Sticky substance on tortoise shell...?


Sep 16, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Hey guys... Just noticed today that my tortoise had some sticky substance on his shell.

After I washed it I realised his shell was bit oily(oiled up and slippery). I am not sure what it is... I am just assuming that something just fell off on the shell.

Do you guys think it is symptom of something or nothing to worry about. He was roaming whole day indoor.


Tim Carlisle

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 13, 2017
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Hey guys... Just noticed today that my tortoise had some sticky substance on his shell.

After I washed it I realised his shell was bit oily(oiled up and slippery). I am not sure what it is... I am just assuming that something just fell off on the shell.

Do you guys think it is symptom of something or nothing to worry about. He was roaming whole day indoor.

Got a pic of it?

Cheryl Hills

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Jan 1, 2016
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Youngstown, Ohio
Hey guys... Just noticed today that my tortoise had some sticky substance on his shell.

After I washed it I realised his shell was bit oily(oiled up and slippery). I am not sure what it is... I am just assuming that something just fell off on the shell.

Do you guys think it is symptom of something or nothing to worry about. He was roaming whole day indoor.

When you say, he was roaming, was this in his enclosure or on the floor? If this was on the floor, it could be anything. He could have got under something, rubbed on something, or got into something. That could be dangerous.

Cheryl Hills

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Jan 1, 2016
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Youngstown, Ohio
floor. Not in his enclosure
That is a very dangerous thing. Tortoises should never be allowed to walk on the floor. He could have gotten into something that could hurt him . They could get stepped on, eat something they are not supposed to, get stuck somewhere, and die. Also, the floor does not have the right temp for a tortoise. Floors are always colder. There are to many things that can go wrong, even if you are very careful, they will still find something. Once you let them roam, she knows there is a whole nother world out there. Then they start scratching and digging to get out of the enclosure. It is best not to let them roam the floor.


Sep 16, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
That is a very dangerous thing. Tortoises should never be allowed to walk on the floor. He could have gotten into something that could hurt him . They could get stepped on, eat something they are not supposed to, get stuck somewhere, and die. Also, the floor does not have the right temp for a tortoise. Floors are always colder. There are to many things that can go wrong, even if you are very careful, they will still find something. Once you let them roam, she knows there is a whole nother world out there. Then they start scratching and digging to get out of the enclosure. It is best not to let them roam the floor.
I have a very small room where I leave him. Floors are clean and the room too have a basking spot for him where he can heat up. He roams there and where he wants heat he go to his place. There are no obstacles. He doesn't walk alot in the room. Just sleeps in his corner and comes out for his food and go again in his corner

jsheffield - In Memoriam

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Sep 29, 2018
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I have a very small room where I leave him. Floors are clean and the room too have a basking spot for him where he can heat up. He roams there and where he wants heat he go to his place. There are no obstacles. He doesn't walk alot in the room. Just sleeps in his corner and comes out for his food and go again in his corner

Be that as it may, you opened this thread because your tort picked up some mystery goo on his shell while wandering the room, so there is some degree of uncertainty about what he can get into while exploring.


Cheryl Hills

Well-Known Member
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Jan 1, 2016
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Youngstown, Ohio
A camera will not help this situation. You don’t know what got on him and weather it is dangerous or not. You can not watch him every minute of the day, you have to turn away at some point. The point is, being on the floor can be deadly for your tort. Do what you want be we are here to help. We have seen too many of these instances where the tort did not make it.

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