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  • hi tom,its been awhile. hope all is well with you and the family. my named was momo, now african cake queen. took long time to get back on. was wonding if you still kept a few cakes still? you know about baby ihop, it turned 1 yr. feb. 14 2013- i am now waiting on 3 fertile cake eggs, one ready anytime. just wanted to say hi , and see if you kept the cakes. lindy
    Hello ACQ! I bought the five cakes for my buddy as a housewarming gift and he still has all of them and they are doing great. They are nearing maturity and we are expecting eggs in the next couple of years...

    So happy to hear about IHOP! You successfully brought a new pancake into the world! That is AWESOME!
    Tom, I have a three + year old Hermanns and was wondering if soakings are still needed and if so, how often would you recommend.
    Is this how I answer this? Sorry. I don't know how the forum works anymore. The answer depends on many factors. I would soak twice a week. This will insure that your tortoise is hydrated, and it will do no harm if your tortoise doesn't "need" it.
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