Superstitous or not, the timing....

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
I don't know if others are superstitous about things, I'm not but we are all aware of several.
Black cats
Tossing salt over....

So...a couple weeks ago Kerry and head up to NY for the weekend. We have been perfect for a dozen years. and got married in Mar. 10 miles away from home, she hits a black cat. She swerved to avoid it but it was a drum roll under the car....way fubared. Sad but it happened.

Two weeks later we're getting all went off the rails right after rehoming the kitty to God...horrible weekend, silent trip home, seperate beds, the works. We've never even had a fight before that cat! LOL

Really? Some things just make you wonder...


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Wow, weird, sorry.
I'm not really much. But if I'm watching the Chicago Cubs and I walk away or am looking at my phone and not the game and they score, I will do the same thing until they make a mistake. I will kinda secretly peek at it, but otherwise I wait until I feel the jinx would be over to start watching again.
Do something to unjinx just Incase.


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Kerry seems to be a very caring person. She was/is probably very disturbed about what happened. Accidents happen. I agree with wellington to unjinx it. Maybe do something extra nice for her. Oh yah, it's probably your fault 🤣

Cathie G

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One day I was driving down my road and ran over a squirrel. It just about killed me inside. I still cringe when I think about it and morn for the squirrel I hit. It ruined my whole day and this brought it back again. Who hasn't hit a bird? I'm not superstitious at all. The two of you accidentally hit a little black cat and were probably still feeling bad about it. It could have been calico from the same litter. That's kind of like thinking that snakes are evil and the devil. 🤗


The Dog Trainer
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Wait back up... Perfect for 12 years? WTH is that all about? That doesn't seem right or possible... If I went more than 12 hours without arguing with my firecracker Italian wife, I'd wonder what she was up to.

About that cat... I HATE when animals get hit or run over. I see so many dead snakes, rabbits, squirrels and birds on the side of the road out here in the country. I avoid hitting stink bugs and toads on my dirt roads.


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Jun 30, 2018
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When I was driving truck I hit a deer in Texas, it was 2am dark as sin and I never even saw it, the front of my truck exploded...oh sh*t. It was terrible. There are more deer in Texas than is almost impossible to
not hit a deer. It bothered me for weeks as well. But the worst was hitting an eagle in sad.


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Jul 8, 2017
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When Pete and I were driving our truck, we had a couple of days off, so we went into a motel for 2 days. While there, we both worked on some minor things on the truck.

At one point I reached toward the floor behind the driver's seat, and my hand felt something weird. I couldn't see it, so I picked it up and brought it out.

It was a dried up bird, black, maybe a crow or a starling. Since I drove mostly at night, I often had the driver side window open. That poor bird somehow came through the window and crashed, breaking its neck. When I thought back, I vaguely remembered a sense of something going by me one night, but just thought it was my imagination, or a gust of wind maybe.

It's a good thing I hadn't leaned my head to the left...I'd have had a mouthful. And it's strange that the bird never smelled. It had been long enough that he was dried up, and even my dogs never indicated that we were carrying a corpse.

So we didn't hit him; he hit us!

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