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  1. R

    Hibiscus flowers

    Actually our complex is certified green and they have the toxicity reports to back it up, it is the only complex in the city that can claim it and use it as a selling point. It is the most pet friendly complex in town.
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    Hibiscus flowers

    I would think that there would be some just growing around, at my apartment complex they have a bunch growing by the office so I just grab some of them. We also have wild grape, dandelion, aloe vera and prickly pear cactus growing here so I literally get all of my torts food for free.
  3. R

    What would you do?

    Seeing that picture genuinely made me feel bad. I cannot even imagine how it was raised. That breeder needs to be shut down. If I saw something like that at a local shop they would have to have the police drag me out.[hr] That picture made me mad enough I have to add to my original post. When I...
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    hatchling questions

    What are your main questions and concerns?
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    It sounds normal, my little guy peed once when I picked him up and I couldn't believe how much it was, I thought it would never end. The white chalky stuff is urate, it is also normal to see on occasion. He makes a little every few weeks or so. It sounds like he just got scared and his defense...
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    How does it look?

    My little guy is 4 months old and is quite a bit bigger than him.
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    good growth?

    Im on the android app and can't see the pictures.
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    I might be up for the task, would it need to be just for sulcatas or should it be for the whole forum?
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    Someone would need to be the moderator of it, we could link to all the videos on here and the moderator would put them all in a playlist. Maybe even start a new subforum for it.
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    New Sulcata owner

    Heh, Mary, I am right near you in Gainesville.
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    Pics of my baby

    I use coco coir and topsoil, and I spray UT down every day, it keeps a lot of moisture.
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    tortoise peeling

    Thanks for the replies, I do give him a soak every day. He seems to be quite happy in his new home. I planted some dandelion seeds in his enclosure yesterday, he might enjoy them if he will let them grow for a bit.
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    my sulcata (Sheldon)

    The microwave should never come into the equation, at all, ever, under any circumstances. For drinking water I just use unchilled bottled water. And for the soak I use only slightly warm water from the tap.
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    my sulcata (Sheldon)

    Also to answer your question, I have seen people ask about sexing on here and it seems to be a coin toss. Even for MUCH older torts its always a 50/50 split, I've read pages of debate on torts 15 years old.
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    my sulcata (Sheldon)

    He is sooooo young, be sure to soak him often and supplement calcium, but be sure to keep him moist. Being that small I would suggest twice a day. Just deep enough that he doesn't have to hold his head up. I'm sure Tom and the others will give you much more and better info shortly
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    tortoise peeling

    My tortoise is having some skin peeling, I don't know why. I keep him moist and spray his enclosure a lot. He is 4 months old at this point. When he eats he scratches himself a little trying to push the food out of his mouth and I know this is partly to blame but the skin on top of his neck is...
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    Spanish moss for hide

    I thought it would be OK, I think it is hilarious that some people claim it is pine shavings, I know that some in bags actually is but it is funny when people don't believe there is a real plant as well.
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    Spanish moss for hide

    I was wondering if fresh Spanish moss would be okay for use as a hide, it grows here everywhere and would be very cost effective for me
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    how do i keep the humidity up in open home

    I have about 3 inches of topsoil and 2 inches of coco coir and I have no problem with humidity. I spray a whole 20 oz bottle of water on it every other day and it seems to be fine and that is with a 100 Watt heat lamp and an open top.[hr] I should also mention that my enclosure is only 2x3 feet big
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    New Sulcata owner

    I cannot believe how much he is eating! He goes over and gets a bite and then goes to the other end of the enclosure then he turns right back around and goes back for more. He is loving the wild grape leaves and it is sooo adorable when he eats a clover.