What shall i do when weeds turn zilch?

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Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
I have had luck so far with growing weeds in a clear plastic box. I fill with potting soil, throw on the seeds, spray with water. Then I poke some holes in the lid, and place the lid on the box. Put in window for sun and warmth or put in with your tortoises for the same, UVA/UVB, and warmth. I so far have been able to grow two boxes like this in Chicago, where we have had some cold, rainy, gloomy days. It works like a mini greenhouse. Then you can place your torts in the box without lid of course to eat. Well i can my tort anyway, still very small. Or just lift the whole soded area out of the box. I have not yet had my tort for a winter, this will be my first, so I am not sure I will be able to get the weeds to grow all winter long inside, but I don't know why not, it has worked good so far.
Good luck.
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