Very off topic scooter story


10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
So. I'm super pissed. But I thought y'all might get a laugh out of this.
I'm working again. Retirement just about killed me. But the new job is about an hours drive each way. Through narrow roads with traffic.
Today was a beautiful day and I decided to ride one of my motorcycles to work. The main road has a speed limit of 45 mph. Not long into the ride, I saw that the lane I was in was barely moving up ahead. So I waited for a hole. Changed lanes and soon saw why. It was a teenage looking kid on a sickly scooter. Not one of those types capable of freeway speeds, but the type that went 30 when it was new. And this one did about 17 mph and sounded like it was coming apart.
I passed. Kind of forgotten about him and stopped at the next light behind two cars in the right hand straight lane. It is an exceptionally long light. Eventually I saw scooter boy breeze by in the far right turning lane. But instead of turning. He dove back into the straight lane as the light turned green....and we had to again take turns trying to get around him!
This time, I flipped up my visor and gave him a look and revved my engine as I passed him in his own lane.
That would've been sufficient. Except at the next light about 100 yards away, he did the exact same thing!
I was still doing about 16 miles an hour when it was time to make my turn to continue heading for work. Behind this friggin jerk, and a half dozen other vehicles.
It's now about 6:30.
I rode in at about 1.
I'm still fuming.
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Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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So. I'm super pissed. But I thought y'all might get a laugh out of this.
I'm working again. Retirement just about killed me. But the new job is about an hours drive each way. Through narrow roads with traffic.
Today was a beautiful day and I decided to ride one of my motorcycles to work. The main road has a speed limit of 45 mph. Not long into the ride, I saw that the lane I was in was barely moving. So I waited for a hole. Changed lanes and soon saw why. It was a teenage looking kid on a sickly scooter. Not one of those types capable of freeway speeds, but the type that went 30 when it was new. And this one did about 17 mph and sounded like it was coming apart.
I passed. Kind of forgotten about him and stopped at the next light behind two cars in the right hand straight lane. It is an exceptionally long light. Eventually I saw scooter boy breeze by in the far right turning lane. But instead of turning. He dove back into the straight lane as the light turned green....and we had to again take turns trying to get around him!
This time, I flipped up my visor and gave him a look and revved my engine as I passed him in his own lane.
That would've been sufficient. Except at the next light about 100 yards away, he did the exact same thing!
I was still doing about 16 miles an hour when it was time to make my turn. Behind this friggin jerk, and a half dozen other vehicles.
It's now about 6:30.
I rode in at about 1.
I'm still fuming.
I'm sorry I'm laughing 🤣 but... oh my garsh.. you said I could 😉😁😁😁

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I'd buy him a bus pass
Here's what I really think about it. Sometimes the good Lord puts crazy road blocks in your way to protect you. I'm usually fuming about it but that's what I tell myself to not go ballistic with road rage 🤬 I've actually seen how timing can go so I try my best to stay thankful and not run some one off the road.😊

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
Road Rage....LOL, we all get it! I feel bad for you Z, and all those who he had not a consideration in the world for.

The problem with road rage as far as I've figured out is that when it happens, all you have to retaliate with is a 2 or 3 ton vehicle. Hitting the young man in the face with a fist might be justifiable but knocking him off his scooter with your car, possibly killing him in the process, is not. See? You might get caught! Although I doubt any of your fellow travelers would have seen a thing! LOL

I don't mention "bikes" b/c it's a foolish rider that "retaliates" with a 10:1 weight disadvantage. Size does matter! That little scooter though...I dunno, a side kick may have been in order....MAY!

Of course it's not like the old days where you'd pull over and beat each other up at worst. Now, some idiot takes it to the next level too often and is so afraid, he reaches for hardware. It's not even fun anymore! I think that last shouting match I had with an azzhat who cut me off was 15 years ago....we both yelled and screamed and then we both went on our way, no real harm done. Not anymore.....the nuts have taken over the asylum!

So I recommend that we just "let it go" the movie Frozen. LOL


10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Road Rage....LOL, we all get it! I feel bad for you Z, and all those who he had not a consideration in the world for.

The problem with road rage as far as I've figured out is that when it happens, all you have to retaliate with is a 2 or 3 ton vehicle. Hitting the young man in the face with a fist might be justifiable but knocking him off his scooter with your car, possibly killing him in the process, is not. See? You might get caught! Although I doubt any of your fellow travelers would have seen a thing! LOL

I don't mention "bikes" b/c it's a foolish rider that "retaliates" with a 10:1 weight disadvantage. Size does matter! That little scooter though...I dunno, a side kick may have been in order....MAY!

Of course it's not like the old days where you'd pull over and beat each other up at worst. Now, some idiot takes it to the next level too often and is so afraid, he reaches for hardware. It's not even fun anymore! I think that last shouting match I had with an azzhat who cut me off was 15 years ago....we both yelled and screamed and then we both went on our way, no real harm done. Not anymore.....the nuts have taken over the asylum!

So I recommend that we just "let it go" the movie Frozen. LOL
I've always thought about that....
Breaking someone's nose today over nothing and some adrenaline. And tomorrow realizing maybe you like the guy.
I'm not often stricken with road rage or any other rage issues. At least not like when I was much younger.

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