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i heard you might be able to help me with my fly river turtle questions. my name is shawn
Shawn. I am sorry but have no personal experience with these turtles. I have chosen to limit myself to N American turtles as far as my aquatics over the years.

ok thank you mark
Hello! You just commented on having a leopard tortoise the same age as mine. Due to the home set up she required a set up in the basement and therefore an enclosed unit. Hopefully I can get more responses from people regarding my first area to concentrate on (substrate/flooring). The size is 8' wide by 4' deep.
Hi there. I know its late in the game but if you have any info on Egyptian tortoise breeders, I would really appreciate it. Thanks
I sent you several names in a conversation this AM. Did you see it?.
Yes, I did thank you!

John didn't respond to either text or email so not sure if he's available.
Could you share the Egyptian tortoise breeder info with me?
I recently bought my wife a tortoise for her birthday. He is now our son and the center of our lives. His name is Meriel.
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My wife was skeptical at first when I bought my first tortoise but now she’s attached to him/her as much as me! It’s such a joy to have a tortoise 🐢
Just recently bought a Marginated Tortoise and I'm IN LOVE! He is a month old and is the most cutest tortoise ever, he loves taking naps with me and he loves being with his mama. I often let him walk around on my bed and he always comes too me and lays either on my neck or my stomach. I'm not sure why he does but he loves to cuddle.I've never seen a tortoise with such personality and never fails to make me laugh.
I am making MONSTRO! available...but he is going to be $2000! I really don't wanna let him go at all...but am putting more time into my wolves...having less time for him!
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This video is a few years old. He's 29" and 125# now
This had cute throughout just watch those fingers!
Happy Spring everyone. I’m happy to say that Rock & Roll made it through their first winter of brumation. They look happy and healthy. Still not moving too much. They’re still pretty much dormant. Is there anything else I need to do. Also, because of the rain there are lots of weeds coming up between the rocks. Should I pick them or will R&R eat them?