
  1. JoshuaL

    Michigan tortoise

    Hello I’m from Michigan and am not too sure what kind of tortoise to get if any is even possible to thrive here I was thinking about a sulcata despite the size but I think because of all of the things I will need to do to keep it healthy and happy it just won’t be possible where I am so I was...
  2. L

    Can Anyone Help Me Identify This Tortoise?

    This tortoise is believed to be either a Greek or Hermann tortoise but unsure as cant find spurs on thighs or tail. The tortoise is about 9inches long and has lived for over 50years. If anyone is able to give any information on this little guy (not just its breed) that would be great!!
  3. J

    please double check for me

    Hi, everyone. I picked up this beautiful boy this morning and I'm 99.99999% sure its a Horsefield, however you guys are far more experienced than myself and so want to double check whilst hes in quarantine before his vet check and introduction to my other shelled friends. He's apparently around...
  4. S

    What kind of tortoises are these?

    I got these two tortoise recently, and I wanted to know what species and sex they are. Does anyone know?
  5. feralbookeater

    Is there a tort that would be happy in a 59 gallon fish aquarium?

    We have a large fish aquarium, low sided and long. It's 59 gallons, and I was curious if there was a tiny tort species that would actually do well in such an environment. Obviously I'd be doing lots of outdoor exploration in the summer and spring, but for the winter I was curious. If not, I'll...
  6. A

    What is the Gender and species of my tortoise?

    Hello, I’m new here and wanted to see if anyone could confirm if my tortoise is male and what species he is please? He is 20 years old. Thank you Amber
  7. tazpjm

    unknown species

    This is my 2 year old tortoise and i have been really confused as to what species, I cant tell if shes a Tunisian, Egyptian, or Hermann's tortoise.
  8. Tortuthetort

    Which Species is this?

    Hi, I just bought Tortu the tortoise. I'm confused if she is a Russian or a Greek , pls help me out.
  9. L

    Species ID

    Hi so I understand that a lot of the Speke's Hinge-back Tortoises that have been coming into the use lately are likely to be Bell's. My question is do these look like the same species or distinct species from each other?
  10. C

    Help, what species?!?

    I was given all information on Hermanns tortoises along with my little guy. After a couple weeks and reading on only Hermanns I’m just realizing now he is not a Hermanns! Is he marginated or greek?!? And how old would you estimate? (Please note I have child size hands)
  11. faade

    Assistance to identify species

    HI. Need assistance identifying species of this gorgeous guy please. TIA
  12. aerisama

    What species is my tortoise?

    Hello and nice to meet you, I don't know why it took me so long to find this forum and reach out for help. I found my girl 14 years ago starving and just, dying on the road, while going to a little town in Cancun (south of Mexico) and brought her home. She has seen a fair amount of...
  13. A

    What breed is my tortoise?

    Hey I was just wondering if anyone could help me, a few years ago I was bought two tortoises however I was very young and do not remember being told what breed my tortoise is here is some pictures. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  14. ShellDon'sMom

    New tortoise mom seeking advice on species

    Hello All My family adopted Sheldon about a month ago and I'm wanting to get some opinions on what species he might be. The lady we got him from did not have much info on him, (other than he likes pineapple & peaches) she had only had him a few months and got him from a "friend of a friend" So...
  15. h28putte

    What species is my tortoise/turtle? How do I care for her??

    Hello. I'm new here, and was hoping I could get some help with identifying the species of my turtle/tortoise! Sorry for the long post ahead, however, I really need help!! My tortoise/turtle is about 10 years old. The pet store was unsure of her species, however, I am guessing she's either a...
  16. hotrodmum57

    Sub species help please

    Hey everyone could someone let me know what sub species of spur thigh please She was born August 2018 Sorry the plastron is blurry it also looks like there are darker areas but her plastron is all yellow. I have been a lurker for quite some time.
  17. A

    Planning to adopt a tort - help selecting a species

    Hello everyone! I'm new here. I have searched the forums and read many discussions, but I still have a few questions. I am a planner (and anxious about ensuring my pets are cared for properly), so thank you in advance for your help :) I am located on the east coast of Canada and I am looking...
  18. Y

    Could you please help me identify my tortoise

    Hello my name is Yousif i live in Saudi Arabia. i came back from the UK and i found out my tortoise has been malnourished for months, i took him to the vet and he informed me that my tortoise isn't a dessert tortoise like i thought but instead was a Greek tortoise(he also gave me antibiotics and...
  19. P

    Species identification please!

    Hello We bought Tolstoy from a breeder, as he had some juvenile Horsfields for sale and we liked their smallness and hardiness. All the research we did to look after a tort was based on this breed. When the tortoise was delayed the guy offered us a Hermanns instead, ready to go. We said no...
  20. E

    Please help ID this species...

    Hi Everybody, I need your help. We live in Paarl, South Africa. Our house borders a farm and I rescued a small tortoise from our dog - I suspect the tortoise came from the farm. We took the tortoise to our local vet and he confirmed that the tortoise did not sustain serious injuries (only...