Update (shell injury)

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Jan 6, 2012
So Genevieve is still having a rough time. She doesn't open her eyes at all anymore even the rare times she walks around. I have been putting the neosporan on her boo boo and it is near her face, if it got into her eyes, could that be the problem? How do they look to you? She is also very dirty esp in her neck folds and she puts her head in so quick I can clean it and I'm afraid I will hurt her to really scrub her. Any advice or is she fine all dirty? How do you think she looks? I hate this waiting game!


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Morty the Torty

5 Year Member
Oct 14, 2011
Poor baby:( are you soaking her in hot water? Morty likes his bath really warm:) I just run the water over his head and shell and that cleans him pretty good. Or a qtip works pretty well


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Please don't soak in hot water:(. It should be warm around 95 but NOT HOT! you will burn him if it is hot.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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I doubt the neosporin is causing the eye problems, it may irritate it if it gets into the eyes, but I don't think it would cause any harm.
Is he eating? dirty is ok as long as the wound(s) stay clean, you can always soak him so he can get clean, you could also keep him on newspaper right now if you are worried about infections from the substrate.


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Jan 6, 2012
I'm calling another vet tomarrow because the other just said to keep her warm and put the neo on her. I don't think they really know what there talking about. I will Make sure she is seen tomarrow by someone :-/

I do soak her for a half hour at night but she's still dirty and I used a q-tip but it's on there good. I think I am being super gentle though! I'm so afraid I'll hurt her especially while she's not feeling well. Putting her on newspaper may be the next step. I'll ask the vet. I would worry with Her on the paper that the light would cause a fire? Or it would be to dry? No? I don't think she is dehydrated, with the soaks and her enclosure being 65 humid on one side and 85 on the other and she is warm 78 one side, 90 on another 100 basking.

Do you think her eyes are swollen shut? They look a little whitish, what is this? Do you think there stuck shut? She has walked into things :-( I haven't seen her eat but I did see poop in her water bowl so she must have gone in there at one point without me seeing.

Anything stand out at you as wrong? Do you see how black the shell is? Will that part fall off and will it ever grow back?


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2011
I wouldn't switch to newspaper... It would be extremely dry and I agree she probably isn't dehydrated because u soak her so much and it's humid. I don't understand why the little baby would be keeping his eyes closed all the time because that's usually from being dehydrated and trying to hold in moisture.
The little fella might be in pain or just exhausted , babies are just really sensitive.
What bulb are you using ? A lot of the times if the bulb is lighting up the whole enclosure or is placed at an angle it hurts the little tortoises eyes because its bright. Maybe try placing a lot more places to hide and a lot of shaded places. That's what i would do, see if that helps her eyes.
U arent using a compact fluorescent bulb are u ?

When was the last time she had her eyes open ?

U can use a rough stiff toothbrush on his shell , Kristina on the forum scrubs her tortoises lightly with a tooth brush to clean off anything that is stuck in the cracks of their shells. I would try that .
I would try Betadine solution and continue using the neo. It's a brownish liquid
I would put the beta dine on the toothbrush and scrub the area lightly :)
I also get a squirt bottle and put it really close to them and squirt , power wash, off their shell. It's effective for me
I'm not an expert though , it just sounds like ur babies having a hard time :( ur doing great though, u really are.


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Jan 6, 2012
Thanks so much. Her bulb is not Florencent but a UVB that is safe for there eye.. She dies have hides that she doesn't use and a night time bulb but her ees are still closed. My husband saw her open her eyes a tiny bit 2 days ago.

Her shell is clean it is the folds In her akin that's a mess and under her scales. I guess once I know she's better se will need a super soak and I'll have to really work on her but the dirt won't hurt her, right? I know that seems silly to ask but its really packed in around her neck. Poor girl! She's a mess! I'm trying to keep her bobo clean but that gets dirty too. I hope I find another vet that know something about Sullies! Poor baby!!

Thanks again for all the advice. I'm curious if her bottom shell is to soft. I'm so worried about my monkin.

Hope you made that all
Out with my auto
Correct argh, sorry


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2011
The little ones shell should feel like a tuperware top , u know where it gives a little but is still firm and not just mush. It might be hard to get her the calcium she needs if she has stopped eating , I didn't think about that.
I would consider eye drops to be honest , maybe that will help to open them up and make her more active.
Does anyone else agree with me ? Just plain old lubricating eye drops everyday and see if it helps her open them up ?

I looked at your enclosure pictures , I knew u had posted one, the even newer enclosure. I saw the hide and the problem with the hide is that is not dark... She doesn't have anywhere in the cage that is just straight dark and really shady and that could be the eye thing. I noticed in the pictures she had them open so she must of just started keeping them completely closed after u moved her in there. I would try giving her a very large completely dark and very humid place to hide.
I would find a solid colored hide with a solid color lid that when u hold it up to the light barely any at all passes through . Leave the lid of as the top and cut a hole in the bottom so she can crawl in and put substrate into it and dampen the substrate if you want her to stay cleaner you can use nothing but Sphagnum moss not sphagnum Peat moss , just sphagnum moss. It's not dirt but thick moss..that might keep her cleaner. Let me know if making a very dark and humid place for her helps with the eyes... I really, really think it will. Make her use it too lol pick her up and just stick her in there. I don't think u will have to though once u make it much much darker. If it doesn't work u can always try a different thing

Places like lowes have that moss for much cheaper than the link I provided just so u know. I mean its like 4 dollars I think


The Dog Trainer
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What kind of UV bulb are you using? Can you describe the shape of it, or how many watts?


