Search results

  1. chikken

    more active outside than inside

    Well, you don't want her entire enclosure to be 95 - 100 degrees, particularly in a glass tank, that could get mighty uncomfortable for her. I keep my hatchling in a vivarium myself, so I'm not judging there (though my tortoise is the same size and my tank's almost as long as I am tall because I...
  2. chikken

    Collective name for a group of tortoises

    Aww... I want to get another tortoise just so I can use the term "creep". ;) I'd also like to know who came up with these names. A flamboyance of flamingoes? A rumba of rattlesnakes? That's pure silliness.
  3. chikken

    What's wrong with my tortoise's shell??

    Yvonne told you it's a normal marbling pattern of new growth on the shell. I noticed recently that my little guy has it too, it's perfectly normal, and it looks really cool. It's fine. :)
  4. chikken

    HELP! my temp is at 90f is this a problem

    Make sure your thermometer is taking readings at the level that your tortoise will be standing at, whether it's on the level of of the substrate or on top of a basking platform or cave (my little guy plays king of the mountain on his cave to bask). You want to know the temperature exactly where...
  5. chikken

    HELP! my temp is at 90f is this a problem

    What are the temperatures on the other sides of the vivarium? If the middle is 90, is that directly under the basking area and the hottest part or what? (Correct me if I'm wrong, pros, I'm only a month into "ownership", but I've tried to absorb a lot of info...) From what I've gathered, you...
  6. chikken

    Questions about flowers, plants for my tortoise

    I can't offer a lot of advice because I think what grows up here in Connecticut must be quite different from what might grow down in Texas (though I'm sure some of the natural "weeds" are the same)... BUT I think I might have some ideas. 1) I used one of the stickied threads in the Food...
  7. chikken

    College degree vs. Job outlook?

    It may not be possible for your situation, but check around for teacher prep programs in your area that pay for your schooling. I got a master's in 18 months, tuition paid for because of this great intensive program at a university. There were a lot of parents in the program... if it's something...
  8. chikken

    College degree vs. Job outlook?

    First of all, congratulations on being so close to graduation! Second, I completely understand the guilt factor. I myself have an undergraduate fine arts degree in creative writing and a master's in elementary education-- I'm not currently under contract as either a writer or a teacher. While...
  9. chikken

    Sexing tortoises

    Thanks you! (And, it happens to the best of us, no worries!)
  10. chikken

    I need a new name

    That's a beautiful name... I vote Georgia too. ;) You could even spice it up and go Georgina.
  11. chikken

    Sexing tortoises

    A Hermann's, just like the (original poster) Danny was talking about... let's say... Eastern Hermann's to narrow it even more. :)
  12. chikken

    Sexing tortoises

    There's really no ballpark figure?
  13. chikken

    Sexing tortoises

    Just to be a pain and ask, what's about the size where it's possible to tell? I pretty much just got a hatchling, so it's obviously WAY too small to sex, but I figure some day in the far far future it'll hit the size threshold where it's large enough to tell. :D I was always just figuring I'd...
  14. chikken

    East Coasters?

    I'm in Connecticut. New Englander all my life in a couple of different states because I love that east coast. :)
  15. chikken

    A Uromastyx forum

    This is excellent! I've been looking for a Uro forum for a few weeks now. Books are great to learn from before you jump into taking care of a new creature, and I've found my Uro books plenty informative, but I think personal up-to-date anecdotes and tips are even better. Thanks for starting it...
  16. chikken

    Need Advice Nothing Serious(didnt mean for it to be this long)

    Why would you have to change all of your lights again just to use a timer? That doesn't seem to make sense. They make really inexpensive light timers that people use for lamps when they go on vacation (to give the impression of being home) that are found at most discount stores. You could cut...
  17. chikken

    Need Advice Nothing Serious(didnt mean for it to be this long)

    I'm not experienced so I can't judge or advise on the food situation, but for the problem with the lights you could get one of those power strips with a timer that way the lights would go on and off whenever you want them to just like if you were around. I'd think that leaving the lights on 24/7...
  18. chikken

    school project ideas, what do you think ?

    i was gonna say "well, you know how parents can be", but you're a cool parent. a lot of them are afraid of "icky" though... especially around things they're just not knowledgeable enough about (like that the shed skin isn't at all icky). i'm sure even some of them would be creeped out that i...
  19. chikken

    school project ideas, what do you think ?

    That's great! I want to use that idea in my own classroom! I'm not sure how the parents I deal with-- or the administration ( :rolleyes: )-- would react to having a shed skin picture brought home, but other natural elements would be perfect! :D
  20. chikken

    school project ideas, what do you think ?

    Those look amazing. Do the kids want to do something like glue bits of shed onto the underdrawings to make realistic looking snake pictures? That's such a creative idea... kids come up with the best stuff. And what a cool parent you are for doing all of this stuff with them!