Timi the sulcata has gone missing 😞


Dec 3, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Santa Barbara
I’m afraid my adventure that started with my dog alerting me to a tiny one and a half ounce hatchling tortoise mysteriously appearing in my backyard almost 3 years maybe be ending with my little pal Timi just as mysteriously vanishing from my backyard 3 days ago.
I’ve been in contact with a carpenter who is interested in building her outdoor home but we hadn’t got to the building phase yet. I felt at 20 pounds I could give her a little more freedom in my fenced backyard during the warm sunny days, bringing him back in near sunset.
I haven’t given up hope but my dog who can sniff him out in minutes isn’t finding him either.
( The dog is not allowed normally into the yard
when Timi is there).
My immediate neighbors have allowed me to search their yards too.
I put his favorite snack of dandelion flowers out in little piles each evening and those are disappearing.
Please no lectures I am heartbroken as it is. 💔
I was looking forward to posting pics in about a month to see if you all had an opinion on his gender since he or she would be 3 years old around October 1st of this year.
Thanks for listening.


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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
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I’m afraid my adventure that started with my dog alerting me to a tiny one and a half ounce hatchling tortoise mysteriously appearing in my backyard almost 3 years maybe be ending with my little pal Timi just as mysteriously vanishing from my backyard 3 days ago.
I’ve been in contact with a carpenter who is interested in building her outdoor home but we hadn’t got to the building phase yet. I felt at 20 pounds I could give her a little more freedom in my fenced backyard during the warm sunny days, bringing him back in near sunset.
I haven’t given up hope but my dog who can sniff him out in minutes isn’t finding him either.
( The dog is not allowed normally into the yard
when Timi is there).
My immediate neighbors have allowed me to search their yards too.
I put his favorite snack of dandelion flowers out in little piles each evening and those are disappearing.
Please no lectures I am heartbroken as it is. 💔
I was looking forward to posting pics in about a month to see if you all had an opinion on his gender since he or she would be 3 years old around October 1st of this year.
Thanks for listening.
Don’t give up. When mine escaped I took off work, cried, ordered a tracking dog, etc. and on the 7th day I found him.

If vegetation is thick go out in the evening after a warm day and grid search with a thermal imaging device. Check everywhere. Under every grass clump. With one of these units s/he can’t hide. You should be able to search thermal imaging on the forum.

After being found he was outfitted with a tracker and Apple tag.


Dec 3, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Santa Barbara
Don’t give up. When mine escaped I took off work, cried, ordered a tracking dog, etc. and on the 7th day I found him.

If vegetation is thick go out in the evening after a warm day and grid search with a thermal imaging device. Check everywhere. Under every grass clump. With one of these units s/he can’t hide. You should be able to search thermal imaging on the forum.

After being found he was outfitted with a tracker and Apple tag.
Thank you. Since it is the weekend now I’ve been able to make contact with a lot of neighbors who are working outside. Have posters on poles and wrote in the nextdoor app too.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
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Thank you. Since it is the weekend now I’ve been able to make contact with a lot of neighbors who are working outside. Have posters on poles and wrote in the nextdoor app too.
Of course during that time I read everything on the subject. Mine was less than 100 yards away under a clump of grass. They are usually close. Look for disturbed ground and mine was a little smaller but at 20lbs they leave tracks and move brush they are going through. You know your torts patterns too with respect to time. Good news. If your tortoise didn’t eat grass before when you find your buddy s/he will LOVE it!


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Check about a half hour to an hour after the sun comes up, he may be out in it warming up. Also feel with your hands under every bush, tall weeds, etc. I have leopards and even though I know they can't get out, sometimes I panic looking for them to see if they went in their hides for the night. My one will tuck in under or behind weeds and blends in so well, I pass him up a couple times before I find him.
Look every morning and then again when the sun isn't so hot not not dark yet.
Keep looking.
Keep us posted.