, so he wasn't allowed to rejoin his unit. I bet he would have enjoyed eating that apple!

Mao Senpai

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Nay said:
How bout taking it further?? What if some big bird gets the mothery feeling and starts to set on it???Wonder how long she'd give it?

Haha that would be hilarious and awesome !

Yvonne G

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CtTortoise said:
As a kid one of my GI Joes went missing for awhile. After a storm I found him in a downed birds nest. I guess he had gone off on a solo recon mission. My mom thought he was probably carrying some sort of bird flu, so he wasn't allowed to rejoin his unit. I bet he would have enjoyed eating that apple!

LOL!! LOL!! I'm so glad you and Erin have joined the forum! What a fun time, reading your posts.
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