The hearing aid conundrum-----this group ought to have info!

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
I will turn 66 in a few days.....despite my very best efforts!

I have mild hearing loss and am considering that it might be time to get hearing aids. Thankfully, the rules now allow the sale of real hearing aids , OTC.

I am only looking at the CIC & ITE types, no behind the ear stuff, ego is too large for that. (come on superman with visible hearing aids?)

I was thinking about buying a crappy set just to see if I handle them in my ear before plunging to more higher end aids. Does that make sense? Seems stupid to do when I type and read it! LOL

The information available from the manufacturers is all info about fit and batt life. real in depth specs and there are 50 million different ones now, many just amplifiers that make false claims. Wow.....

So how did YOU select the ones that YOU wear, word of mouth, amazon reviews, all the scab insurance company will cover?

Here's a snapshot of the OTC industry today;
I signed up to receive a sample of the eargo 7, a decent quality product and one of the more expensive of the OTC models other than Stryker......................then 2 emails and one text later, I realized that they were going to make this a "process" they want a phone appointment to "confirm my address"...they actually texted this to me....Really? Are all their clients as patient or gullible? Doesn't take over a 85IQ to see where this is going. Instead of sending me the piece of plastic like they said they would and maybe selling a $2500 device........... Goodbye.

So while the Audiology industry took advantage of folks for decades, now the shisters have moved in.....

So ANY advice will be appreciated......


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Sep 23, 2023
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I recommend you take the plunge on the Good set. The thing you need to remember is once you get them you need to wear them all the time. Hearing aid technology is crazy advanced now days. They are programed to slowly work their way up in volume to allow your ear drum to adjust to it. So if you don't wear them everyday they will keep increasing according to their programing and will seem ridiculously loud to you when you do put them back in after several days of not wearing them. Also gave good communication with your Hearing specialist because they can tune out certain sounds that cause you discomfort. Among other things like getting them to fit good and so on.


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If you are admitting you need them, you need them more than you think.
I can also tell you, people around you are tired of repeating themselves, because you couldn't hear what they said.
I'm fighting that battle with my mom and hubby. Both need them and won't admit it. Yet, what, what, what, what they say, every time someone speaks. It's not fun and it's not fair to you to miss out on what you are missing out on.
My male cousin got some a couple years ago from Costco. He hasn't regretted it yet, wished he had done it sooner.

Yvonne G

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I've been wearing hearing aids for quite a few years. I went with Miracle Ear because of their name (well known) and lifetime help. In my opinion you need to be able to go back to the audiologist as many times as necessary to make sure you are comfortable with your new devices. They adjust them until you are satisfied. The OTC devices might just be devices that make things louder, no adjustments, etc. You really do need that interaction with the audiologist until you're happy with your new devices. There are many brands advertised on TV now that are much cheaper than what I paid, and if you choose a cheaper brand, make sure it includes free audiologist visits


The Dog Trainer
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Here's a snapshot of the OTC industry today;
I signed up to receive a sample of the eargo 7, a decent quality product and one of the more expensive of the OTC models other than Stryker......................then 2 emails and one text later, I realized that they were going to make this a "process" they want a phone appointment to "confirm my address"...they actually texted this to me....Really? Are all their clients as patient or gullible? Doesn't take over a 85IQ to see where this is going. Instead of sending me the piece of plastic like they said they would and maybe selling a $2500 device........... Goodbye.

So while the Audiology industry took advantage of folks for decades, now the shisters have moved in.....
I've got no hearing aid advice for you, but I can commiserate on the state of trickery and BS taking place in seemingly every industry now. Seems like the good old days of selling a good product, with good customer service, and asking a fair price are largely over. Now businesses have to use all sorts of schemes, lies and non-sense to try to rip people off.

Jeff, I don't know if we will ever get back to the basic principals of "right and wrong" and honesty in our society before you and I are dead and gone, but I hope we get back there someday...


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My mother got hearing aids within the last year ish and it had made a huge difference. She got them at Costco, its what her dr. recommended. The technology is amazing, she can control it from an app on her phone so she can adjust if she is in a restaurant vs watching TV etc.

I will say, I agree with @wellington, being a bystander of dealing with my mom's hearing loss has been super frustrating for me and my sister. It makes basic interactions incredibly frustrating and we get snippy far more than is fair to her (to be fair tho, its a trait we inherited from her - so payback maybe?). If you think you have some hearing loss, those around you probably are dealing with it a lot...


