Tortoise table

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5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
Hi :) my tortoise has recently moved into a new tortoise table that i thought would be better for him but all hes been preoccupied with is trying to climb the sides. They are too high for him to climb out of but he is sooo persistant to try, standing on his hind legs and scratching and slipping at the sides.
I dont want him to become stressed and i think its just him being inquisitive but was wondering if this is something he'll give up in a little while. The substrate is much deeper than his old space to make digging better but he just wants to get out!
Thanks :)


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5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
No its plastic like a tub, 6 inches or so high. The substrate is about half this and hes been burrowing in it fine, but dont know whether to make it shallower to make the sides taller so hes less interested in climbing? I was told hes about 2 years old x

Yvonne G

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Hi lawren3105:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

Tortoises are territorial. He is now in a different territory from the one he became used to and called his own. So he's trying to escape and find his way back "home." Give him a couple weeks to settle down. Once he realizes that the food god brings him food here in his new place and he is safe, he'll come around.

Is your name Lawren?

...and may we know appx. where in the world you are?


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5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
Nope its lauren, just messing with the spelling :p im from the UK just north of London.

He is settled now has burrowed nice and deep and chilling out, just didnt want him exhausting himself getting worked up or hurting his head/mouth on the side.

He was in a fully enclosed glass vivarium before and i hated it as much as i could see that he did. Just wish there was more information available to first time tort owners in the places round here. Finally found a lovely girl at a nearly store who told me everything i needed to know, unfortunately after buying an expensive ugly uncomfortable environment first. Now just cant wait for him to be happy in his new condo :p!

Thanks for the reply so quick and glad to be part of the forum now, sharing my love for these little guys!


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5 Year Member
Aug 16, 2011
I'm from uk too I know what you mean about the wrong info! I was given all the wrong info too and have just saved up enough to buy a nicer enclosure for my little guy, he is still getting used to his too. Thing about Russians is, however nice their enclosure I think they always think the grass is greener on the other side!!! I don't know about yours, but mine seems to think he's a little escape artist!!

Are the walls of the enclosure see through? If they are you might want to out some paper or something round the edges on the outside so he cant see out which might make him a bit more settled :)


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5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
Just think alot of mistakes could be avoided with the right information given, luckily places like this forum exist.

Mine is a very active tort, he will walk the whole length of my garden to find mizuna his favourite leaf. Currently he is sitting on top of his wooden hide like its pride rock from the Lion King!
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