The best of FL is from the air!

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
After you land it quickly goes downhill. Every bit of natural beauty has been bought up and a huge price tag affixed, ungodly traffic, nonexistent dinner reservations and houses packaged into Profit Centers called "communities" while they pay an extra 550 a month for HOA fees so bad people don't steal their stuff.
We couldn't even go to the ocean because there wasn't any place to park. Let that sink in!

Wow, just wow.

I told Kerry....i won't be coming back.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Having been to FL a few times... It really does depend on where you are trying to go...


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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I hated pulling a '53 trailer thru the traffic outside of Miami...the grocery stores have huge bugs...lizards fall from the ceiling on ya sleeping...ick...I don't like Florida...probably the worst state


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
I hated pulling a '53 trailer thru the traffic outside of Miami...the grocery stores have huge bugs...lizards fall from the ceiling on ya sleeping...ick...I don't like Florida...probably the worst state
Wow. Sounds just like Jamaica...but here, the grocery stores have huge lizards, and bugs fall from the ceiling on you sleeping.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
It is good to be home at the Nook. I have been to other parts of Fl and as Tom & common sense tell us, they are different from the crush near the Ocean.

This is my 2nd trip to that area......the 1st wasn't any better for me. I had heard about the Sunday services so I stayed home...Kerry told me after her and her Dad attended, "You would have walked out" Large screen TVs all over inside with commercials for 20 minutes, clapping, Prizes, Vending machines........the excessive $$ spent on the building and its furnishings. dang right I would have walked out. I don't need men who promote this, to tell me how to manage my relationship with who I look up to.........

All that aside, there are beautiful parts of the State....I just didn't visit any of them that weren't filled to "crush" with people or buried with rules.

We did have a fantastic Sunday dinner. Kerry made 3 quiches and a ham and scalloped potato's, deserts....a far cry from the disarray but fun we had at her miss-timed Thanksgiving meal! LOL

We had invited some of her Covid-friends from when she was locked down there for 3 mos in '21.
Her youngest brought her older(3 yrs) boyfriend.....and I got to have some fun with him. I asked Mo, "Did you warn him about me?" "Twice, I warned him twice!"

He did well...his family is from Canada and owns a racetrack near Hamilton...he graduated this Spring and it sorting his immigration options. I suggested of course that he simply toss his passport and walk back in...... since it seems to me working for so many others. Heck, he would likely even get paid if he did that! LOL Why should he try to follow any rules...just walk in, case solved! Bam!

He's a good natured man with a gentle soul.....and they are very fond of each other. Cool stuff

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