What no Secret Santa???

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I had so much fun last year with secret santa. Is no one game?? I haven't had time lately to get on much, but where's? Crystal??? Or Stephanie??
Yvonne?? I'll help if you tell me what to do.

Yvonne G

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I forgot all about it. I didn't participate last year, but it sounded like you all had so much fun that I decided to join in this year. Stephanie isn't on very much any more. I can't remember who was the "instigator" last year, but if anyone wants to take it on, it should be a lot of fun!

Yvonne G

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Well, like I said, I wasn't involved last year, but my guess is that someone gathers all the names of the participants then has each person choose a name to give a Christmas gift to. You buy something for your person, wrap and mail it to them before Christmas. Seems like there's a $$ limit to spend too.

Yvonne G

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The only person who knows the names, besides the one your yourself draw, is the "moderator" of the Secret Santa. And no one is supposed to tell who's name you drew.

Yvonne G

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I don't know how that worked out last year. I believe that some of the senders included their names and some didn't. I wish someone who participated would chime in here.


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Ok it was like this. Everyone who wanted to be included sent their name to the 'boss'. they had to fill out a basic questionnaire.( We could probably pull it up). Likes,dislikes, sizes etc.They all sent that to the' boss', then the 'boss' gave out names to each and we sent them (our SS) a gift. I just put my return address on the box,no name. but if you wanted to it could be figured out. Then we all tried to figure it out at the end. The limit was 20 bucks. and we tried to have that include shipping. It was fun anticipating a surprise!! Then we all posted pics.
If we can find the old posts it might be easier.
Lets see how many are game!.
Nay (I'm game)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I toyed with doing this again this year, but then I recalled it kinda ended up a bit of a flop with not everybody ending up getting their gift. I got mine, it was a really sweet birdhouse. As to help folks not guess where it came from, what I did was have my package mailed from another area.


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I think it would be fun if we did it, but I guess you're right, Jacqui. It would really stink if someone forgot to mail their gift


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Problem right now is, it is so close to Christmas. Not much time to get it organized, gifts bought and out in time. :( I may be wrong, but I am not sure if everybody even got their gifts last year. I know one person went and sent off a second gift, so a person who never got one did end up with one.

Now if Nay is game to do this and each person realizes they may not get anything and would be okay with that then let's do it. Then why not right now start making a post in here, if your game and tell us what your likes and dislikes are to give somebody a guess as to what to get you. Then once Nay says she will do this, you can either send Nay your shipping address or if Nay wants to have a real SS herself, then we could instead send me addresses to give out to your SS.

I would suggest all gifts need to be mailed by Dec 1. So perhaps have black Friday for the last day to register for SS? What do you guys think?


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Secret Santa

Is anyone doing the secret santa thing this year? I was kind of bummed I didn't get in on it last year.


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Ok I found the questionaire from last year. If everyone who wants in gets it back to me I will see what I can do. But Please lets have no pressure and not worry if we don't make it by Xmas. Is a New Year gift OK to all? Let me know. I say till next Friday would be good. You Ok with that Jacqui? If you can think of any other ideas for the questions, please feel free to add on!



Where in the world are you?:
Are you happy to post out of your country?:

Sizes -

How many Tortoises do you have?:
What species:


Maggie Cummings

I am in my middle 60's and had never had a secret Santa before and the person who was MY secret Santa put a lot of thought into my gift. He then made it himself and sent it too me. I did not open my gift until Christmas and I had so much fun guessing what it was and from whom it was... I actually cried because it was a gift made just for me. There was no doubt as "Dale Turtlehardt" was the gift. A small metal turtle that was hand painted with Dale Earnhardts color and number 3. Now you know nobody else in the world cared about Dale Earnhardt, so you know this present was made just for me. Somebody actually paid attention as to what I liked or didn't like, I was so nervous about the whole thing and we really did have a great time doing it. Guessing who sent it by their zip code and lots of talking back and forth about it. I personally had a ball and was so pleased that MY secret Santa really put a lot of thought into the gift and then created this beautiful wonderful thing for me. Just me, now look at what you've started. I am crying about this again. I was so touched...MY Secret Santa put a lot of thought into this gift and then made it himself...I cannot fully express how touched I was by this totally thoughtful gift. It meant/means so much to me.
How that gift made me feel is exactly why we have a secret Santa. For the feeling that I got when I opened the gift. Too sweet. I just loved it


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Well,,, MAggie, does that mean you are in or out???
Of course, no one could possibly live up to the last one,,so pity the person who gets you!!!

OHHH I just realized if I do the semi colon and the 1/2 parenthesis It comes up as one of those smiling or winking faces!!! I never knew!


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Awww....that is so sweet. I doubt that could be topped :)
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