2 Interesting Facts I learned at the Vet! Sorry if Common Knowledge

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Jun 22, 2010
Hello, recently I took Sam to the vet to get him on some meds for a runny nose and learned two things I have not read anywhere:

1- Tortoises cannot breathe through their mouths Which is why it is so important that they don't get runny noses. Clogged nose=not being able to breathe.

2- Tortoises should be given shots in their hind legs. The reason being, is because when given meds in a hind leg, it goes straight to the renal tract and bypasses the liver. If given orally (which I have to do, due to the millage to the vet's) the meds go to the liver and are less potent.


Maggie Cummings

Why can't YOU give the necessary injections? They go into the muscle and that makes it easier.
Used to be they didn't want injections given in the hind area just because of what you said, it goes quickly to the kidneys and is extracted too fast...
I only have one hand that works, my left and I am right handed and I give injections. If I can do it, you can too...why don't you?


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Jun 22, 2010
maggie3fan said:
Why can't YOU give the necessary injections? They go into the muscle and that makes it easier.
Used to be they didn't want injections given in the hind area just because of what you said, it goes quickly to the kidneys and is extracted too fast...
I only have one hand that works, my left and I am right handed and I give injections. If I can do it, you can too...why don't you?

It wasn't an option at the time, but Sam still has a runny nose 2 weeks later, so I will ask on saturday when we go back to the vet's. Thanx!


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Maggie, I am not sure Beastly's reason, but many vets will not, (or can not) give a client a syringe with a needle. I know mine will to some of the regulars, but many in my area will not.
Just a thought.


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1 is false :p Tortoises can breath through their mouths as the trachea opening is located just behind the tongue.
2 is false also as you can give shots in the front or rear legs, either one is fine. Like Maggie said in the past vets wanted shots given in just the front legs because they though tortoises had 2 closed systems and the rear legs would send the drug straight to the kidneys either filtering it out of the system or damaging the kidneys. It has since been found to be not true that tortoises have 2 closed circulatory systems. Blood circulates all around the body as do drugs no matter what legs you inject drugs into. :D



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I was waiting for our #1 vet Danny to come in and clear this matter up for us. Thanks Danny I didn't think that number one was correct either. It just doesn't make sense. Interesting about the injections though thanks. :D


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Jun 22, 2010
Well, that's why I posted them here, I was very skeptical about number one my self....maybe I should drive 3 hours each way instead of one to take Sam to a more experienced vet......I don't know what to do.
I will def ask if I can give injections.

Pretty scary to think that someone you are taught to trust doesn't know what they are talking about. At least my local vet was decent enough to send me else where (the 3 hours each way vet).

Maggie Cummings

Reptile medicine is changing rapidly. A lot of what we used to think is no longer true. We are seriously riding the crest of a wave of a new way of keeping our beloved tortoises and reptile medicine is changing and our Vets must take different courses to learn the correct way to treat our animals. I am not saying this very well, but the times they are a changing...hahaha, seriously tho the way to treat reptiles is changing and a good Vet is learning new techniques...example...
Tortoises used to die regularly from being put under general anesthesia, we learned it was because of the way they breathe, so now many Vets will have a Vet tech stand and "bag" the animal. That is to actually push in and out on the bag that carries the oxygen to the animals nose and mouth. They also don't quite put the animal all the way under that seems to help also...
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