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
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Jan 9, 2010
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My mother got hearing aids within the last year ish and it had made a huge difference. She got them at Costco, its what her dr. recommended. The technology is amazing, she can control it from an app on her phone so she can adjust if she is in a restaurant vs watching TV etc.

I will say, I agree with @wellington, being a bystander of dealing with my mom's hearing loss has been super frustrating for me and my sister. It makes basic interactions incredibly frustrating and we get snippy far more than is fair to her (to be fair tho, its a trait we inherited from her - so payback maybe?). If you think you have some hearing loss, those around you probably are dealing with it a lot...
You've met me in person, so you will understand my warped sense of humor here:

When in person, I almost always answer a long thoughtful serious conversation like what you've typed above by scrunching up my face and loudly proclaiming, "WHAT???". This is almost always answered with the snippy frustration you mentioned for just a brief moment until I crack that smile I always crack at the end of it all. What is really fun is that over the years, I can repeat this joke on the same people over and over again, and it STILL takes them a minute to clue in.


Sep 20, 2023
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Pasadena, MD
I used to work for an ENT/audiology office doing administrative stuff before I went into therapy. My advice, buy a quality set with a warranty or insurance if possible. It’s easier to replace a part than a whole set.

Many audiologists actually make commission on the sets they sell, so be mindful of this.

Cathie G

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My brother has no hearing at all only 2% in one ear. Also brain damage in the hearing center. I have a deaf granddaughter but her loss is not as bad yet. Eventually she could have a koklier implant to help her but they can't afford repeatedly replacing them now since she's still growing. She still has hearing aids though and they're cute. They look like black jack candy. I told her she had a rainbow in her ear.That disease runs in my daughter in laws family. My best suggestion from dealing with all that and my own hearing loss is get some help with a real doctor. The doctor could give you the parameters you need. Then you could pick any speaker that you like the sound. .

Cathie G

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You've met me in person, so you will understand my warped sense of humor here:

When in person, I almost always answer a long thoughtful serious conversation like what you've typed above by scrunching up my face and loudly proclaiming, "WHAT???". This is almost always answered with the snippy frustration you mentioned for just a brief moment until I crack that smile I always crack at the end of it all. What is really fun is that over the years, I can repeat this joke on the same people over and over again, and it STILL takes them a minute to clue in.
That's so cool that once in a while some people actually get to meet someone here on TFO in person. I did once also but it was a young guy that worked in the pet shop I buy a few things from. He had a Russian so we had a good time talking while I shopped. He had a perfect excuse for following me around and didn't get in trouble for it..🤗


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2023
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Saint Clairsville OH
That's so cool that once in a while some people actually get to meet someone here on TFO in person. I did once also but it was a young guy that worked in the pet shop I buy a few things from. He had a Russian so we had a good time talking while I shopped. He had a perfect excuse for following me around and didn't get in trouble for it..🤗
I haven't met anyone In person from this forum but I've met a large number of folks from the Model A ford forum I'm on. It is always great to meet people that you've talked to on the regular basis on the forums


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That's so cool that once in a while some people actually get to meet someone here on TFO in person. I did once also but it was a young guy that worked in the pet shop I buy a few things from. He had a Russian so we had a good time talking while I shopped. He had a perfect excuse for following me around and didn't get in trouble for it..🤗
I have met 5 tfo members. One is not on much any more, but we are really good friends even though she lives in Georgia. We text almost daily and meet about once a year. We have had very similar lives with working with vets and showing and raising dogs, and of course the tortoises. I have met Tom and three others a couple times but they aren't very active any more either. All really great people.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
Thanks guys for your responses and I appreciate you helping me.

W is right, my kids and girlfriends have been telling me for years that I need them. I know they are correct. Lori used to notice too, she was before Kerry. I've been with Kerry 12 years in Feb so hmmm, seems like this "has been a thing" for a while.

I grew up in an "acoustic" family, mom taught the deaf & disabled and Dad was an Acoustical engineer. I'm only too familiar with the issues, maybe that's why I've ignored them for years?

The thing that surprised me was that "Dementia is accelerated by a lack of hearing" Swear to God.....I thought it was pure BS till I thought about it for a moment.....and it kind of makes sense....if you can't hear anything, you aren't present for much of life, possibly creating the illusion (or reality) that you are impaired.

I did suck it up and answered the phone today when the Eargo guy called.....the samples are on the way but I may or may not make my decision before they arrive.

Brandon didn't put anything on my plate today so I had all day to read and I educated myself.

