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I am afraid the vet did not agree with Daisy’s prognosis. And made me surrender her to a rescue.
She said she was suffering from liver failure. And a rescue needed to take care of her. Every time she moved, her skin would flake off.

She was out growing her shell and that was very painful. All because she hasn’t hibernated in who knows how long.

The toenails and beak were the least of her problems.
I was reading a comment and lost it when I was trying to login.
It was concerning the health of my inherited three toe. I will look for a vet for it tomorrow. I have more photos to share.
3 year old sulcata, 12 inches
Lyn W
Lyn W
Hi and welcome.
Have you posted on the main forum in the Introduction thread yet? You'll get a lot more responses there. Not everyone reads profile posts and text count is limited so would be great to hear more about your tort on the forum.
Hi, I was wondering if you know of any breeders of radiated tortoise in utah or California, Washington state ? Thank you
Reid Sneddon of SoCal Reptiles used to have Radiateds. He may be able to help you in CA.:

None in UT. One in WA, Ross Popenoe who is gradually getting out of the game. His email: [email protected] Phone: 425-591-4773

Which of the three states are you in and how do you plan to buy any Radiateds from the other two states?
Tom, Adopting a young Redfoot in Colorado. Will have an outdoor enclosure but the tortoise will be inside too. Would your 4X3X3 enclosure doubled meet her space needs as a full grown Redfoot? Current pricing with shipping (80526) and availability? We bring our RF home on 03/19. What approach is used with your enclosures to be sure the humidity is at the right level?
I don't make or sell enclosures. Sorry. An 8x3 foot enclosure is not large enough for an adult RF. You'd need somewhere around double that. RF is not a good species for CO, unfortunately.
Oops, sorry for the confusion! Thanks
Juju the Tortoise is in need of a new home. :'( Please visit Juju the Tortoise on facebook to see how well grown and loved he has been for the past nearly 10 years. Looking to rehome to a more appropriate climate to someone who will care for him and love him for the long term.
I have question for I have been a good tortoise father lately and bathing Milly for between 1-2 hrs daily and she loves it.So my question is about her pyramiding ….I can see that she has it but it seems to affect the front half of her shell more than the rear half. Is it because I’m finally doing things right or do I still have something wrong?
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Yes I would love to know the answer as well mine seems to be pyramiding more in the front then back as well
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Hi Tom planning on buying grass seeds or seed mix from, i want to add to all of my 3 outdoor enclousures (sulcata, leopards(babckoki and giant) and aldabra) a mix of grass seeds(maybe bermuda, orchard, rye or timothy) or the horse pasture mix that you recommend, my question is should i buy all of the above and make a mix to all 3 enclousures?
what i need is to have pasture year around for summer and winter i live in a north central part of mexico it doesnt get to cold in winter 28f lowest and not to hot in summer 90f tops!
I would try different things in different areas and see what works best for you. Time for some experimentation!
Thanks Tom
Hi Krista! Looking at your habitat and thinking of making one like yours. I can only find 24 inch x3/4 x 4’.

Is yours made with a (2)8’ sheets?

Krista S
Krista S
Hi there. Sorry, I didn’t see this until now. I didn’t get a notification :(. Yes, I did use 2 x 8 ft sheets. They aren’t readily available where I live. The guy I hired to build the enclosure, thankfully had good connections to get it.
Tom hope all is well, going thru some really cold weather . I have my adult Indian stars in a 8 ft enclosure in my garage. I have 2 che’s and 2 heat lamps and a UV bulb. When it gets really cold I also have a heating unit in the garage. I want to get the heating and lighting correct once and for all. What should the heating temp be on both sides and should I be using a thermostat to keep the temp consistent ?
Ambient should be no lower than 80 anywhere in the enclosure at any time. Daytime ambient should climb to around 88-93. Basking temp directly under the bulb should be 100.
Hi Tom. These days whenever I hear the news about California floods and bad weather I always think of you. I hope you and your torts are safe and doing well.
Tom, you have helped me so much in the last 10 years and I just wanted to say THANKS! People always chuckle when I tell them that I learned all about caring for Samson from Tom The Dog Trainer, also from this forum. So thanks again and have a wonderful New Year!
Thank you. My hope is that Samson is happy, healthy, and living a great tortoise life due to your efforts to house and care for him well. You had to do all the work. I just "led you to the water", so to speak.
Sorry, only just seen this. Thanks, looks interesting. As per update on the forum post, got the vivarium now (at reasonable price), just got a few things to resolve before moving her across.
That's great 👍
Morning Mark, just asking some advice if thats ok, unfortunately i'm not able to purchase a uv meter at the moment, but when do you suggest changing the bulb on my T5 unit? it's been in use now for approx 1 year and i'm worried my tort isn't getting enough uv, it's winter here in the uk so we have no natural sunshine.
kind regards
I personally believe tortoises need quite little UVB as far as direct exposure. I'm sure your tortoise is fine. Will - Kapidolo Farms - raises all his with no UVB at all - just dietary vit D. A 6% bulb at 20" is probably giving a 1.5 UVI reading. That would be plenty for 12 hours a day as you have been doing.
Mark thankyou, I have been beside myself with worry thinking I’ve done some damage to my torts health, I have a new bulb arriving Friday, but I’ve been feeling terrible.
No UV is very very important I can't stress enough on that now that I have a higher percentage of UV now that have access to. However my tortoise eats every day now before he wasn't eating at all I have a lot of vet bills from him because of the UV light not being right so please believe me light is very important
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