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Apr 19, 2012
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Miami, Fl
This is his 5th injection of tazicef for his uri. my boyfriend held his little arm and i injected his arm and he obviously ducked his head and made a noise. the vet says it stings - thats normal. but then 5 seconds later liquid came out of his end! not a little - it was a lot, like maybe 3 tablespoons? not sure since a lot fell on my shirt. i freaked out and put him in his enclosure and turned on the lamp to give him heat and he pooped/peed white chalky stuff. hes really scaring me, idk if i should take him to the vet? or was he frightened so much he let that all out? he ate a little bit after and walked around but this morning he didnt walk much. he doesnt normally in the morning but im unsure if its related. this happened around 10 last night. someone give me advice please.

i dipped him in warm water after in case he gets dehydrated. what can i do?


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Apr 1, 2012
It sounds normal, my little guy peed once when I picked him up and I couldn't believe how much it was, I thought it would never end. The white chalky stuff is urate, it is also normal to see on occasion. He makes a little every few weeks or so. It sounds like he just got scared and his defense mechanism kicked in.

Also the urate should be soft and fall apart in the water when soaking, if it is too firm you may need to soak more often and reevaluate his diet.


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Apr 19, 2012
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Miami, Fl
:( hes always going to be scared of me?

revdrlon said:
It sounds normal, my little guy peed once when I picked him up and I couldn't believe how much it was, I thought it would never end. The white chalky stuff is urate, it is also normal to see on occasion. He makes a little every few weeks or so. It sounds like he just got scared and his defense mechanism kicked in.

Also the urate should be soft and fall apart in the water when soaking, if it is too firm you may need to soak more often and reevaluate his diet.



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He's sick, but I don't think this sounds out of the ordinary. I don't own a sulcata though, so you should take my insight with a grain of salt. Have you tried giving him a nice warm soak with some baby food or bird vitamins mixed in? Generally sweet potato or carrot baby food is helpful for some Vitamin A and other nutrients.

Hang in there!


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Apr 19, 2012
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Miami, Fl
the vet told me just that 2 weeks ago :) ive only done it once though, he didnt like it. im going to do it today, this hatchling stage is difficult.

Redstrike said:
He's sick, but I don't think this sounds out of the ordinary. I don't own a sulcata though, so you should take my insight with a grain of salt. Have you tried giving him a nice warm soak with some baby food or bird vitamins mixed in? Generally sweet potato or carrot baby food is helpful for some Vitamin A and other nutrients.

Hang in there!


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Joe loathed his injections it's fair to say. That he had the energy to object, showed he was getting better. The first injection had no reaction at all.

He did forgive me and forgot quite quickly when presented with a favourite food straight afterwards!

However when he went to the vet for a check up a few months later, the vet tipped him on his side and immediately hissed and peed everywhere! (Considerably more than 3 tablespoons!)

Don't worry, it is ormal and your guy is getting better by the sounds of it :)


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Apr 19, 2012
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Miami, Fl
that made my day loads better ! :) i will buy him gerber carrot baby food, he seems to favor it :)

JoesMum said:
Joe loathed his injections it's fair to say. That he had the energy to object, showed he was getting better. The first injection had no reaction at all.

He did forgive me and forgot quite quickly when presented with a favourite food straight afterwards!

However when he went to the vet for a check up a few months later, the vet tipped him on his side and immediately hissed and peed everywhere! (Considerably more than 3 tablespoons!)

Don't worry, it is ormal and your guy is getting better by the sounds of it :)


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From what I hear, the work is completely worth it! Keep up the hard work on your little one :)


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
heheheh We once had to bring a 3 year old Sulcata on a plane from California to Texas. We hand carried in a cloth bag and he sat in our lap but before getting thru security they had to swap him for drugs and explosives. When Cathie tilted him up so they could swap his bottom, he peed like 1/2 gal all over the TSA Agent :D I was amazed at how much came out! She just stood there shocked at the unexpected dowsing she got (not to mention the smell).... needless to say, we where quite enbaresed but it's awful funny now! ;)

Dont worry, she will eventually learn to trust you....AFTER your finished sticking her with neddles! afte all, they have limited memory capability


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Apr 19, 2012
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Miami, Fl
oh wow how embarassing lol! good family story for reunions, though :)

thanks! it really worried me, i thought something was going wrong!

Zamric said:
heheheh We once had to bring a 3 year old Sulcata on a plane from California to Texas. We hand carried in a cloth bag and he sat in our lap but before getting thru security they had to swap him for drugs and explosives. When Cathie tilted him up so they could swap his bottom, he peed like 1/2 gal all over the TSA Agent :D I was amazed at how much came out! She just stood there shocked at the unexpected dowsing she got (not to mention the smell).... needless to say, we where quite enbaresed but it's awful funny now! ;)

Dont worry, she will eventually learn to trust you....AFTER your finished sticking her with neddles! afte all, they have limited memory capability


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Jul 18, 2009
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Nice Zamric, I wish I could pee on some TSA counters. Suffice to say you have to be a tortoise to get away with it.
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