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Aug 24, 2007
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Wobbles is a part of who you are now, Maggie. A kind, generous person, who lets God's creatures into her soul. RIP Wobbles.

Terry Allan Hall

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Apr 21, 2010
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maggie3fan said:
This is Wobbles...

I have had her for about 7 years. She was run over by the commercial lawn mower at a local golf course, it cut off her right front foot and almost severed her right rear foot just enough to paralyze it. The maintenance guy and his wife took care of her until she was healed then they took her to my sister's turtle and tortoise rescue and when I saw her I had to have her. She is a Western Pond turtle and they are an endangered species. She's a wild turtle and she has never once opened her mouth to bite. She is so sweet. And she trusts, she doesn't struggle to get away when I hold her like RES do. She just rests in my hand so nice. Actually she's the sweetest and most personable turtle I have ever kept. Next to Bob she is my favorite turtle.
Anyhow to continue, in July I discovered a large mass in her mouth, you can read that story here...
she had a very expensive surgery that removed that mass and it was decided that it was a form of Mycoplasma
my favorite picture of her is in that story about her, but I can't find it now, you need to use that link and look at that picture and read that story. So life goes on and Wobbles is back to normal begging for treats and splashing around in her tank...
Last Tuesday I saw an open wound on her paralyzed foot so I took her out to dry dock her and treat it. It was bad, covering her whole foot out to her claws. Part of it was open under her skin, a bloody open wound. First I poured Betadine over it and when that dried I poured Nolvasan over it. Then I put Neosporin on it and when I touched it she jerked it so I thought I would give her some Metacam for the pain. I pried open her mouth and discovered that she had that mass back in her mouth. I knew that wasn't good but my Vet wouldn't be in until today, and right now as I type this my Wobbles is receiving an injection that will end her life. It's awful and it's breaking my heart. I just wanted to tell the story of a brave and trusting little turtle who had so much bad stuff happen to her in her life.
Right now I am going to go outside and dig a grave for her and at 3 PM I will go get her and bury her under the Rose of Sharon bush. I can't type anymore.

Truly sorry that you must bear such sorrow...it's never easy to lose a friend.

OTOH, you gave her 7 years she may never have had, and she gave 7 you years of her companionship...both of you were a blessing to the other.


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Sep 12, 2010
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poor ole turtle,,,,its the injured ones that really get ya.I was at the sacramento reptile show this year and saw a box turtle that had been mauled by a dog,it jus made me wanna buy it but i jus didnt have room or time at that point.

Stephanie Logan

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It is clear from the stoic, trusting look in her eyes that Wobbles felt secure and content with her life. An animal with those extensive injuries would never have survived, or known a moment's peace and security. She would have been in constant fear and a target for every kind of predator. Instead, she had her own little heaven on earth, with her food and shelter, care and attention in exact proportion to what she needed. In the end, she still didn't suffer from fear and vulnerability as she passed peacefully into the next plane. Don't ever forget the life you gave her to enjoy. :shy:

RV's mom

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aw maggie ~ I'm so sorry for your loss. You are a true and kind soul, and all you have done and suffered underlines and underscores that fact. Thank you for all the little ones you've made a better life for.

my regards and hugs



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Mar 18, 2010
I'm sorry you are now without Wobbles. You did good by her.


5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
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oh, sweetie.
[big hugs]
i'm so sorry.

You gave her happy years, in a loving home, and that's what's important.

Sometimes our best just isn't enough, and it's never easy to accept.

It sounds like you did well by her, and she knew how much you cared.
She was one lucky turtle.

[extra hugs]
If you believe in heaven, then it isn't all bad; she'll be there to meet you, someday. Wobbling with excitement. :)


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Sorry to hear about Wobbles. Look to the good memories you shared...


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Jul 27, 2010
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sorry to hear such sad news. But what you did for wobbles was give her a happy and peaceful life. She wouldnt have had otherwise. And she gave more enrichment to your own life. Hold on to that and be thankful for the gift you were given as well as the gift you gave to wobbles! One very lucky girl!
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