Jacky And Daisy


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Apr 6, 2024
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Good morning everyone,

Those "mites"turned out to be tick larvae. For better or worse, I don't know if they are interested in Edward at all. But they sure are interested in me! The ticks here in Finland are generalistic and there are some rare sightings of them being attached to our natural reptiles.

Anyway, here is a photo of Edward hiding in the old lilac bush. The bush is at least 60 years old, probably planted when the house was build. Sometimes my dad talks about wanting to cut it down, but everyone else loves it.

Edwards servant ☺️ :<3: :tort:



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good morning everyone,

Those "mites"turned out to be tick larvae. For better or worse, I don't know if they are interested in Edward at all. But they sure are interested in me! The ticks here in Finland are generalistic and there are some rare sightings of them being attached to our natural reptiles.

Anyway, here is a photo of Edward hiding in the old lilac bush. The bush is at least 60 years old, probably planted when the house was build. Sometimes my dad talks about wanting to cut it down, but everyone else loves it.

Edwards servant ☺️ :<3: :tort:

View attachment 375391


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Nov 4, 2021
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Good morning everyone!

The vets rang to say that Jacky's blood tests were and that she is due for a pre-hibernation checkup in October. Edward I hope you're feeling relieved and I hope your servant is okay. She must be relieved knowing what the mites are. Zola how is your mum today? I dreamt about swallows after reading your post! Jacky and I have been enjoying strawberries!



Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
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Good morning everyone,

Those "mites"turned out to be tick larvae. For better or worse, I don't know if they are interested in Edward at all. But they sure are interested in me! The ticks here in Finland are generalistic and there are some rare sightings of them being attached to our natural reptiles.

Anyway, here is a photo of Edward hiding in the old lilac bush. The bush is at least 60 years old, probably planted when the house was build. Sometimes my dad talks about wanting to cut it down, but everyone else loves it.

Edwards servant ☺️ :<3: :tort:

View attachment 375391
Well camouflaged indeed! Try as I might I can’t see him!
A neighbour here has been trying to get rid of her lilac bush for years but it just keeps coming back….at least the butterflies & insects like them.
@Natrah the crucial word is missing from your post but I assume it is fine which is good news 😁


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Yuk, Edward - it must be really annoying to have mites crawling over you -luckily, I very rarely get bothered by insects in my conservatory, although some do come in, of course.It has been quite a cold wet day today, so I didn't have my breakwater walk . My mum put the heating on for an hour, yesterday evening, and probably will today, too. This is supposed to be summer !!!! I was interested to see you like climbing in bushes,etc, and I think you would like my breakwater too - if you ever happen to come to England, I would enjoy a few walks with you.
My mum is not feeling very well, but it is almost certainly just due to the new pills - she is going to have a phone consultation with the headache nurse in a few weeks, but there isn't much that can be done at the moment - if the stuff works for her, she will know by about 3 months. Love from Zola to you and your servant.xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Well camouflaged indeed! Try as I might I can’t see him!
A neighbour here has been trying to get rid of her lilac bush for years but it just keeps coming back….at least the butterflies & insects like them.
@Natrah the crucial word is missing from your post but I assume it is fine which is good news 😁
Sorry Sue as usual I didn't check it through and you're right I left out the word 'fine'. I hope everyone's okay and that Angie is a bit better. It's been cloudy and damp here but I wonder if I saw a thrush earlier when I arrived at the pupil's house. It's been humid here as well. Zola I'm wondering whether your mum should have her blood pressure checked because I have felt cooler but I haven't put the heating on. However I think we are usually in the warmest part of the country. My pupil is looking forward to going to Torquay next week and two other pupils are about temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius in Turkey!

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Daisy

PS: The vet said that Jacky had lost weight compared to last year but she wasn't worried after all Jacky thought it was time to hibernate!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good evening everyone!

