HELP! my temp is at 90f is this a problem

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bradley fielden

hello i have just got a new hermanns tortoise. little girl... the temp in the middle of the vivarium is at 90 is this a problem...??

please help.


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How large is the vivarium? Also, does she have a place to hide if she wants to?


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What are the temperatures on the other sides of the vivarium? If the middle is 90, is that directly under the basking area and the hottest part or what?

(Correct me if I'm wrong, pros, I'm only a month into "ownership", but I've tried to absorb a lot of info...) From what I've gathered, you need a range. The basking area should be a concentrated spot up to 105, and the rest of the viv having a gradient that allows the tortoise to self-regulate. For example, here's my gradient, I've got a 100 degree basking area, the hot side is in the 90s, the middle in the 80s and the cool side is in the 70s. Of course this drops at night a bit. The tortoise moves around as they feel the need to regulate their temperature... right now, it's hanging out on the cool side. But heat is important because they're cold-blooded and need the heat to even get around and get moving.

I think we need a couple more numbers from you to see if you're ok.

bradley fielden

hey thanks. i will get more readings but the heat lamp is on the far right and it is 90 in the middle. it has got places of shade and when i put my hand in it feels warm and much cooler on the left. like a said i will get more readings. i got it today... joined the forum yester day in preperation haha.. thanks :)

just thought i should be safe than sorry

Yvonne G

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You can raise the heat lamp up higher to make it be less hot at ground level, however, Chikken's (Manda's) response was a pretty darned good one.


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It seems like it is fine if one side is cooler and has shade. If your tort has the ability to go other places (i.e. other side or hiding place), they usually will if they get too warm. Raising the light if you think it's too warm is a great answer too. Christy

bradley fielden

i was worried so i put my hand on the right side of the thermometer and i could feel the heat off the heat lamp. i have moved it a bit higher and now the temperature is at 80. i think he put the thermometer too low.

for this reason i am getting another thermometer to move to the other side so i can compare the temperatures.


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Jan 28, 2010
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bradley fielden said:
i was worried so i put my hand on the right side of the thermometer and i could feel the heat off the heat lamp. i have moved it a bit higher and now the temperature is at 80. i think he put the thermometer too low.

for this reason i am getting another thermometer to move to the other side so i can compare the temperatures.

Make sure your thermometer is taking readings at the level that your tortoise will be standing at, whether it's on the level of of the substrate or on top of a basking platform or cave (my little guy plays king of the mountain on his cave to bask). You want to know the temperature exactly where it will be standing.

Move your thermometer around and leave it for a couple of minutes to get readings in all of the spots. Right under your basking light (with a good 12" space between the lamp and the tortoise itself so it doesn't fry) can be over 90 degrees. You just have to make sure that it's not that hot in the whole vivarium. There should be a range from upper 70s to 90s, you know?

bradley fielden

yep over the weekend i got two more thermometers so now i have the temp of ground level basking upto the other side of my vivarium...
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