Scared of any animals?

Tidgy's Dad

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Feb 11, 2015
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Ha! My sister is afraid of moths too -and butterflies actually. She has been afraid of them her whole life. When we were both in our early 20's we were walking into an apartment building lobby one evening and a giant moth actually FLEW INTO HER MOUTH. It was so shocking. As if she wasn't already terrified of them! Her mouth was covered in powder! blech! :)
I ate a large butterfly for a bet at school.
Bleuch is right!!!
It was really horrible, scales stick to the roof of your moth and tongue.
I recommend taking the wings off before eating.
Not scared of them, though.

Tidgy's Dad

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Feb 11, 2015
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I ate a large butterfly for a bet at school.
Bleuch is right!!!
It was really horrible, scales stick to the roof of your moth and tongue.
I recommend taking the wings off before eating.
Not scared of them, though.
I meant mouth, not moth, but an interesting and relevant slip.


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I am afraid of parrots and other large birds. There was a pet store my friends and I used to always go to and they had these gigantic birds there. Everybody wanted the bird to sit on their arm I was mortified. The minute it started walking up towards my elbow I wanted no part of it. I'm always afraid they're going to peck at my eyes or something. Totally irrational but hey what can I say.
You definitely do not want to come to my house!


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Mid-sized snakes. I'm unafraid of garters and other small snakes, and I'm (irrationally, since they could actually kill me) unafraid of boas and pythons, but those fast-moving things, like rat snakes? No. Just no. I get that this is probably my brain trying to protect me from similarly sized venomous types, but it irks me that non-venomous snakes of this size scare me so much.


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I'm not scared of anything except centipedes gross me out. When I was young, I was lifting the ceiling panels in my basement and got a headful of centipedes. They were stuck in my long hair. Now when I see one I shriek like baby, LOL but I don't kill them because I respect they could make a sissy out of me.


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Mid-sized snakes. I'm unafraid of garters and other small snakes, and I'm (irrationally, since they could actually kill me) unafraid of boas and pythons, but those fast-moving things, like rat snakes? No. Just no. I get that this is probably my brain trying to protect me from similarly sized venomous types, but it irks me that non-venomous snakes of this size scare me so much.
Really? Even this little cutie? My baby snake Peanut has a kitty cat shaped mouth. I think she's precious! :DImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1443219436.312461.jpg


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I agree with David here, I have respect and show caution with some animals, but i'm not scared of any as such.
Hate camels, but not scared of them.

You just have to learn their weaknesses; like lions with toilet paper.


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WASPS! Wasps and other bee-like things, including bees... Although I do have massive respect for bumblebees and don't want them to die. I just don't want them anywhere near me! Centipedes and black widows also freak me out.

I was terrified of birds and tarantulas growing up. Then I took a job at a full line pet store that put me in direct contact with both (and centipedes) on a daily basis, and I got over both fears fairly quickly. Still freaked out by centipedes, though.

kirsty Johnston

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I'm TERRIFIED of spiders. I don't care where I am - if I see one I go running and act like a child. It's really embarrassing but I can not get over my fear.
Everything else is fine - I'm not a great lover of birds but I'm not scared of them, just a little cautious when they are around me


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I don't like them at all, even as in the form of toy. To me, a dead snake is a good snake.

Sorry!! to you all snake lover.