Indented Vertebral Scute


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5 Year Member
Nov 3, 2013
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This is something I've noticed about Pumpkin's appearance for a while now, and althought I've mentioned it before and people don't seem to think it's a problem, I feel like mentioning it again. It seems as though Pumpkin's fourth vertebral scute is intented, while all of his other scutes are growing outwards to form the shell's typical domed shape. Here are some pictures where you can kind of see what I'm talking about.



Previously I had been giving Pumpkin ReptiCal calcium supplement twice a week, but after I saw him eating some clay I have since switched over to Sticky Tongue Farm's product Miner-All, which also includes calcium. He also chews on his cuttlebone on a regular basis. He has a U.V. strip light, but I just ordered a Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 High Output UVB Fluorescent Bulb because I believe that will provide him with more UVB than my current bulb. I take him outside whenever possible but lately we've been getting nothing but rain so I haven't been able to put him out. I feed Pumpkin a "salad" which includes both broad and narrow plantain, white and red clover, dandelion, sow thistle, globe thistle, chickweed, bittercress, Rose of Sharon leaves, grape vine leaves, and a few other wildflowers/weeds. He also gets a different grocery green in this mix every week (kale, mustard greens, collared greens, turnip greens, swiss chard, spring mix, raddichio, etc...). Do you think this sloping of the scute is indicative of MBD? Should I supplement more calcium, or is this just how his shell is naturally shaped?


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Jul 21, 2013
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Im not a professional by any means. My sully has a large "dimple" in her shell towards the back. She was born with it though. It seems to have flatten out some as she grows. Did your tort always have it?


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Nov 3, 2013
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I glanced back at some older pictures I have of him and his shell has the same shape. I don't think the "denting" has gotten any more pronounced. Maybe it's just the shell he's born with. His shell feels firm (for an almost one year old), so I'm not sure what to make of it.


The Dog Trainer
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His shell looks excellent. Your diet sounds excellent too. I don't think you have any problem at all there. I think what your are seeing is just normal variation that exists from tortoise to tortoise. I see no indication of MBD at all.

Two things I want to say: Make sure you mount the HO unit high enough. Follow the Mgfs. recommendations because it is a strong bulb. Lots of UV. Even better still, get a UV light meter and check the UV output at tortoise level. I like and use this one:

All your foods sound great, but I didn't see endive or escarole listed. On the rare occasion that I feed grocery store foods, I favor these two a lot.


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5 Year Member
Nov 3, 2013
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His shell looks excellent. Your diet sounds excellent too. I don't think you have any problem at all there. I think what your are seeing is just normal variation that exists from tortoise to tortoise. I see no indication of MBD at all.

Two things I want to say: Make sure you mount the HO unit high enough. Follow the Mgfs. recommendations because it is a strong bulb. Lots of UV. Even better still, get a UV light meter and check the UV output at tortoise level. I like and use this one:

All your foods sound great, but I didn't see endive or escarole listed. On the rare occasion that I feed grocery store foods, I favor these two a lot.

Oh good, I'm so glad there doesn't appear to be any problem. I had a feeling that was simply the inherent shape of his shell, but I just wanted to make sure. I'll make sure to mount the new UV strip light properly. I've fed escarole before and Pumpkin liked it (he isn't picky at all), so I'll see if I can pick up those two grocery items to include more frequently. :)