

Active Member
Nov 29, 2023
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Hello all! I'm writing because I took xrays both of my tortoises again after 6 months! Danny still has rocks inside him and the one is a little bit big! They both eat especially Danny eats a lot! They poop normally! In March as I said I gave them the treatment with flagil as my vet told me! I see Danny that he can lift his body again! Also i weighted them Yesterday and after one month and a half they lost 8 grams both of them! They always gain weight! I don't know if it is from the exercise because this month I gave them a lot it or its because they haven't cleaned from parasites! I wake them up in morning and i go at park! I don't know if i gibe them stress with these movements! I contacted with my vet and she told me the check up again for feces is every 6 months! So that means in September!


Active Member
Nov 29, 2023
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Has Danny stopped eating more rocks? Did you try the minerall? 8 grams of weight loss isn't concerning.
If I don't feed him in morning about 10 o clock he will start biting even cement! If I feed him he won't eat rocks or anything else! He eats a lot! My vet told me to give him mineral oil! I gave him twice but I'm afraid to gibe him more! I don't know if it's safe! I feed him though cactus and aloe vera! This month I started feeding him mulberry leaves too!


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Apr 6, 2024
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Mineral oil is meant to make it easier for him to pass the rocks, and less painful. It is safe when administered safely. You can either feed it rolled up in lettuce with some pellets or wipe on his cloaca with a q tip.

Cactus and aloe vera will also promote him to pass the rocks, so will other dilurantic foods, like lettuce, cucumber and pumpkin.

The miner-all @wellington suggested you in another thread is to make sure that he isn't eating the rocks because of a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I would get the Miner-all and start using it. Also make sure he has food all day long. They eat on and off throughout the day. If you can't leave him outside all day in his own enclosure where he can graze on and off, then put several different piles in different areas of his indoor enclosure.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2023
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It isn't safe to take a tortoise to a park and let it roam free. They ned to be in their own enclosure. Public parks are full of all sorts of hazards.
When I take them to a park I pay attention all the time! I give them practice and sun for one hour! I like when I see them run in huge spaces because I don't have space! I go early in morning from 9-10 and noone is there and without dogs! What other hazards you mean? My yard is only marble down and I don't know if it's good for them to walk on it!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
When I take them to a park I pay attention all the time! I give them practice and sun for one hour! I like when I see them to run in hugest spaces because I don't gave space! I go early in morning from 9-10 and noone is there without dogs! What other hazards you mean?
Cigarette buts, lost coins or ear rings, nails, screws, broken glass, pesticides and other toxic park chemicals, dog feces...

The list is endless. People lose them this way too. They answer their cell phone for one second and BOOM! The tortoise disappears. It happens all the time. There is no way to make it safe, and no amount of supervision can protect them. Just don't do it if you want to keep your tortoise. Everyone thinks it is safe and that they are watching closely. No one would do it if they thought something bad was going to happen. They learn one day too late that they were wrong. We see it here all the time.

Keep your tortoise in its own large safe enclosure, either indoors or out.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2023
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Cigarette buts, lost coins or ear rings, nails, screws, broken glass, pesticides and other toxic park chemicals, dog feces...

The list is endless. People lose them this way too. They answer their cell phone for one second and BOOM! The tortoise disappears. It happens all the time. There is no way to make it safe, and no amount of supervision can protect them. Just don't do it if you want to keep your tortoise. Everyone thinks it is safe and that they are watching closely. No one would do it if they thought something bad was going to happen. They learn one day too late that they were wrong. We see it here all the time.

Keep your tortoise in its own large safe enclosure, either indoors or out.
You are right! It's because I still don't have my own space! That's my problem! My yard is clean and no rocks! It's just marble and I have some caves to give them shadow! They Stay about 10 minutes in sun and then they go inside! The weather here is too hot and they prefer to eat under the shadows! My enclosures are small and I bring them back for sleep! I also use uvb lamps until I leave for work!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Can you make them an enclosure outside on top of the marble?
Lay pond liner down and dirt on top of that. Buy weed seeds from tortoisesupply.com and plant it. Build a wood walls 6 inches high and lay chicken wire of the top. You could also do the same for the dirt but put a dog/chicken kennel over it. Of course do not build one, but two.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2023
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Is it possible for you to make them a larger indoor space?
That's my problem i can't fix because the yard is in my owner and he doesn't gibe me the permission! But the yard its safe and i watch them! I don't have the space! The yard is 6x6 meters! Is that enough at least to move for a couple of hours?


Active Member
Nov 29, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Can you make them an enclosure outside on top of the marble?
Lay pond liner down and dirt on top of that. Buy weed seeds from tortoisesupply.com and plant it. Build a wood walls 6 inches high and lay chicken wire of the top. You could also do the same for the dirt but put a dog/chicken kennel over it. Of course do not build one, but two.
Thank you for your advise but the yard its the owner's! I only canet them exercise there! Its 6x6 meters the yard and i provide them shadows!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Thank you for your advise but the yard its the owner's! I only canet them exercise there! Its 6x6 meters the yard and i provide them shadows!
I see.
Do you have family or friends that owns their own yard that you could build a moveable enclosure on and take them there for the day?
Just a thought.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
You are right! It's because I still don't have my own space! That's my problem! My yard is clean and no rocks! It's just marble and I have some caves to give them shadow! They Stay about 10 minutes in sun and then they go inside! The weather here is too hot and they prefer to eat under the shadows! My enclosures are small and I bring them back for sleep! I also use uvb lamps until I leave for work!
That is all normal. Tortoises sit in the sun to warm up. If they are already warm enough, they sit in the shade so that they don't over heat.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I see.
Do you have family or friends that owns their own yard that you could build a moveable enclosure on and take them there for the day?
Just a thought.

I see.
Do you have family or friends that owns their own yard that you could build a moveable enclosure on and take them there for the day?
Just a thought.
I have my sister but she lives half a hour away! She works almost all day and she can't feed them! I collect food out from nature! In winter i will plant nice weeds! Will affect them if they move in yard? Also i have seen their shells fory Danny's belly and Wilma's the back shell at tail stays a little nit flexible despite that i give them sun and flowers and cuttlebone! Im thinking of buying calcium with d3!

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