😭😭Roney has gone

Roney loves food

New Member
Jul 7, 2024
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Today my tortoise, Ronney😭😭😭😭died due to excessive heat. The reason was that he was stuck somewhere very hot, but fate had a different opinion.
After giving my tortoises food, I fell asleep. I woke up and found that the poor thing had died from extreme heat, knowing that I have an outdoor enclosure and not an internal one and they have also bunkers against the heat.
But my poor he stucked in a place full of rocks.
I hope that someone does not come and blame me because I didn't do it on purpose. It made me sad 😢😢and i said why is him and why not any other tortoise and finally i began to think about leaving reptile breeding after this situation.
But he will always be the best tortoise I ever had. He would eat anything I gave him. He had someone who gave him only tomatoes which made his stools came out red. I took good care of him and loved him. He would come to me alone and was not afraid. I think I could not continue.😢😢


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Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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@Roney loves food Maybe, you should not quit the breeding business - you'll save some wild tortoises and can spread the knowledge and passion among people who gets tortoises.

I know, this was a painful experience for you, but you know now how to do things better and can teach people around you.