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2011
Mine fall asleep basking sometimes but all other times they go to a very dark humid place to sleep. Either shoved into a wet dark corner in in the hid that is very dark
Inside of my enclosure looks like this

It's not quite as dark as the picture makes it look but the main thing is that their hide and the very back behind the hide and the corners are dark. I think bright constant exposure to bright light during the day hurts the little ones eyes and that's why they will keep them closed constantly. Anyways it's worth a try if u want :) I am pretty sure wild sulcata babies spend most of their time in the dark in the wild from reading some of Toms posts where they were found in marshes and live in very dark burrows

See if you can get the humidity in your tortoises extremely dark hid to around 90% :) if you place it right under a CHE heater and leave the lid locked on tight with just a little hole for entering and exiting , fill it with really damp moss it will be that high easily. Keep it warm though of course, 80 degrees always lol

Tom said:
What kind of UV bulb are you using? Can you describe the shape of it, or how many watts?

I read in her other post that she has a 160 watt powersun bulb
This is the picture she posted

sorry I hope it's okay if I answered that :/


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Feel free to answer the questions above.
I am just going to throw out the fact that skin allergy to the Neomycin in Neosporin (triple antibiotic) is very common in humans. Also, some of the Neosporin products have a topical anesthetic or 'pain reliever' in them.
I have no idea if this kind of sensitivity applies to reptiles, but since you are near its eyes, which are very delicate, I would switch to a 'double antibiotic', polysporin or bacitracin (generic is fine). Without topical anesthetic.
To be on the safe side.
You are soaking every day?


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2011
lynnedit said:
Feel free to answer the questions above.
I am just going to throw out the fact that skin allergy to the Neomycin in Neosporin (triple antibiotic) is very common in humans. Also, some of the Neosporin products have a topical anesthetic or 'pain reliever' in them.
I have no idea if this kind of sensitivity applies to reptiles, but since you are near its eyes, which are very delicate, I would switch to a 'double antibiotic', polysporin or bacitracin (generic is fine). Without topical anesthetic.
To be on the safe side.
You are soaking every day?

She is soaking everyday , it's in an above post :)
Does anyone else agree that the enclosure is just simpler very bright with no where to hide that nice and dark ? I've read a lot of threads where little hatchlings wouldn't open there eyes because it was too bright in their enclosures


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BrinnANDGupta said:
She is soaking everyday , it's in an above post :)
Does anyone else agree that the enclosure is just simpler very bright with no where to hide that nice and dark ? I've read a lot of threads where little hatchlings wouldn't open there eyes because it was too bright in their enclosures

Oh, yes, I see that.
I have read that too much brightness can be hard on young torts. However, that looks like a significant amount of swelling?
Still, maybe the 160w Powersun is must too much?
What do you think, Tom?


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2011
If u got zip ties and strung the light inside the enclosure by wrapping the zip tie around cord and hole is mesh and pulling it tight , maybe using two . That what I did to hold up my lights, u could then get a 100 watt powersun bulb and it would make the area that the light shined on smaller because its not so high in the air creating more shade and still add the dark very humid hide and I think that would go a long long way because a 160 watt is extremely bright and powerful.
I agree with lynnedit , how about u Tom ?


The Dog Trainer
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Ahh, a picture IS worth a thousand words. As far as the wattage goes, I think it is fine if the temps are where they need to be. The 160's heat a larger area less intensely than the 100's. Her's is pretty high up and going through a screen, so its probably okay. I do agree that he needs a dark retreat somewhere in the enclosure. I think that would make him fell more secure, but its seems unlikely to me that this is the source of Brittany's problem.

I hate to ask Brittany, but do you know the history and origin of your baby? How was he housed and cared for during his first few weeks before you got him? I suspect that his problems started before you got him.


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5 Year Member
Jan 6, 2012
So her eyes are swollen? All who answered for me are correct. She does have a humid box that's
Certainly shady on the otherwise of the tank. At night I put a dark purple bulb in, I forgot the kind kind, but it's made from zoo med it just doesn't have the UVB in it and at night it is VERY dark in her entire encloser but still keeps it 75 on one side and 88 or so on the hot side. Her humid hide is VeRY humidor, I do put dump water right under it. That side of the encloser is 80 or more humid so the box is 90 or above. She hates it in there. I put her in before bed and she walks out and. At night she likes to sleep on her basking rock. I always find her there. I think of I got
A different bulb for the day (not 160) I would have a harder time regulating the temp. The pet stores set up is a lot smaller, same bulb (160) and very dry without hiding areas but even there Sullies seems fine, eating well, eyes wide open and moving all over. They have been in that encloser for a month! The only thing I can think of is she's really sick or the encloser isn't working for her!?!?! But everyone swears by it!?!?! I have my encloser modeled after Tom's hatchlings post. Have the therm suggested, bulbs suggested. Subtracted suggested. She's eating spring mix, little pumpkin bites for occasional treats and Timothy hay. 20min to half hour soaks. The neo doesn't have a anistetic in it. Hopefully I find a good vet today.

She does have a humid hide, do you see it in the far left? What can I do to make it better?

When I got her she was in a maybe 2 foot by 2 foot reptile boxy. With a small stone bottom, same bulb as mine, small water bowl, fed a lot of poking bites and timothy hay only. EXTREAMLY dry encloser with about 6 other Sullies. I do belive another silly pulled off her scale and perhaps bit her shell to cause the crack. She had the crack when I got her, she may have injured her scale flipping over the few times she did when I first got her but perhaps it was pulled off and the dirt hide it from me for a few days. :-(

I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out what And if I'm doing anything wrong

Should I use a dark tupperwear for a humid box?

Forgive my auto correct again :-/

On my way to the best hero vet in Ny :) wish is Luck!?!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Glad you found a herp vet, best of luck.
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