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  1. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    Yes that's the right one for 12%
  2. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    The meter will tell you on it. But a redfoot is a zone 2 which is 1.0 to 3.0
  3. mojo_1

    Question about protein for redfoots

    Some times you just have to give them tough love and not give them the choice of anything else. They will come around to it pretty quick.
  4. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    This for a 4x2x2 enclosure Arcadia 584504 Pro T5 UVB Kit 24W Desert with D3+ 12% Reptile Tube, Approx. 57.5 x 6 x 4.5 cm This for 6' or 8' enclosure Arcadia 584505 Pro T5 UVB Kit 39W Desert with D3+ 12% Reptile Tube, Approx. 87.4 x 6 x 4.5 cm And...
  5. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    That doesn't provide much UVB most of us use the ZooMed 10% or Arcadia 12% T5 bulb they provide UVB long in the sense that the strength fades over time.
  6. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    The bark? If you spot clean and don't have standing water or gnats you should be able to go for roughly 6 months or till it stinks from the tort peeing in there. You can clean,rinse,dry and reuse the bark too.
  7. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    I would not use the under tank heater. The tortoise get heat from above not below. If they need to regulate their temperature your taking away the ability for them to burrow down to cool off.
  8. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    I get the cheap throw away aluminum pans from the store and bake it for 30min to an hr at 250°-275° what i did when I replaced the bark was baked the lower layer last and when it was done sprayed some water in pan and mixed it up making sure it wasn't too wet then put it right in enclosure then...
  9. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    Yes I use all reptibark about 3" deep. When you get the bark it's best to bake it in the oven to kill off potential gnat problems.
  10. mojo_1

    Sulcata emptied his shell

    Exactly why I don't feed crickets. If it isn't a rogue cricket it's the smoke alarm battery at 2am 🙄😡
  11. mojo_1

    New red foot need help with enclosure

    I would get rid of the soil all together and just use the bark. The soil is going to have mold issues and you won't know it's happening if you have it covered with bark. Also make sure you don't have standing water, if you switch to all bark the lower layer just needs to be damp. I do it before...
  12. mojo_1

    Mixture of new substrates

    I had to go with the Reptibark because I was unable to get the smaller cut orchid bark from the stores in my area.
  13. mojo_1

    Question about protein for redfoots

    I personally would put tortoise 💩 on that list but they still manage to eat that when they get a chance. 🤣
  14. mojo_1

    Tortoise's uneven growth and ruined shell on one side

    Let me rephrase that. Only tropical tortoises like the redfoot and yellowfoot can eat fruits
  15. mojo_1

    Tortoise's uneven growth and ruined shell on one side

    The only ones that can eat fruit are the redfoot and yellowfoot tortoise. The rest should not get fruits their digestive system cannot handle it.
  16. mojo_1

    Question about protein for redfoots

    They can eat shrimp and chicken too boiled plain. Or super worms. A lot of people feed it once a week or every other week. Also Mazuri pellets, mealworms, crickets if you can stand the noise they make while alive. Just to name a few. You can give them the shell with the hard boiled egg too.
  17. mojo_1

    UVB timing
  18. mojo_1

    UVB timing

    I agree with Wellington on this the off brands only last about 2 months if you're lucky.
  19. mojo_1

    UVB timing

    One 6500K led flood light bulb should be just fine.
  20. mojo_1

    UVB timing

    They buy enough of those t5 bulbs from Arcadia they might change their minds on running it for 12 hours 🤣