Sphagnum moss and MOLD?! H E L P


New Member
Jun 29, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Helsinki Finland
I just found some mold, atleast that is what I think it is, under my tortoises food bowl and on a rock that lies against the waterdish.

The thing is, I am not sure if it was mold, and what should I do? I removed all the parts that were covered in so called mold. It was very thin, and white.
I just a few weeks ago changed all of the substrate.
How can I prevent the mold in the future?

My tortoise loves the moss, and I have tried out other options with no luck. I cannot get organic, unfertilized topsoil ANYWHERE here and the coco coir was just very weird to use.

I have 3 bricks of coco coir unused left, can I mix it in with the spaghnum moss or do I need to take out all of the substrate in there now, buy new one and then mix in the coco coir? And should I even mix it in there at all?

Also, will this VERY small amount of mold have affected my tortoises health?
He eats fine, pees and poos and passes urates normally but sleeps a lot, but that I think is due to the weather getting drastically colder since I live in Finland.

Chubbs the tegu

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May 9, 2019
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Get some cypress mulch or orchid bark( fir bark) no mold probs


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
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Jan 9, 2010
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not available where i live!
Sphagnum moss and soil should never be used under a tortoise. Sphagnum moss can "burn" their plastron, soil could be toxic depending on what mystery ingredients it is made from.

Orchid bark is available all over the globe. Any pet store will have it for sale. Also called "Repti-Bark" in pet stores and "fir bark" at garden centers and nurseries.

Coir works okay but its messy. You have to keep it damp and you have to hand pack it. It does not work well loose or dry.


New Member
Jun 29, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Helsinki Finland
Sphagnum moss and soil should never be used under a tortoise. Sphagnum moss can "burn" their plastron, soil could be toxic depending on what mystery ingredients it is made from.

Orchid bark is available all over the globe. Any pet store will have it for sale. Also called "Repti-Bark" in pet stores and "fir bark" at garden centers and nurseries.

Coir works okay but its messy. You have to keep it damp and you have to hand pack it. It does not work well loose or dry.
i bought an all organic, non fertilized spahgnum moss

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