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  • Ha Ha Ha, they have all lived happily together for 20 years , I started with 4 babies & now have 7 adult females , 4 adult males. , 4 youngsters & last week 11 babies have hatched & are eating lettuces till they are stuffed . BTW I live in a very hot climate , Middle east ,lol
    An aggressive male desert tortoise, of mine was harassing a larger male relentlessly today. A younger one not yet sure of gender, took offence & bit the aggressor on the hind legs. Tortoises display empathy ??
    No. They don't display empathy. Tortoises are solitary creatures and are very territorial. Some species are worse than others and DT males are usually very territorial. All your tortoises need to be separated to live in their own enclosures. This will only get worse and the stress is not good for any of them. Even without outright injury, it is not good for them to live this way.
    Hey Tom! I finally figured out how to get back on the forum but not sure if this is the spot you wanted me to message you. Just trying to get some outdoor enclosure ideas with cover so the birds dont take my little guy. Thanks again!
    Tom, Sorry for asking in the wrong spot. I'm still learning how to use this forum. I have read your care sheet and should have read it again before I asked you a question. There is so much info and I'm new to this. Again sorry. I do have a question for more clarification and will ask it on the care sheet thread. I hope that is the right place to ask it.
    No need to be sorry. This area is part of the new forum format and it only lets you type a short response. I want to be able to FUlly answer all your questions without having to worry about how many words I'm using.
    Thanks Tom, I'll keep doing that. How long do they need to be in a humid closed chamber? . They hatched out this spring so they are very young. Also when you take your hatchlings outside for sun do you provide them with shade. I was thinking that if they are out for the purpose of UV then if they just sat in the shade it would be pointless. Obviously I wouldn't let them overheat.
    There is not enough room to answer all this here. Ask again in a regular thread on the forum.

    All of this info is in the care sheet, and yes they MUST have shade available when they are outside with access to sunshine. Its not pointless because they still get refracted UV even in the shade.
    Tom, Have finished my closed chamber with humid hides. My hatchling does not go in the humid hide at night. Should I go and place him in the hide every night? I have been doing this but didn't know if I should just give him time to do it on his own. Thanks for all your help
    My russian babies all ran straight into any hole in the ground they can find. My sulcata babies all avoid any kind of hole in the ground. It seems that they wish to avoid whatever made the hole in the first place. I always put mine in their hides just before I go to bed. In time they realize that it is THEIR hole in the ground and then they hardly come out of it. Sometimes this takes a month or two.
    Hi Tom, This might be a stupid question but as far as food goes exactly how much food corresponds with age of a sulcata? I've read all your posts but can you maybe give an idea what a week "menu" for your baby sulcatas (~1 year old) might be? A specific example of how to mix the foods sulcatas should be eating?
    Hi Tom, I was wondering how to keep the humidity at 80% in a closed enclosure and hide box. Sadly, my little guy was brought up dry and has some tough pyramiding that I want to stop for the rest of his long life. I have read all your threads also, but none specifically say how to increase humidity. Thank you for the help you give all of us!
    Humidity is a function adding moisture and reducing ventilation until ambient humidity is where you want it.
    Hi Tom. I am a very amateur, accidental breeder. I am having a problem with scutes. I was hoping you could give me some advice. Temp? Humidity? Parental diet? SO MANY BABIES!! Thank you! angel.
    What is the problem? You mean babies hatched with split scutes? That is usually the result of temperatures climbing too high in the incubator.
    hi. just want to ask if i can plant a bamboo in my sulcata outdoor enclosure. I have read that bamboos have a high cyanide content which is harmful for my sulcata but is ok for my radiata.. is this true based on your experience. And one site says bamboo is one of the healthier choices... please any advice on this. thanks
    I have no experience or knowledge with tortoises and bamboo. Sorry.
    just a quick question... can i plant pole bamboos inside my sulcata outdoor enclosure? i remember reading that bamboos in general have high cyanide content which may harm my sulcata but tolerable or not harmful for my radiata, is this true? as explained , sulcatas are savannah animals which there are no bamboos there. And i have read in one website that bamboos are listed as one of the healthier choices
    Tom i am looking at the oil filled heater optimus h-6002 for my 4x4x2 outdoor hide and I was wondering if it would keep it at around 80-90. I have a Zilla thermostat would that work or would the internal thenostat for the heater itelf turn it off before it reaches that temp that I set on the Zilla. Thanks you have answered many of my questions already and it is much appreciated. This is for a sulcata.
    Should work fine for that purpose. It holds my 4x8x2' boxes at those temps on a below freezing night. This is going to depend on how well sealed and insulated your box is and how cold the night temps get.
    Tom where do you get the tracks for your plexiglass fronts?
    Those came from Home Depot in the 90's. I would not do it that way again. Better to get a custom made dual paned window made to fit your opening. The part that should face the outside elements on a human house, should be inside your enclosure and the part with the locking latch should face out into the room.
    one last question for now, do Sulcates yawn?
    Yes. But if it is happening often it can be an early sign of a respiratory infection. Make sure all your temps, especially night temps, are warm enough.
    That much we've got right now, 70's are the coldest it gets. Thank you Tom :)
    Gosh, should I make calcium (cuttlebone) available? how much of veggies should we give? zucchini? endive? hibiscus flowers? (one or 2 a day right now) tomato? sigh, sorry for being "dumb" but I trust this forum above a general google.
    Yes on the cuttle bone. Easy on the veggies and flowers. The diet should be mostly grass, weeds, leaves, spineless opuntia pads, etc...
    Okay, Humphrey is a sulcata (African Spur), he is 25 pds, new to us, what about Mango fruit? other questions but for some reason, can only post 420 characters. Any fruit?
    It sounds like you have a respiratory infection. Yawning, making noises and mouth bubbles? These are all the symptoms. These usually occur when they are outside and exposed to cool temperatures and high humidity. He needs a heated house. The electric heat will also keep things a bit drier for him in your wet climate. The opposite of my problem! It was 80 last night, but what was it a month or two ago?
    Thank you Tom. Just wondering why having 80 for a night temp is considered cool.
    80 isn't cool. But was it 80 outside at night two months ago?
    greetings from phoenix Tom! RV sends her regards...
    How is that beautiful girl? We need some updated pics!
    Can you please give me specifics on how to get humidity levels correct for a baby sulcata in a 50 gallon aquarium that my boyfriend insists i use? Very new owner and want to do this right.
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