Virus supplies worldwide comparison

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Germany report:

- all schools and play schools are closed up to the 18. of April
- rest homes are closed for visitors, hospitals too
- all public events are cancelled, theatres are closed
- Poland, Szech republic, Denmark and maybe other countries have closed their borders for visitors.
- Supermarkets in Germany ran out of toilet paper and paper towels, milk, bottled water, noodles and rice.
- Bread an meat is still available but some canned food is short. Food for cats and dogs is enough in store. Vegetables, fruits and lettuce too.
- You can`t buy any masks, gloves or disinfectans, or when to a price that is not normal.
- people can`t buy guns ( you know in Germany you need a gun license to buy, to have or to wear a gun ) but I am sure people would when they could

It is crazy here too. I have no fear to get this virus but I have fear what will happen when the panic of people increases more and more .... Nightmares of closed super markets, drugstores and other stores. Closed gas stations because they have no more gas to sell.... And the biggest fear is of people who are scared and think they have to fight for their own survivel ....Maybe I`ve seen too much seasons of "The walking dead" and "Fear the walking dead" but I love these series.?
The "nice" side of the virus is that the gas is cheap here too but why ??? I thought when borders are closed and transportations become more difficult the price will get higher ! Maybe this will be the next step. That`s why yesterday I filled the gas tank of my car now ... and I bought more canned food, milk, bread and dog and cat food too. Got some more toilet paper and other paper rolls too. Luckily it is still a little bit cold outside so that the lettuce that I bought in store for my torts maybe stays fresh for a week.
Maybe it is a good idea to have the next weeks all what you need in the house and staying away from people. Waiting for the worst but expecting the best.... or was it the other way round ??
When you know me a little you will know that I am only half seriously writing. :cool: I really have no fear to get sick and I give my torts, dogs and cats a hug and a kiss like before the damn virus crossed my life !?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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22,000 out of 36,000,000+ = .06%

55 out of 2500 = 2.2%

2.2% of 36,000,000 is 792,000

Perspective is good. Now you can see why some countries are taking such drastic measures to slow the spread or flatten the curve.
Another part of the perspective is how many people have gotten over it with only minor issues that weren't even tested. I'm high risk so in some ways I'm glad they're doing all this. But I'm also high risk if I get the flue and they don't take these measures for that. My only hope is that something good will come out of all this. In other words let people stay home when they are sick. I'm very sure there's way more people in our country that have it because they've only recently started testing for it.

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Same here schools are closed but the buses are running to the bus stops and delivering lunches to any children that need one.
It looks like relief for this is slowly being implemented as they figure out the way to accomplish it.


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Jun 24, 2012
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That's a great story...and it was nice to see your name's been a while...
I’m on vacation as of Friday, and by vacation I mean I had until the end of this month to use my 2019 vacation and still had a week, so I’m just hanging out at home doing some spring cleaning (yeah real convenient trying to do a nice thorough cleaning when the end of the world is happening and you can’t buy cleaning supplies) I’m also here because there’s too much plague talk and it’s given me anxiety and I need distraction (yet here I am talking about that which I’m trying to avoid) since my job is traveling business to business caring for their plants you can imagine how well that’s been going, places closing, colleges sending kids home not to return after break, assisted living straight up won’t even unlock the door for me (and I can’t blame them, I’m young and don’t have to worry if I caught something, aside from the fact that the beginning can be lacking in symptoms and can spread then, and the last thing I want is to be the one responsible for causing an outbreak there). I don’t know what kind of job I will have to go back to and that’s what worry’s me the most. So here I am distracting myself with friends I haven’t seen in quite some time.

Yvonne G

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Ok, here's what I don't understand - back in the '40s when my mom contracted polio we were quarantined in our house. They put a big red sign on our front door. We were told DO NOT GO OUTSIDE. DO NOT OPEN YOUR WINDOWS!!!!

So on TV news last night they showed film of quarantined folks in Italy hanging out their windows, singing their national anthem, the houses directly next to each other, unseen germs flowing out their mouths all over the neighborhood. What the heck???


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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Another part of the perspective is how many people have gotten over it with only minor issues that weren't even tested. I'm high risk so in some ways I'm glad they're doing all this. But I'm also high risk if I get the flue and they don't take these measures for that. My only hope is that something good will come out of all this. In other words let people stay home when they are sick. I'm very sure there's way more people in our country that have it because they've only recently started testing for it.

Because of the lag in testing, the actual number of cases is probably at least 10x, if not much more (100x). It spread in the US basically undetected. Thats one reason downplaying the risk is so dangerous. It spreads without serious harm thru most people, and reaches the more vulnerable people. And why people are panicking now. How will people react in the next weeks if the US jumps from ~3k to 10k+ or more confirmed cases. Plan early or panic later.


Tortoise Club
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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
My wife still works for our local county school district.
(I'm retured)
Our county has guaranteed that any employee that misses work over school closures, etc. Will be compensated fully.
I'm assuming that it would be the policy if most public schools to offer their employees.
At least initially.
Making such guarantees for months and months seems unlikely.


Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Because of the lag in testing, the actual number of cases is probably at least 10x, if not much more (100x). It spread in the US basically undetected. Thats one reason downplaying the risk is so dangerous. It spreads without serious harm thru most people, and reaches the more vulnerable people. And why people are panicking now. How will people react in the next weeks if the US jumps from ~3k to 10k+ or more confirmed cases. Plan early or panic later.
It will be interesting to see how this makeshift journal progresses
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Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I'm already concerned about "mom and pop" local business, etc.
My wife and I go to the same SUSHI restaurant almost every Saturday. We always try to get there right as it opens because it is extremely popular and the booth seating fills up right away.
Today, we got there over 20 minutes later than usual....
Almost no cars in the lot and we had the place almost to ourselves.
How long can restaurants and other places deal with this?


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Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Not only are schools closed. But now all non essential school board employees are off next week.
I'm not sure why it's just next week. Or if this plan will change as needed.
The Walmart food market had lots of food and bread. And there was an almost organized line of people clamoring for a package of toilet paper from a just arrived shipment.
I've given away to my neighbors or dumped into my vehicles all of my left over hurricane gasoline reserve from the uneventful 2019 season.And have filled up my tanks with fresh fuel. If not needed for this crisis, itll simply become hurricane gasoline for the 2020 season. (For the generator)
I placed stabilizer in it. So it's good for a year.
Gas stations are clear and have no lines.
I still know no one that is sick in my circle of friends and family.
I hope everyone else is also well.


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Nov 13, 2016
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ON a completely lighter and side note because of your comment-

Did you know "Dog" on walking dead is @Tom 's dog he handles and is also his personal pet dog?
Wow, Mark, I didn`t know that this dog is Toms dog ! Great ! Boah, I am impressed. Thank you for the information. When I watch the next series of "The walking dead" I will watch if I can read Toms name as the "dog handler" in the credits.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 30, 2018
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Richmond, VA
Not only are schools closed. But now all non essential school board employees are off next week.
I'm not sure why it's just next week. Or if this plan will change as needed.
The Walmart food market had lots of food and bread. And there was an almost organized line of people clamoring for a package of toilet paper from a just arrived shipment.
I've given away to my neighbors or dumped into my vehicles all of my left over hurricane gasoline reserve from the uneventful 2019 season.And have filled up my tanks with fresh fuel. If not needed for this crisis, itll simply become hurricane gasoline for the 2020 season. (For the generator)
I placed stabilizer in it. So it's good for a year.
Gas stations are clear and have no lines.
I still know no one that is sick in my circle of friends and family.
I hope everyone else is also well.
Yeah smartm I will refresh my hurricane gas too! Thanks for reminding me.


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Feb 27, 2020
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New Jersey
A lot or retailers are changing their hours of operation so that they can get trucks unloaded and shelves reorganized.

Check before shopping, especially if you prefer super-early or super-late hours.

And, for the love of Chelonia,take a few seconds to sincerely thank the people who are running themselves ragged to keep the whole thing moving forward.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I’m on vacation as of Friday, and by vacation I mean I had until the end of this month to use my 2019 vacation and still had a week, so I’m just hanging out at home doing some spring cleaning (yeah real convenient trying to do a nice thorough cleaning when the end of the world is happening and you can’t buy cleaning supplies) I’m also here because there’s too much plague talk and it’s given me anxiety and I need distraction (yet here I am talking about that which I’m trying to avoid) since my job is traveling business to business caring for their plants you can imagine how well that’s been going, places closing, colleges sending kids home not to return after break, assisted living straight up won’t even unlock the door for me (and I can’t blame them, I’m young and don’t have to worry if I caught something, aside from the fact that the beginning can be lacking in symptoms and can spread then, and the last thing I want is to be the one responsible for causing an outbreak there). I don’t know what kind of job I will have to go back to and that’s what worry’s me the most. So here I am distracting myself with friends I haven’t seen in quite some time.
Hello. Glad to meet you. I'm new so I'm sure I missed you...?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Wow, Mark, I didn`t know that this dog is Toms dog ! Great ! Boah, I am impressed. Thank you for the information. When I watch the next series of "The walking dead" I will watch if I can read Toms name as the "dog handler" in the credits.
I thought it was pretty neat too. He's our Tom first though as well you know.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Gas very cheap here. Filled up at our Sams Club for $1.96 per gallon yesterday.

Why is petrol cheap you ask?
Mark, I just read this. It doesn't make any sense to me, economically speaking. Yes they are making less, but they are also paying less.

Example: If I'm buying tortoises at wholesale for $100 each and I need to make $50 per tortoise to pay all my expenses and turn a profit, then I charge $150. If the wholesale price of those tortoises suddenly drops to $50, then I'm able to sell them to my customers for $100 instead of $150, and I still turn the exact same profit per tortoise, while spending half as much up front. I'm not losing money at all.

If the price of Saudi and Russian crude drops, this just means that the gasoline companies can charge less, but they will still recoup their costs for transportation, storage, and refining all that crude, and still add on enough to make a profit. Why would they be taking a loss? They should be turning the same profit margin with less cash outlay at the beginning of the process.

For any business, having a drop in the price of source materials does not mean a lower profit. What am I not grasping here?