NIH(Nat institute of Health) issued a conclusionary report of findings that showed the same level of "benefit" of self-fitting programmable OTC aids as those fitted in a Dr.;s office.

Amplifiers vs Hearing aids

There are amplifiers that must be "FDA registered" as well as hearing aids. This means nothing, just a device registration requirement.

If you seek "FDA CLEARED hearing aids", they will be devices that have been submitted to the FDA for evaluation. This does not guarantee a true hearing aid, but most CCJ(cheap Chinese junk firms) don't bother with anything beyond the required registration. It's a method of thinning the herd.

I still have more reading to do but I want these features. There is some negotiation on the IP level of "Waterproofing" but face it, I'm impulsive and will remember them in mid-air.....yeah, it doesn't go away with age.

FDA cleared
completely in the ear
self programable
bluetooth for Android

This combination is hard to find.....

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
With the list of features I have thought about and selected, there appears to only be two choices if I discount the discount "temu-ish" stuff.

Eargo 6 (Their model 7 seems to be a bust for 2400)


Zepp Clarity Pixie

Both have every feature I want. Both are priced the same normally in the 1800 range.

Eargo is a given but not a great company.....8 separate channels- think of an Equalizer with 8 sliders

To go with Zepp is taking a chance....brand new foray into hearing aids, they have been doing intelligent watches, fitbit stuff. I read their 20 page submission that included lab tests to the FDA.....20 separate channels.

We'll see.....which of them will step up to be my hero?

You know, asking for a 1 time special price is still done................and I already reached out to Zepp. We will see if they respond.


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I don't know how young your grandkids are. But my male cousin that I mentioned above, found out when he had his hearing test, that children's voices, because of their tone, is the hardest to hear. He had tears in his eyes when he realized he wasn't hearing everything his littles were saying. His one little got upset on a horse ride, cuz her grandpa couldn't hear her when she said she was done and wanted to go back.
You are missing out and loved ones are getting irritated with you when they don't mean too.
Give yourself and your loved ones the gift back of you being able to hear it all.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
The Senior Sales rep from Zepp already responded.....she refuses to put in writing but we'll chat later about my options. She may be my hero-of-the-day!

My son is the one I can't hear, he has a very deep voice and is nearly impossible for me to hear on a telephone. That will be a nice change.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
Thanks W.....knowing and admitting our weaknesses is what allows our strengths, to be strengths! Never be embarrassed. It just took me a while. Frankly, had they not allowed OTC, I may never have looked into them seriously. I dabbled at them a few years back and my buddy Bobby and I talked often about his. I just couldn't pay to be screwed.......I know it would have helped but the whole time, I would feel like I was being taken advantage of. I try not to place myself in those situations, regardless of personal cost.

As you in your wisdom have surmised, I generally move once I'm committed.

Stephanie from Zepp Health was my hero of the day, and I told her so as well! We chatted for a half hour and once she stopped laughing, she gave me a professional courtesy price. She asked, after seeing my work email title of Chief Estimator..."what is a professional courtesy? Or what do you think it means?" For reference, she sounded around 50 or so.

I explained that often in business, regardless of the industry, a firm will cut the price for another "professional"...doesn't matter what he or she is a professional, right? Then
I told her, "as you are going to do for me. right? She cut 300 under the Amazon(w/credit card app) price of 1600 for their Pixie model. She did well and I thanked her!

The cost of being waterproof to 1 meter, was 600 dollars! I would have bought their 2nd tier model but I know me, been hanging around me for a long time and try as I might, there's no real self control beyond the basic civilized things. So I was forced to pay for "safe"! lol

Thanks again's pretty cool to have an informal group of old me, that's a compliment of the heart! (you've seen what I have seen- Yikes!)

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis

I got these a week ago......I also got a "sample set" from Eargo.....they all look like they could have come from the same factory!

OK....I wasn't looking for amplification, just to fill in the frequencies I can no longer hear.

They work and don't work.....they do fill in the missing sound....but the base volume, even set as low as they go, are much too loud for me. Opening a bag of Christmas mints is a whole new experience, like breaking glass in my ear! LOL it's going to take a while to get used to hearing Brandon's heartbeat from the other side of the office!

I have an appointment with the Dr from Zepp on Monday.

The Eargo guy who sent me the samples called yesterday and we chatted. He didn't know any of the tech info I was talking to him about but he offered to get one of the Engineers to call me. I told him we'd wait to see if that was necessary but I'm not opposed to ordering his product and trying them as well, then returning one of the sets. They both have 45 day returns, no questions.

we'll see

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