UV lamp

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New Member
5 Year Member
Dec 20, 2011
When I brought Terance I was told that he wouldn't need a UV lamp because he was breed in the UK and more adapted to the climate. But I'm really not that sure it sounds right at all.
He has a basking lamp and a hide and a really lovely diet of home grown leaves, weeds. It's really varied and he gets a bath every day.
But I really think a UV lamp should have been recommended now because the English weather means that Terance won't be outside for a while.
So I just wondered what everyone else thought was best ?
He's a Herman and a few months old.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
All tortoises need UV. Doesn't matter where they were bred. It is especially important for growing babies. All the calcium in the world is useless with out UV. Direct sunshine is best, but since that is not much of an option in your climate for most of the year, a mercury vapor bulb is the next best thing. These will give you heat, light and UV all in one bulb. Adjust the height of the bulb to get the basking temperature that you want and check that temp periodically.

Do not let the pet store talk you into a coil type compact fluorescent UV bulb. Those can damage their eyes.


New Member
5 Year Member
Dec 20, 2011
Thank you so much !
I'm going to rush out today to buy one !
Your advice is always so so good :)
Thanks !
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