Dear highway drivers:

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5 Year Member
Jun 3, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
Kerryann said:
I drive pretty fast(much too fast and fuel inefficient according to the hub) so I am usually in the left lane. I love when people try to dance around through other lanes to try to get around me even though I am going as fast as I can based on traffic speeds. Then if they can they want to merge in front of me.... like if a place opens up to to faster I wouldn't want it for myself?
Then at least once a week I have a little car that tries to road rage me when I wont let them cut me off or some other unknown reason. I usually just laugh at them when they are acting a fool. What is wrong with people these days? I am glad it's not just me that sees this. I think I get more of it because people can't see over or around me very well.

Exactly, I drive fast, I'm guilty of that for sure. But apparently not as fast as I should seeing as how I'll get tailgated on I-95 etc all the time. If I'm going 85+ how much faster do you need to go? And if I'm going that fast it means the roads are open enough for it which means there is plenty of room to pass!!!
I like to smile and wave when they rage at me :/

Another issue I have, while I know some of you might do it is flashing your lights telling me to move. If I'm going 20 over, I think just fine where I'm at :[

Jacqui said:
How about the folks who decide to change several lanes all at once or cut folks off when they pull back in from passing? Or another favorite of mine is when a sign tells you the lane ends in a mile, move over now, so folks have got to run that lane until the last second and then madly try to fit back into the traffic causing even more delays. Or the motorcycles who don't think they need to live by the same rules of the road as the rest of the drivers, just because they can "squeeze" in between the other vehicles?

Ha, I was just talking about this get over now post yesterday!
I straddle the merging lane and my lane and refuse to let cars do the "laaaaast second!!!!" in traffic. Granted its on side streets when it's slow or interstate when we're at a stand still.

shellysmom said:
oh, don't get me started on Florida drivers.

Some of us have racing in our blood and drive fast and efficiently!!
Then some of us are lost Canadians or senile old people....

I pride myself on my driving here in FL, even from FL to NY, yet drove into Boston and had an anxiety attack, haha. Unfamiliar territories and a lot of weird street directions etc ugh loved the place though!


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Masin said:
Jacqui said:
How about the folks who decide to change several lanes all at once or cut folks off when they pull back in from passing? Or another favorite of mine is when a sign tells you the lane ends in a mile, move over now, so folks have got to run that lane until the last second and then madly try to fit back into the traffic causing even more delays. Or the motorcycles who don't think they need to live by the same rules of the road as the rest of the drivers, just because they can "squeeze" in between the other vehicles?

Ha, I was just talking about this get over now post yesterday!
I straddle the merging lane and my lane and refuse to let cars do the "laaaaast second!!!!" in traffic. Granted its on side streets when it's slow or interstate when we're at a stand still.

:D When I come to such a situation, I always hope another semi will be next to me. Then I will join with him/her to make a block. As a semi driver, not only do I find this irritating, but it costs me money. See most drivers get paid by the mile, but we also have a clock we have to run of our time. We are limited to how many hours we can be driving (even if sitting still in traffic) each day and a total for the week. I think if we all respected each other, showed courtesy and treated the other driver how we dream of being treated, we all would get to our destinations not only faster but in a much better frame of mind.


5 Year Member
Jun 3, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
Jacqui said:
:D When I come to such a situation, I always hope another semi will be next to me. Then I will join with him/her to make a block. As a semi driver, not only do I find this irritating, but it costs me money. See most drivers get paid by the mile, but we also have a clock we have to run of our time. We are limited to how many hours we can be driving (even if sitting still in traffic) each day and a total for the week. I think if we all respected each other, showed courtesy and treated the other driver how we dream of being treated, we all would get to our destinations not only faster but in a much better frame of mind.

I was just talking with my partner about this! My cousin is a truck driver as well and I get high blood pressure just thinking about time constraints, check ins etc dunno how you guys do it.
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