I am just going off to sleep. I was very busy today eating, strolling and climbing. I decided that I didn't need the food bowl so I pulled it all off and ate it that way. I enjoyed greens, lettuce, grass, dandelions and strawberries. We noticed several Hedge Brown butterflies today and so Natrah hopes to see the Jersey Tiger Moths again soon. Dickie, Sherman and Zola have you seen any butterflies today. What sort of butterflies do you get in Finland Edward and how are you and your servant anyway? Zola how is your mum? When does she talk to the doctor? We are very sorry that she isn't well and we hope she's been better today. We hope that they can alter the dose of those pills. Natrah is watching the Olympic Games and missing mum and dad because they used to enjoy the Games. However it is very poignant because they had their honeymoon in Paris.

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah


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Mar 1, 2023
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No butterflies sadly at all. Not many moths either only the small ones. Did see a bat swooping about just now though. For years we’ve had a bat box on the side of the house near the roof but it hasn’t been used. We do have a bird box up as well & the sparrows had 2 broods in it this year.
Dickie has been out & eaten quite well today. She does go into her box quite early though but Pete said she has always done that apart from the odd occasion she has attempted to hide in the garden for the night.

Goodnight all


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Oct 12, 2018
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Yuk, Edward - it must be really annoying to have mites crawling over you -luckily, I very rarely get bothered by insects in my conservatory, although some do come in, of course.It has been quite a cold wet day today, so I didn't have my breakwater walk . My mum put the heating on for an hour, yesterday evening, and probably will today, too. This is supposed to be summer !!!! I was interested to see you like climbing in bushes,etc, and I think you would like my breakwater too - if you ever happen to come to England, I would enjoy a few walks with you.
My mum is not feeling very well, but it is almost certainly just due to the new pills - she is going to have a phone consultation with the headache nurse in a few weeks, but there isn't much that can be done at the moment - if the stuff works for her, she will know by about 3 months. Love from Zola to you and your servant.xxxxxx

A couple of WEEKS????? 😢😱😳
You need to tell that nurse to call you sooner or else you are coming straight to her house to be SEEN!!!!
That’s (as my mom would put it)
(Please excuse my French)
I am SOOOO very upset that you have to deal with this any longer than you have been already!!!
Don’t they understand that these are MIGRAINES we are talking about???
I’m off in a huff as I have no words to describe how much I want to cry for your sake.

❤️ wee Gary 🐌___😤____🐌 💭💭💭


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Good morning everyone,

To answer your question Natrah and to share some Finnish butterfly names:

We have this sunny hill in my dads garden where we have planted wild flowers for bumblebees, bees and butterflies. There we have had the green-veined whites (Pieris napi) (=the rutabaga butterfly in Finnish), the small tortoiseshells (Aglais urticae) (=the stinging nettle butterfly in Finnish, comes from what their caterpillars eat), the common brimstones (Gonepteryx rhamni) (=the lemon butterfly in Finnish) and the lesser marbled fritillaries (brenthis ino) (=filipendula silver spot in Finnish).

On top of these in early fall when flowers are less abundant some mourning cloaks (nymphalis antiopa) (also mourning cloak in Finnish) come to feed on our apples.

In the forest surrounding our summer cottage are some green hairstreaks (callophyrs rubi) (=the pine barrens butterfly in Finnish).

Some butterflies have lessened over the years and some disappeared, which is unfortunate.

Edwards servant ☺️:<3::tort:


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Good morning everyone,

To answer your question Natrah and to share some Finnish butterfly names:

We have this sunny hill in my dads garden where we have planted wild flowers for bumblebees, bees and butterflies. There we have had the green-veined whites (Pieris napi) (=the rutabaga butterfly in Finnish), the small tortoiseshells (Aglais urticae) (=the stinging nettle butterfly in Finnish, comes from what their caterpillars eat), the common brimstones (Gonepteryx rhamni) (=the lemon butterfly in Finnish) and the lesser marbled fritillaries (brenthis ino) (=filipendula silver spot in Finnish).

On top of these in early fall when flowers are less abundant some mourning cloaks (nymphalis antiopa) (also mourning cloak in Finnish) come to feed on our apples.

