New YFs


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Congrats. I don't know much about YF but they look good size and price sure sounds good. How old are they? They look same sex to me, but I'm not that good at sexing. Maybe @tortadise can help


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The smaller one looked most like a female to me but maybe he only had males. It's easier when you have something to compare them to. I do not know how old they are but the small one is probably 6" and the larger one 8"?


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Awesome. Yellowfoots are pretty tough to see especially when smaller. What size are they? Hard to see the tail of the bigger one. But I'd say right they're unsexable accurately.


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About 6 and 8 inches. The larger one is concave with a longer tail. Cloaca is also pretty low on the tail. I'm pretty sure it's a male. I was hoping the smaller one was a female. I guess I'll just have to wait it out. May be looking to trade down the road, smh.


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I just walked out there and found them (or more accurately him) attempting to breed. Good sign I guess.

mike taylor

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Oct 28, 2012
No that's bullying . That how he shows he's the bigger bad *** tort . Keep a close eye out for stuff like this you may have to make another setup for the smaller one .

mike taylor

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Oct 28, 2012
Not really . Tortoises do this as a dominance behavior . They will ram push and hump . Just keep an eye out .


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I've seen my females hump each other but he seemed to really be going after it with his neck extended, mouth open and making those "barking" sounds. Do males do that to show dominance?


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I've seen my females hump each other but he seemed to really be going after it with his neck extended, mouth open and making those "barking" sounds. Do males do that to show dominance?
Male Yellowfoots can be pretty dominant for sure. Two of my basin males were very very dominant at a young age too. I have seen females get aggressive too though. That's why Yellowfoots can be super tricky to sex. Also many of them display both male/female physical characteristics. Not much data out there of the yellowfoot research in the giant basins versus the smaller sized specimens. But I do know Peter Prichard and few others that have seen and done studies in situ claim that the basin are always very very very difficult to assess sexual cractersistics based off tail and anal scutes. The size and shape typically depict the massive ones. Males will will stay smaller and more elongated where as females will tend to be much more round and Girthy and weighing much more than the males. I have some photos of the parents my 2 basins came from. They're distinguishable for sure. But obviously massive in size. I'll see if I can find the pics of the parents.

mike taylor

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Oct 28, 2012
Holy cow! Man them guys are huge! But the people could be tiny .Kelly is the photo trickery?

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Just noticed the guy on the right is giving the bird with a smug smile . Ha-ha only you Kelly could try and put that one past us .I see everything ! Haha


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Just noticed the guy on the right is giving the bird with a smug smile . Ha-ha only you Kelly could try and put that one past us .I see everything ! Haha
I'm a sneaky moderator lol. Most adult specimens at this farm are very very large 26-39" specimens. Very rarely are they imported into the U.S. because other nations dont have a 4" rule. So it costs them more to raise them to 4"(about 2-4 months) to meet US import regulations. Anyways blah blah. Yeah they're quite big indeed.

Kapidolo Farms

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First off, Good impulse! I don't think I could have walked past that, and the price is good too. As great a species as denticulata are, they have for some reason not been a 'popular tortoise'. No comment on sex, you'll have to wait to see. Two of a species is probably about the most difficult number to keep in one enclosure. One will always seek to dominate the other and create what might be thought of as 'proximity stress'. Sometimes a third will work out to confuse the issue, but 5 or more works better yet. I hope you do get some breeding when they are big enough.

@tortadise any chance we could see how yours are looking, from this source in Peru?


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First off, Good impulse! I don't think I could have walked past that, and the price is good too. As great a species as denticulata are, they have for some reason not been a 'popular tortoise'. No comment on sex, you'll have to wait to see. Two of a species is probably about the most difficult number to keep in one enclosure. One will always seek to dominate the other and create what might be thought of as 'proximity stress'. Sometimes a third will work out to confuse the issue, but 5 or more works better yet. I hope you do get some breeding when they are big enough.

@tortadise any chance we could see how yours are looking, from this source in Peru?
They're definilty not mammoths by any means. But perhaps they grow semi slow and hit spurts into mature adulthood kinda like Manouria do. Slow steady not to say growth, and one day it's an oh wow "he got huge" factor. Who knows. So little in situ data on the Giants. You either offspring or mammoths. Haven't seen any in betweens. I've made contact with another keeper that got some from the same bunch that was imported in 2005. His are around same size. A couple are bigger. But they're wuite pyramided too. So hard to establish when and if these will get mammoth like the parents above. I sure hope so. Yellowfoots are a cool species. Even better if they're really large.

Here's some shots of them.
Female is the big one. She's around 17" or so. Laid many eggs this year. Found 2 nests inside I missed and one nest outside. All feel heavy except one. So fingers crossed they hatch. The smaller one is just a normal guyana import. She's cool too though.
The same guyana female in back. The male Peruvian is the one to the right. He's the alpha of the two. I had them scheduled to be scoped. Because they're very very difficult to sex. But both flashed me finally. This past year they have been expressing the "teenage" horn dog breeding and dominant like attitude. Both were 4"(6month olds) when imported October 2005. So seems about right for them to be expressing such behavior. I have photos throughout they're life and growth here with me. I'll have to pull them from the files along with the CITES paperwork too.


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Mar 2, 2012
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I would consider $100 each for Yellowfoot to be a steal.
Nice find.
Every reptile event I've gone to has always SUCKED!
Yep. When I was at Daytona 3 years ago. Saw a huge 24" or so female yellowfoot for 325. Didn't get it because I wanted to check everything out first. Well it was gone when I ventured back to that table. Good deals should be purchased immediately. That's how I see it now.