Vet help

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10 Year Member!
Aug 9, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego CA
My 6yr old Golden Retriever, Sunny, tore a ligament in her knee and needs surgery estimated between $3700-$4100. I've applied for Care Credit and have a limit of $1500. We need to put half of the high estimate down at the time of drop off on surgery day, then pay the balance when picking her up.

I've already discussed with the surgeon's office about payment plans, but they don't accept any. Some regular vets will, but not the specialists.

I have somehow managed to misplace all my vet links and info about orgainzations that help with the cost of vet bills. Pet Assistance only helps with spay/neuters.

I'm willing to pay the orgainzation back, just can't do it all at once. We are currently waiting for my husband's settlement check from the Exxon Valez spill in 1989. The courts have ruled that the working people affected by that will get interest from the monies already paid through the years. We just got a check for principal about a month ago, but used it all to pay off debt. We closed the credit card accts when we paid them off, all except one. But that card doesn't even come close to paying the surgery bill. I've called and they won't raise the limit.

Does anyone know of any organizations that can help? And help asap, hopefully by next week? She's not using the leg at all, which is putting more strain on her opposite rear leg. The surgeon also stated that in 90-95% of these cases, the opposite knee will blow within a year or two. After we are finished with this surgery, we are putting the pets on vet insurance. (I had it once before but got screwed so I never got it again).

Thanks in advance for you suggestions!!


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Apr 8, 2008
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Ohh Debbie, I am sooo sorry that :(. I do not know of any organisation but I find it very sad that the surgeon can't make an exception!!!
I really hope someone will come up with an idea, a surgeon name or an organization that will be able to help you and your dog. Have you tried to call another vet surgeon office?


10 Year Member!
Aug 9, 2008
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San Diego CA
I've contacted 3 different vet orthopedic surgeons and they are all about the same price and they don't take payments. It's a specailty thing.

I forgot to mention I'm in San Diego, so that may narrow the search down a bit.


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Apr 8, 2008
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It gets me mad and sad at the same time. Even if it is a speciality, they could make payment plan, it is not like they need the money right away. I thought their job was HELPING animals! My thouhts are with you and Sunny!
Good luck!

Yvonne G

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