In the forest surrounding our summer cottage are some green hairstreaks (callophyrs rubi) (=the pine barrens butterfly in Finnish).

Some butterflies have lessened over the years and some disappeared, which is unfortunate.

Edwards servant ☺️:<3::tort:

Good morning Edward,
I needed you to know that as I was reading about your butterfly 🦋 outings and stories
I must honestly say….
How wonderful it all sounds!!
I can only go by what I’ve seen on tv.
I have seen a show here in NJ where they show you all about candy’s and chocolate’s but the host walks around in the towns.
It was absolutely beautiful.
They should do more shows about the different countries so I can understand and appreciate them

p.s. I am so sorry for the crazy rambling words I am using but I just woke up and my “foot” 🤣 (Gary’s body) …is still asleep with pins and needles and I am relying on spell check to pick my wording…😆

🐌🎈— bloop!


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Oct 12, 2018
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Psssst!!!…. I forgot!!
How’s Nilo? 😍

🐌__bee boop!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
A couple of WEEKS????? 😢😱😳
You need to tell that nurse to call you sooner or else you are coming straight to her house to be SEEN!!!!
That’s (as my mom would put it)
(Please excuse my French)
I am SOOOO very upset that you have to deal with this any longer than you have been already!!!
Don’t they understand that these are MIGRAINES we are talking about???
I’m off in a huff as I have no words to describe how much I want to cry for your sake.

❤️ wee Gary 🐌___😤____🐌 💭💭💭
Dear Gary - it is so lovely of you to be concerned about my headaches -the problem is that the new pills work quite differently from the injections etc , and l am in a transition stage where my brain has to get used to them - they are only available very recently - a new discovery - and I'm very glad to get them - but their effects are not fully known yet. So I have to accept that they make me feel worse for a while - and, of course, I've had to stop getting my painkilling injections to get them. I hope things will improve soon, but if not, I can go back to the injections again. It's worth a try !
I do appreciate your kind thoughts, though.
Love from Angie xxxxxxxxx


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Tortoise Club
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Good afternoon everyone!

Oh how I wish I could see those butterflies Edward! Anyway when I was about to take to Jacky I found the Jersey Tiger Moths from last year coming in to see me!

Natrah View attachment 375584

He looks like a Jet Fighter Plane ✈️ Natrah!!!
Wwooosshhhh!!!! 🤣

Here in “New” Jersey he would be considered a worthy butterfly 🦋!
Anything with colors on it people assume it’s a form of beauty and a moth (to them) is just an insect to be swotted at. 😭
Moths are usually only white..

Me personally, I like moths…
They flop around in a hurry as if stumbling out of an Irish ☘️ pub at the break of dawn only to bump into your face and say,
“Excuse me, have you seen my hat?”
Lovely little creatures they are…🥰

Let me see if I can find one as they are rare this year too!!??
Why are there no insects 🐞 around this year????

❤️🐌 be boop. Slurp!


Well-Known Member
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Dear Gary - it is so lovely of you to be concerned about my headaches -the problem is that the new pills work quite differently from the injections etc , and l am in a transition stage where my brain has to get used to them - they are only available very recently - a new discovery - and I'm very glad to get them - but their effects are not fully known yet. So I have to accept that they make me feel worse for a while - and, of course, I've had to stop getting my painkilling injections to get them. I hope things will improve soon, but if not, I can go back to the injections again. It's worth a try !
I do appreciate your kind thoughts, though.
Love from Angie xxxxxxxxx

My Dear Auntie Angie,

You have made me understand now.
I know it will take a little while for you to get used to the medication 💊 but a consultation shouldn’t be held off for weeks.
What if one of the “side effects”
Is homicide!?!?!?!? 😤🤭
A right thrashing????
Personality changes???
A good beating of certain nurses????

Ok… ok…. I will back off for a bit;
But just so you know…..
I’m keepin’ my eyes on you lady!!!
And I have TWO good Googley eyes 👀 for that!!!
So you better keep us posted on recovery ❤️‍🩹 effects per day.

Migraines….pppffttt!!!! 😤😤😤🤬


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